假腿Comparison of argina isoform expression in patients with different subtypes of chronic
凯特妹妹期刊名称: Journal of Laryngology & Otology
businessinsider作者: Taruya, T,Takeno, S,Kubota, K,Sasaki, A,Ishino, T,Hirakawa, K
年份: 2015年
期号: 第12期
关键词: Sinusitis; Nasal Polyps; Nitric Oxide; Nitric Oxide Syntha; Argina;汽车选购
Eosinophilsmaggie q 尼基塔
高中英语听力mp3下载摘要:Objective: Although human paranasal sinus are critical organs for nitric oxide production, little information is available regarding the role of argina in alterations of arginine metabolism and nasal nitric oxide levels that may be informative for classifying chronic rhinosinusitis subtypes. Methods: The 北京夜校
lawyersexpression and localisation of argina and nitric oxide syntha isoforms in paranasal sinus mucosa were examined, and the fractional exhaled nitric oxide was measured in chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps (n=18) and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (n = 27) patients. Results: Incread argina-2 activities in chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps patients were