T-型梁T-shaped beam
阿太堡界限含水量Atterberg limits
埃洛石halloysite , indianaite
矮桁架pony truss
矮梁pony girder
矮墙low wall
安全报警系统curity alarm system
安全操作规程rules of safety operation
安全储备margin of safety
安全措施accident prevention ,safety measures 安全岛safety island
安全灯safety lamp
安全度level of safety
安全工作荷载safe working load
安全管理safety management
安全规程safety regulations
安全检查员competent person
安全开关safety switch
安全流速safe velocity
安全通道exit passageway
安全系数safety factor, coefficient of safety
安装费installation expens
安装工程installation work
安装图installation diagram
鞍形脚手架saddle scaffold
鞍状支座saddle bearing
岸壁bulkhead wall , bulkhead, sheet pile bulkhead 岸壁基础ba of a quay wall
岸堤river embankment
岸墩bank pier
岸跨shore span, approach span
岸坡稳定bank stabilization
岸墙quay wall
岸上桩onshore piles
暗墩submerged pier
暗缝concealed joint, submerged joint, cret joint 暗拱concealed arch
暗沟covered conduit , mole drain
暗沟排水blind drainage ,underdrainage
暗管clod conduit
暗过梁back lintel
暗涵culvert with top-kill
暗河underground river
暗井blind catch basin
暗墙dead wall 暗桥台cret abutment
暗渠buried channel, covered conduit mole drain
暗锁morti lock
凹凸缝tongue-and-groove joint
凹凸砌合our and in bond
凹凸榫水泥板rebated cement slab
凹陷地点hollow spot
奥斯陆桩靴Oslo point
八面体层octahedral layer
八面体法向应力octahedral normal stress
八面体剪法应力octahedral shear stress
巴隆固结理论Barron's consolidation theory
巴洛克式建筑Baroque architecture
拔管机pulling machine
拔拉荷载pull-out load, withdrawal load 拔拉握裹试验pull-out bond test
拔拉阻力pull-out resistance
拔丝机wire stretcher
拔桩pile extraction
拔桩uplift pile
拔桩机pile drawer, extractor
拔桩力extracting force
拔桩试验pile pulling test
坝顶dam foundation
坝基dam crest
坝面护板sheeting of dam
坝体dam body
坝址location of dam, dam site
坝趾toe, dam toe
坝趾滤层toe kilter
坝趾排水toe drain
坝趾压重toe weight
坝踵dam heel
白垩粘士chalky clay
白粉墙white -washed wall
白灰浆lime wash
白水泥white cement
百叶窗shutter ,blind window
摆动rocking ,swing ,sway, oscillation 摆式轮胎压路机oscillating pneumatic roller
班组teams and groups
斑马线zebra crossing ,zebra marking
搬迁费compensation for removal ,removing indemnity
搬运钢轨机rail removing device
板块构造学说plate tectonics theory
板式基础slab foundation, mad foundation
板式水平位移计horizontal plate gauge
板式振动压实机vibrating plate compactor
板桩sheet pile
板桩岸墙sheet pile bulkhead
板桩挡士墙sheet pile retaining wall
板桩挡土墙sheet pile retaining wall
板桩结构sheet pile structure
板桩截水墙sheet pile cut-off
板桩锚定sheet pile anchorage
板桩墙sheet pile wall
板桩围护sheet pile -braced cuts
板桩围堰sheet-pile cofferdam
板桩帏幕sheet pile curtain
办公费administrative expens
办公楼business building ,office building
半弹性路基mi-elastic subgrade
半干状态midry state
半刚性结构mi-rigid structure
半刚性路面halt plane
半刚性路面mi-rigid pavement
半空间half -space
半平面halt plane
半柔性路面mi-flexible pavement
半填半挖haft plate gauge
半填半挖side-hill till
半填半挖断面cut-till ction
半填半挖断面halt plane
半无限长梁mi-infinite beam
半无限体mi-infinite body
半永久性结构mi-permanent structure
半重力式墙mi-gravity wall
拌和厂mixing plant
拌和车(用于混凝士)agitating truck , agitating lorry
拌和集料试验法trial-and-error-error method of blending aggregates
拌和台mixing platform, mixing table
拌和站batching plant
拌浆机grout mixer 绑扎binding
包壳混凝土桩shelled concrete pile
饱和常数saturation constant
饱和度degree of saturation
饱和含水量saturation moisture content
饱和空隙比zero air void ratio
饱和密度saturated density
饱和密度(压实土)zero air void density
饱和面干状态saturated surface -dried condition
饱和能量saturation energy
饱和浓液saturated solution
饱和土saturated soil
饱和系数(路基)saturation coefficient
饱和指数saturation index
饱和指数saturation index
饱和重度saturated unit weight
饱水water saturated state
饱水骨料moisture-laden aggregate
保管费storage charges
保护层protective layer
保护面层armor cour
保价方案contractor's proposal
保留费retention fund ,retention money
保水率water holding rate
保水能力water holding capacity
保温材料thermal insulation material ,insulating material 保温层thermal insulating layer, insulating layer
保养费maintenance cost
报关apply to the customs, declare something at customs 报关表declaration form
报关单bill of entry
报价offer, quoted price
暴露时间duration of exposure
暴雨rainstorm ,inten fall
爆孔钻blast hole drill
爆扩桩blown tip pile ,exploded pile
爆破比blasting ratio
爆破拆除法demolition with explosives
爆破灌砂法blasting and sanding method
爆破孔blast hole
爆破面积blast areahappiness什么意思
爆破深度shot depth
爆破振密blast densification
爆破置换法blasting replacement method
爆破作业shot firing
爆炸法dynamic method
爆炸法(排淤,挤密等)dynamite method
爆炸荷载explosion loading
爆炸挤密法blasting compaction method
爆炸深度depth of explosion
爆炸深度explosive depth
爆炸深度shot depth
杯形基础socket-connected footing
贝克曼梁(用于路面弯沉测量)Benkelman beam
贝雷桁架bailey truss
贝诺特冲击式抓具Benoto grab
贝诺特灌注桩Benoto cast-in -place pile
备品库accessories store
备用报价alternate bid
备用电源rerve power supply ,stand-by power resource 备用方案additive alternate
备用轨spare rail
备用轨枕rerve sleeper
备用件spare units, spate parts
备用井emergency shaft
备用照明emergency lighting
背焊back welding
背靠背角钢back to back angles
背立面(图)back elevation
背模(底模)back form
背压back pressure
被动塑性平衡状态passive state of plastic equilibrium
被动土压力passive earth pressure
被动土压力系数coefficient of passive earth pressure
被动桩passive pile
本构方程constitutive equation
本构模型constitutive model
崩积土colluvial soil
泵的理论排水量theoretical pump displacement
泵的流量pump flow
泵的吸升高度height of lift
泵的扬程pump head, pump lift
泵水量pump draft 泵送混凝土pumpcrete,pump concrete
泵吸水管pump suction
泵站pumping station, pumping plant
比奥固结理论Biot's consolidation theory
比表面specific surface
比贯入阻力specific penetration resistance
比例极限proportional limit
比例加荷proportional loading
比重specific gravity
比重试验specific gravity test
比阻尼容量specific damping capacity
毕肖普简化条分法Bishop's simplified method of slice 壁灯wall lamp, bracket lamp
壁炉fire place
壁式框架walled frame
避车车道lay-aside, lay--by
避车道turnout lane
避车洞refuge hole
避车台refuge platform
避风港harbor of refuge ,port of refuge
臂式起重机jib crane
边部钢筋marginal bar, marginal reinforcement 边撑side shore, side shoring
边搭焊接side-lap weld, side-lap of weld
边涵side culvert
边焊接side weld, side welding
边界boundary, border
边界单元法boundary element method
书包用英语怎么说边界面模型boundary surface model
边界条件boundary condition
边跨side span
边梁boundary beam ,marginal beam
边锚side anchor
边面絮凝edge-to-face flocculation
边模side form
边排沟(路工)side drain
边坡分析slope analysis
边坡夯实slope protection
边坡加固slope tamping
边坡破坏slope failure
边坡稳定slope stability
边坡稳定安全系数safety factor of slope
边坡压实slope compaction
道歉的英文边坡桩slop stake
边墙side wall
边线线boundary line, border line
边缘钢筋marginal bar, marginal reinforcement
边缘构件edge member
surewin边缘厚度edge thickness
边缘压力edge pressure
边柱exterior column
边桩border pile
编篱护坡工程slope net working
编织钢筋网woven steel fabric
编织型金属woven type metal tape
编织型土工聚合物knitted geotextile
编制预算compile a budget
编组站marshalling station, classification station
便道access road
便门access door
便桥auxiliary bridge, temporary bridge
变动价格合同cost plus contract
变更标价additive ,alternate
变更计划alternation to plan
变截面拱桥arch bridge with variable cross ction
变截面积梁beam of variable cross ction, nonuniform beam
邮寄英文变径管reducer, transition
变量泵variable delivery pump
变面连续梁non-uniform continuous beam
变水头渗透试验falling head permeability test
变形缝expansion joint
变形观测deformation obrvation
变形控制deformation control
变形模量modulus of deformation
变形条件deformation conditions
变质岩metamorphic rock
遍数coverage ,pass
标尺staff gage, target rod
标高difference of elevations
标贯击数SPT blow count
标号mark number
标价单bidding sheet
标书tender documents
标志bid price, sign, marker
标准车辆荷载standard vehicle loading
标准单元standard test piece 标准冻深standard frost penetration
标准构件standard block
标准贯入试验standard penetration test
标准轨standard drawing, standard plan
标准轨距standard grading
标准击实试验standard compaction test
标准级配standardized-shape member
标准砂standard sand
标准筛standard sieve
标准试件standard test piece
标准图standard gauge
标准土standard ground
标准型钢standard vehicle loading
表层变形surface deformation
表层压密法surface compaction
表观密度apparent density
表观粘度apparent viscosity
表观粘聚力apparent cohesion
表面波法surface wave method
表面层superficial stratum
表面粗糙度surface roughness, surface asperity
表面干燥内部饱水状态saturated surface-dried condition 表面焊skin weld
表面活性surface activity
表面积surface area
表面摩擦mantle friction
表面摩擦力skin friction
表面排水face drain
表面吸附surface adsorption
表面压实surface compaction
表面硬化ca hardening
表面张力surface tension
表土surface soil ,topsoil
表土开挖top soil excavation
宾汉流体Bingham fluid
宾汉模型Bingham model
滨海沉积shore deposit
冰川沉积glacial deposit
冰川地质学glacial geology
冰冻法refrigeration method
冰积层glacial deposit
冰蚀glacial erosion
冰土glacial till boulder clay
丙凝灌浆acrylamide grouting
波动方程分析wave equation analysis
波美比重计Baume hydrometer
可回收金额波美比重计Baume hydrometer
波速法wave velocity method
波特兰水泥Portland cement
波纹板corrugated plate
波纹度Baume degree (Be)
波纹钢板corrugated cardboard
波纹钢管涵洞corrugated asbestos cement sheet
波纹管corrugated pipe
波纹混凝土板corrugated concrete slab
波纹纸板corrugated cardboard
波形石棉水泥corrugated asbestos cement sheet
剥除方法(沥青路面)removal method
剥离设备stripping equipment
剥落试验stropping test
伯努利方程Bernoulli equation
泊poi ,P
泊松比Poisson's ratio
泊松分布式(表示路上行车稀密的)Poisson distribution 箔式应变foil-type gauge
薄壁取土器thin-wall soil sampler
薄膜水film water, pellicular water
补偿性基础compensated foundation
补偿应变计dummy strain-gage
补给漏斗cone of recharge
补给率recharge rate
补给区alimentation area
补焊repairing welding, built –up welding
补浆孔slurry replenishing hole
补救措施remedial measure
补救性托换remedial underpinning
补强层strengthening layer
补强灌浆strengthening grout
补强轨reinforced rail
不安定水泥unsound cement
不冻港ice-free port, ice-free harbor
不对称荷载unsymmetrical loading
不对称基础unsymmetrical footing 不对称梁unsymmetrical beam
不固结不排水三轴试验(不排水剪试验)unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test(UU-test)
不固结排水剪切试验unconsolidated-drained shear test(VD-test)
不均匀沉降differential ttlement
不均匀冻胀differential frost heave
不均匀系数coefficient of uniformity
不开槽施工trenchless construction
不可预见费unforeen expens
不连续级配gap gradation
不连续级配曲线skip grading curve
不连续结构discontinuous construction
不良地层bad ground, poor strata
不良地基poor subsoil
不良级配土poor graded soil
不良路面poor subgrade
不良排水impeded drainage
不漏水water tightness
不排三轴压缩试验undrained triaxial compression test
不排水抗剪强度undrained shear strength
不排水三轴剪切强度unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression strengthkgf
不排土桩non-displacement pile
不配筋断面unreinforced ction
不膨胀的non-bloating, non-swelling
不平衡荷载unbalanced load
不平衡推力传递法unbalanced thrust transmission method 不平整轨道uneven track
不破坏试验non-destructive testing(NDT)
不扰动土样undisturbed sample
不收费道路free road
不停车会车nonstop meet
不停车交会nonstop crossing of opposite trains
不停车越行nonstop passing
不停站运行nonstop run
不透水water tight , impervious
不透水层impervious layer
不透水地基impervious foundation
不透水铺盖impervious blanket
不透水系数coefficient of imperviousness
不透水心墙water tight core, impervious core
不稳定边坡unstable slope
不锈钢stainless steel
不准超车线no-passing line
布辛涅斯克解Boussinesq's solution
步行斗式挖土机walking scoop dredger
步行拉铲挖掘机walker dragline
步行桥foot bridge
步行式拉铲挖土机walking dragline
步行试挖掘机walking excavator, walk excavator
部分饱和partial saturation
部分饱和土partial saturated soil
部分风化带partially weathered zone
部分浸水partial submergence
材料费cost of materials
材料供应material supplies
材料库material store hou
材料消耗定额stone quarry, rock plant
材料验收material consumption quota
材料阻尼material damping
采光系数daylight factor
采空区undermining area
采空坍陷mining subsidence
采料场borrow area
采暖期heating ason
采砂场sand quarry, sand pit
采石场stone quarry, rock plant
参考资料reference, reference data, reference materials 参数parameter, variables
残积土eluvial soil ,residual soil
残余变形residual deformation
残余抗剪强度residual shear strength
残余孔隙水压力residual pore water pressure
残余内摩擦角residual angle of internal friction
残余强度residual strength
残余应力residual stress
残渣软化点softening point of residue(S.P.R.)
残渣试验(残留物试验)test on residue
操作规程operating rules
操作顺序quence of operation
槽groove, channel, chamfer, slot, trough 槽段wall panel
侧撑侧支撑side brace 侧光side light
侧轨side track
侧面side , side face, lateral face
侧模side mould, side form
侧摩阻力side friction
侧视图side bracing
侧限抗压强度confined compressive strength
侧限压力lateral support, lateral strut
侧限压缩模量constrained modulus
侧限压缩试验confined compression test
侧向变形lateral deformation
侧向荷载lateral load
侧向荷载试验lateral load test
侧向摩擦阻力side friction
侧向侵蚀side erosion
侧向土压力lateral earth pressure
侧向托换lateral underpinning
侧向压力lateral pressure
侧向应变lateral strain
侧向应力lateral stress
侧向约束lateral restraint
侧向支承lateral view, side view
侧压力系数coefficient of lateral pressure 侧压力系数lateral restraining pressure 侧压仪lateral pressure apparatus
测距仪odometer, range finder
测量精度measuring accuracy
测量仪器measuring instrument, surveying instrument
测渗仪permeability apparatus
测绳measuring rope
测速计velocity meter, velometer
测斜仪inclinometer, clinometer, deflection inclinometer, 测压管piezometer
测压管水头piezometric head
测压管水位piezometric level
层间麾擦(路面工程)interfacial friction
层流streamline flow, stratified flow, laminar flow
层面滑动bedding slip
层向各向同性体模型cross anisotropic model
层状土stratified soil