taberComparison of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) with Tc-99m-DTPA and tubular extraction rate (TER) with Tc-99m-MAG3 in potential living kidney
donors: Feasibility of a one-day protocol 期刊名称: Nuklearmedizin
作者: Rogasch, Julian M. M.,Bamm, Marita,Bder, Michael,Jaeschke, Erika,Brenner, Winfried,van der Giet, Markus,Amthauer, Holger,Schatka, Imke
关键词: Tc-99m-MAG3;Tc-99m-DTPA;tubular extraction rate;glomerular
2011江苏高考英语filtration rate;living kidney donortake up
人力资源管理流程摘要:AimSufficient glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is mandatory in living kidney donors (LKD) before renal transplantation (RT). Guidelines recommend exogenous GFR (e.g. Tc-99m-DTPA) besides estimated GFR by plasma creatinine (eGFR). Tc-
99m-MAG3 determines split function and tubular extraction rate (TER). This study evaluated a time-efficient one-day protocol for DTPA and MAG3 in potential LKD. MethodsRetrospective analysis of 82 c
oncutive potential LKD (female, 52; age, 54 [19–73] a). DTPA GFR (Fleming formula) with blood sampling 169 (147–205) min
post injection of 27 (18–59) MBq Tc-99m-DTPA. 199 (181–219) min after DTPA injection, same-day renal scintigraphy with 105 (65–150) MBq MAG3 followed (TER according to Bubeck). Sufficient GFR for RT was defined age- and x-dependent bad on British guidelines, normal TER at 70% of...