Comparison of forelimb function between
Deinonychus and Bambiraptor (Theropoda:
期刊名称: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
作者: Phil Senter
年份: 2006年
spetsnaz期号: 第4期ienglish
storemanager摘要:Fossils and casts of forelimb bones of the dromaeosaurids Deinonychus antirrhopus and Bambiraptor feinbergi were manually manipulated to determine range of motion and to test functional hypothes. Shoulder motion in Bambiraptor rembles that found by a previous study on Deinonychu
s. The humerus can be retracted and elevated to subhorizontal positions and protracted somewhat beyond the vertical. In both taxa, the elbow can be strongly flexed but cannot be fully extended. Supination and pronation cannot occur by movement of the radius, which is immobile relative to the ulna. The palms therefore face medially except during wrist extension, which caus obligatory supination. The fingers of Deinonychus remain spread during flexion. In contrast, torsion of the distal articular surface of metacarpal I and the long axis of phalanx