有一年的冬初,四叔家里要换女工,做中人的卫老婆子带她进来了,头上扎着白头绳,乌裙,蓝夹袄,月白背心,年纪大约二十六七,脸色青黄,但两颊却还是红的。……但看她模样还周正,手脚都壮大,又只是顺着眼,不开一句口,很像一个安分耐劳的人,便不管四叔的皱眉,将他留下了。 | Early one winter, when my uncle’s family wanted a new maid, old Mrs. Wei the go-between brought her along. She had a white mourning band around her hair and was wearing a black skirt, blue jacket, and pale green bodice. Her age was about twenty-six, and though her face was sallow her cheeks were red…….she looked just the person for them, though, with her big strong hands and feet; and, judging by her downcast eyes and silence, she was a good worker who would know her place. So my aunt ignored my uncle’s frown and kept her. (Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang) | Early one winter, when my uncle was looking for a new maidrvant, old Mrs. Wei-a middle woman in the sorts of transactions-brought her along to the hou. Around twenty-five or twenty-six at the time, she wore a black skirt, a blue jacket and a lighter blue waistcoat, her hair tied up into a bun with a white cord. Though her face had a sallow, greenish tinge to it, her cheeks were pink. (Mrs. Wei introduced her as Xianglin’s wife, the neighbor of one of her mother’s relatives. Her husband had died, so she’d left home to look for work. Uncle frowned; my aunt knew what was worrying him-the fact she was a widow. ) But eing as she had a good sturdy look, with big, strong hands and feet, and kept her eyes docilely on the ground and let others do the talking for her, she emed the kind of person who would know her place and do what she was told. And so, my uncle’s scowl notwithstanding, she was kept on. avx(Julia Lovell) |
②桌上放着一个荸荠式的圆篮,檐下一个小铺盖。她仍然头上扎着白头绳,乌裙,蓝夹祆,月白背心,脸色青黄,只是两颊上已经消失了血色,顺着眼,眼角上带些泪痕,眼光也没有先前那样精神了。而且仍然是卫老婆子领着,显出慈悲模样。 | On the table she placed a round bulb-shaped basket, and under the eaves a small roll of bedding. Her hair was still wrapped in white bands, and she wore a black skirt, blue jacket and pale green bodice. But her face was sallow and her cheeks had lost their color; she kept her eyes downcast, and her eyes, with their tear-stained rims, were no longer bright. Just as before, it was Old Mrs. Wei, looking very benevolent, who brought her in, and who explained at length to my aunt: …briefca..placing her round bulb-shaped basket on the table and her small bedding-roll under the eaves. As before, she had a white mourning band round her hair and was wearing a black skirt, blue jacket, and pale green bodice. Her face was sallow, her cheeks no longer red; and her downcast eyes, stained with tears, had lost their brightness. Just as before, it was Old Mrs. Wei brought her to my aunt. | 扇贝单词 国际音标快速记忆法A round basket, shaped like a water chestnut, she had placed on a table; her bedding lay under the eaves. She wore the same black skirt, blue jacket and lighter blue waistcoat as before, her hair still tied back with a white cord. Her face still had a greenish-yellow tinge to it; but the pink had left her cheeks. Tears hung at the corners of eyes cast dully down at the floor. As before, she was in the company of Mrs. Wei, who- her features arranged into an expression of charitable indulgence-verboly explained matters to Aunt. (Julia Lovell) |
我这回在鲁镇所见的人们中,改变之大,可以说无过于她的了:五年前的花白的头发,即今已经全白,全不像四十上下的人;脸上瘦削不堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。她一手提着竹篮。内中一个破碗,空的;一手技着一支比她更长的竹竿,下端开了裂:她分明已经纯乎是一个乞丐了。 | Of all the people I had en during this visit to Luzhen, none had changed as she had: her hair, streaked with white five years before, was now completely white, making her appear much older than one around forty. Her sallow, dark-tinged face that looked as if it had been carved out of wood was fearfully wasted and had lost the grief-stricken expression it had borne before. The only sign of life about her is the occasional flicker of eyes showed she was still a living creature. In one hand she had a bamboo basket containing a chipped,empty bowl; in the other, a bamboo pole, taller than herlf, that was split at the bottom: she had clearly become a beggar, pure and simple.. | Of all the people I met on this visit to Luzhen, she was the most changed. Hair that five years ago had been grey was now completely white. Her ashen face gaunt with deprivation, she looked years, decades beyond her age- around forty. The expression of haunting sadness she had once worn was gone, replaced by a kind of facial paralysis; only the occasional movement of her eyeballs indicated she remained a functioning organism. A bamboo basket in one hand contained a cracked, empty bowl; the other hand grasped a tall bamboo staff, split at the bottom. She had obviously become a beggar. (Julia Lovell)英式英语 |
柳妈的打皱的脸也笑起来,使她蹙缩得像一个核桃,干枯的小眼睛一看祥林嫂的额角,又钉住她的眼。祥林嫂似很局促了,立刻敛了笑容,旋转眼光,自去看雪花。 | Amah Liu’s lined face broken into a smile too, wrinkling up like a walnut-shell. Her small beady eyes swept the other woman’s forehead, then fastened on her eyes. At once Xianglin’s Wife stopped smiling, as if embarrasd, and turned her eyes away to watch the snow. | Mrs.Liu’s sour frown also broke into a smile, puckering her face up like a walnut, her tiny shriveled pupils darting from her interlocutor’s forehead to her eyes. Discomforted by her scrutiny, Xianglin’s wife stopped smiling and looked away, out at the snowflakes.(Julia Lovell) |
她像是受了炮烙似的缩手,脸色同时变作灰黑,也不再去取烛台,只是失神的站着。直到四叔上香的时候,教她走开,她才走开。这一回她的变化非常大,第二天,不但眼睛窈陷下去,连精神也更不济了。而且很胆怯,不独怕暗夜,怕黑影,即使看见人,虽是自己的主人,也总惴惴的,有如在白天出穴游行的小鼠,否则呆坐着,直是一个木偶人。不半年,头发也花白起来了,记性尤其坏,甚而至于常常忘却了去掏米。 | She withdrew her hand as if scorched, her face turned ashen grey and instead of fetching the candlesticks she just stood there in a daze until my uncle came in to burn some incen and told her to go away. This time the change in her was phenomenal: the next day her eyes were sunken, her spirit emed broken. She took fright very easily too, afraid no t only of the dark and of shadows, but of meeting anyone. Even the sight of her own master or mistress t her trembling like a mou that had strayed out of hits hole in broad daylight. The rest of the time she would sit stupidly as carved out of wood. In less than half a year her hair had turned gray, and her memory had deteriorated so much that she often forgot to go and wash the rice. 肩章 | ecardThe color draining from her face, Xianglin’s wife whipped back her hand, as if branded. This time, she made no move towards the candlesticks. There she stood, until Uncle told her to leave when she came in to burn incen. This—this transformed her. The next day, her eyes emed sunken with dejection, as she crept about, more listlessly than ever. Like a mou venturing out of its hole in daylight, she was terrified of everything: of the darkness, of shadows, of other people—even her employers. Sometimes she would simply sit, blank and stupid, as if carved out of wood. Within six months, her hair began to grey, her memory to deteriorate further. Often, she would forget even to wash the rice. (Julia Lovell) |
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