urgent怎么读Wax in Bitumen: Part 1- Classifications and General
期刊名称: Road Materials & Pavement Design
作者: Ylva Edward,Ulf Isacsson
年份: 2005年
vitalizing>comment什么意思期号: 第3期少儿英语哪个好
关键词: Asphalt;Asphalt pavements;Bitumen;Waxes
摘要:Wax in bitumen has for a long time been of great interest, particularly regarding effects on bitumen quality and methods for determining wax content. Opinions about wax in bitumen have varied over the years and sometimes been contradictory. The findings of a literature study are prented in two companion papers. The main intention of the study was to give an extensive description ofthe field
of knowledge concerning wax in bitumen. In this paper, classifications and general aspects on effects of wax in crude oil and bitumen are described. Theories behind possible mechanisms are also discusd, and commercial wax as additive to bitumen for different purpos described. Effects of wax are influenced by chemical composition and rheological properties of the bitumen, amount of wax in the bitumen as well as chemical