This symbol reprents the Underworld or Land of the Dead. Originally it meant the horizon of the sun t. Later, it became the symbol of the west bank of the Nile, where the sun t and also where the Egyptians traditionally buried their dead.
This symbol reprents the horizon from which the sun emerged and disappeared. The horizon thus embodied the idea of both sunri and sunt. It is similar to the two peaks of the Djew or mountain symbol with solar disk in the center. Both the beginning and the end of each day was guarded by Aker, a double lion god. In the New Kingdom, Harmakhet ("Horus in the Horizon") became the god of the rising and tting sun. He was pictured as a falcon, or as a sphinx with the body of a lion. The Great Sphinx of Giza is an example of "Horus in the Horizon".
这个符号表现了地平线,自地平线上太阳显现和消失。这样地平线就具体表达了既是日出又是日落的想法。它类似Djew的两个山峰或以太阳圆盘为中心的山脉符号。Aker守护的每一天开始和结束,一双重狮神。在新的王国Harmakhet(“在地平线的何露斯”)成为了正在升起和落下的太阳神。他是猎鹰的化身,或具有狮子身体的[希神]斯芬克斯(有翼的狮身女怪, 传说她常叫过路行人猜谜, 猜不出者即遭杀害)。伟大的吉萨斯芬克斯就是“在地平线的何露斯”的一个例子。
Symbol of eternal life. The gods are often en holding an ankh to someone's lips this is considered to be an offering of "The Breath of Life". The breath you will need in the afterlife.
belonged. This would be the mummy, however, often the egyptians would supply the Ba with a statue in the likeness of the decead in ca the mummy was lost or damaged.
Canopic Jars
During mummification the internal organs were removed and placed in four containers. The containers often have human or animal-headed stoppers. The word, canopic, comes from the Greek name of the local god of Canopus in the Nile delta, who was reprented as a human-headed pot. Canopic jars can be made of limestone, alabaster, wood, pottery, or even cartonnage.
The heads of the canopic jar reprented the Four Sons of Horus From left to right they are;
Imty: The human headed guardian of the liver
Imty: 守护肝脏人头形
Qebekh-nnuef: The falcon headed guardian of the intestines.
Qebekh-nnuef: 守护肠脏猎鹰头形
Hapy: The baboon headed guardian of the lungs
Hapy: 守护肺的狒狒头形
Duamutef: The jackal or wild dog headed guardian of the stomach.
Duamutef: 守护胃的豺或野*头形
Cartouche - Shenu
More commonly know as a cartouche. The shape reprents a loop of rope in which a name is writte
n. A protector of that name.
椭圆形轮廓- Shenu
The White Crown. This was the crown of Upper Egypt (southern).
The Double Crown, the red crown and the white crown put together to reprent a unified Egypt. Although Egypt was not always a unified nation it was stronger that way.Therefore unification was desirable. Narmer (Menes), the founder of the First Dynasty around 3100 B.C., was the first man recorded wearing this crown.
lim me
The atef crown was worn by Osiris. It is made up of the white crown of Upper Egypt and the red feathers are reprentative of Busiris, Osiris's cult center in the Delta.
由奥斯里斯(司阴府之神, 地狱判官古埃及的主神之一)穿戴这atef王冠。它是由上埃及的白王冠和代表Busiris红色羽毛制成,奥斯里斯祭仪中心在三角洲德耳塔(希腊字母的第四个字)。
The blue crown was a ceremonial crown often worn in battle.
The Red Crown. This was the crown that reprented Lower Egypt (northern).
Which means mountain, the symbol suggests two peaks with the Nile valley in the middle. The Egyptians believed that there was a cosmic mountain range that held up the heavens. This mountain range had two peaks, the western peak was called Manu, while the eastern peak was called Bakhu. It was on the peaks that heaven rested. Each peak of this mountain chain was guarded by a lion deity, who's job it was to protect the sun as it ro and t. The mountain was also a symbol of the tomb and the afterlife, probably becau most Egyptian tombs were located in the mountainous land bordering the Nile valley. In some texts we find Anubis, the gaurdian of the tomb being referred to as "He who is upon his mountain." Sometimes we find Hathor takeing on the attributes of a deity of the afterlife, at this time she is called "Mistress of the Necropolis." She is rendered as the head of a cow protruding from a mountainside.
意味山,符号用尼罗河中部的山谷暗示两个山峰。埃及人相信有一宇宙的山脉支撑天堂。这个山脉有两座山峰,西边的山峰称做摩奴(印度神话中的人类祖先, 古印度《摩奴法典》的制订者) ,而东边的山峰称做Bakhu 。它就是天堂依靠的山峰。这山脉的每个山峰由狮神看守,它的职责就是保护太阳上升和下降。山脉也是坟墓和死后生活的符号,或许因为多数埃及墓葬位于尼罗河山谷环绕的山地上。某些文献里我们发现导引亡灵之神,坟墓的守卫被谈到犹如“在他山脉之上的他”那样。有时候我们发现(埃及神话中的爱神)哈索尔具有了死后神的品质,这时他被称做“大墓地的女主人”。她有如突出山腰的牛头那样表现。
An animal skin hanging from a stick, this is a symbol of Osiris and Anubis.
Flail and Crook
A symbol of royalty, majesty and dominion.
The Egyptians believed that during creation this hill ro out of the a of chaos to create dry land. The idea of this hill rising had a profound effect on the egyptians, being ud as every thing from temple layouts to the possible inspiration behind the pyramids.
The ka is usually translated as "soul" or "spirit" The ka came into existence when an individual was born. It was believed that the ram-headed god Khnum crafted the ka on his potter's wheel at a persons birth. It was thought that when someone died they "met their ka". A persons ka would live on after their body had died. Some tombs included model hous as the ka needed a place to live. Offerings of food and drink would be left at the tomb entrance so the ka could eat and drink.
[宗](古埃及人或偶像的)灵魂, 鬼魂, 阴灵
ka通常翻译成“灵魂”或“精神”,当一个人出生ka进入存在。据认为公羊头神Khnum 在人出生时候,与ka驾御他的陶器轮子。据认为当某人死了他们“与ka会面”。在人们的身体已经死后他们的ka会继续生存下去。一些坟墓内设有模型房子因为ka需要一个地方生活。食物和饮料祭品会留在坟墓入口处,这样ka可以吃和喝。rogue
This symbol reprents a lamp or brazier on a stand from which a flame emerges. Fire was embodied in the sun and in its symbol the uraeus which spit fire. Fire also plays a part in the Egyptian concept of the underworld. There is one terrifying aspect of the underworld which is similar to the christians concept of hell. Most egyptians would like to avoid this place with its fiery lakes and rivers that are inhabited by fire demons.
Maat's Feather
Reprents truth, justice, morality and balance. It was pharaoh's job to uphold Maat. When a pharaoh died, Maat was lost and the world was flung into chaos, only the coronation of a new pharaoh could restore Maat.
Reprents truth, justice, morality and balance. Deities are often en standing on this symbol, as if standing on a foundation of Maat.
This symbol reprents a heavy beaded necklace with a crescent shaped front and a counter piece at the rear. It was a symbol associated with the goddess Hathor and her son, Ihy. In fact , Hathor was known as the "Great Menat". We often e Hathor using the Menat as a conduit through which she pass her power. It was reprentative of the ideas of joy, life, potency, fertility, birth, and rebirth. It was not uncommon in the New Kingdom, to e the king offering the Menat to Hathor. This probably meant to reprent the king symbolically with the goddess' son, Ihy. This idea of divine assimilation was common, although the best examples are of the king reprenting the falcon god, Horus
这符号表现一条沉重珠状项链,前面是新月形而在后面是记数片。它是一个与女神哈索尔和她儿子Ihy联系在一起的符号,事实上,哈索尔就是熟知的“伟大的护身符”。我们常常看见哈索尔使用护身符作为一个管道,通过管道她传递她的力量。它是欢乐,生命,力量,肥沃,诞生,重生观念的代表。在新王国它比较常见,看见国王向哈索尔献祭护身符。这可能意味用女神儿子Ihy 象征性地表现国王。这神性同化的思想是共同的,尽管最好的例子是国王表现了猎赢神何露斯。
Shrine in which divine statues were kept, especially in temple sanctuaries. A small wooden naos was normally placed inside a monolithic one in hard stone; the latter are typical of the Late Period, and sometimes elaborately decorated. Also