写作举例Comparison and Contrast
Beethoven and Lennon
Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the 19th century. John Lennon was one of the greatest musicians in the 20th century. Although there is a period of about 200 years between them, they are quite similar in certain ways.
Both men expresd the spirit of their time in their music. Beethoven lied in the period of rising capitalism. At that time, people were trying to break the shackles of feudalism, and they were pursuing freedom, equality, and universal love. This social trend, especially the French revolution, greatly inspired Beethoven. His music was very attractive, passionate, and vigorous. Some of his works praid heroism, some conveyed the love for nature, and some extolled harmony among people. Similarly, Lennon’s music revealed his time, In the 60s and 70s, the youth in America were deeply frustrated by the discrimination and injustice in the society and were longing
to build a new one. Most of Lennon’s songs expresd the ideas of the youth. In one
of his songs entitled “Imagine”, he sings, “Imagine all the people, living under peace”, and “the world will together as one”. The words show his anti-war attitude and his hope for peace, reflect the spirit of the 60s and 70s.
Both men were social rebels to some extent. They refud to bow to social conventions and power. Beethoven was a devoted republican. When Napoleon I was in power, who claimed to be a defender of republicanism, Beethoven admired him so much that he dedicated his Symphony No. 5 the theme of which is heroism, to him. But the Napoleon crowned himlf and became an emperor. Beethoven was so angry that he openly declared he took back what he had said about him, regardless of possible percution. Lennon was also considered a trouble-maker by the authorities becau of his support for youth movements. For a time he was not even allowed to give public performances. But he ignored all this and stuck to his belief.
As musicians, both men led to great leaps in the history of music. Beethoven’s main contribution to music was his symphonies. It was he who clearly defined the form of symphony and fully developed it, which marked the end of the classical period and the beginning of the romantic period. His nine symphonies, especially No. 5, No. 6, and No. 9, are as highly regarded today as they were 100 years ago. Lennon’s achievement was his rock and roll music. He and his band, the Beetles, succes
sfully combined rhythm and blues with rock music, which laid the foundation for modern rock and roll music.
Although they had many things in common, Beethoven and Lennon belonged to different ages and thus were different in many ways. Beethoven’s life was full of disaster and struggle. At the age of 29, when he was at the climax of his career, he lost his hearing, which was not very different from death penalty to a musician. But Beethoven managed to overcome this barrier, and miraculously, he compod most of his masterpieces after he became deaf. Lennon’s life was easie r. He was able to live in comparative comfort, for he earned a lot from his discs and concerts. His way to success was not so hard as Beethoven’s.
Their endings were also very different. Beethoven died a natural death at the age of 57. But Lennon was shot dead by one of his fans in 1980, which shocked the world. The names of both Beethoven and Lennon are inscribed on the monument to the history of music. They will always be remembered for their unique styles, great productivity, and indomitable personalities.永不放弃英语
American Vs. Chine Business Culture: In the Family
The differences between American and Chine business culture are extensive, particularly when it comes to direct communication between buyers and llers. How well you understand Chine business culture can mean the difference between a successful career and a failed one.[软间隔][软间隔]The Family Business Dynamic[软间隔][软间隔]When we eat at a restaurant or shop at a store in America that is said to be "family owned and operated", we typically think it is "cute" and "quaint". For the Chine business culture, however, this is the norm. Business models are operated bad on family obligations rather than the pursuit of riches, a custom that was strengthened by Confucianism. [软间隔][软间隔]So how does this help Americans understand the Chine way of conducting business? If you understand that business are typically family owned and operated (unless they are affiliated with the state), then you can begin to understand the motivations that drive your target customers. [软间隔][软间隔]The Purpo of Business[软间隔][软间隔]In the Chine business culture, the purpo of owning a business is to provide for one's family. In most cas, the business is run primarily by the dominant family head, to whom all other family members and employees defer. He is responsible for making important decisions, hiring new employees and executing changes. [软间隔][软间隔]Unlike the American business cultu re, the Chine don't follow an organized chain of command except for purpos of appearance. It isn't rare for a middle-management employee to take a question directly to the dominant family head, rather than obrvin个人理财试题>青岛赛思外语学校
g protocol through the chain of command. For Americans who do business with the Chine, it is
esntial that you find out who maintains the most power in the organization and deal directly with him.[软间隔][软间隔]Financial Disclosure
Most large corporations in America are publicly traded, which means that they are also publicly scrutinized. The Chine, on the other hand, are far more private about financial matters, and usually keep the majority of that information to themlves. They file their taxes, but keep a parate t of books for the dominant family head. [软间隔][软间隔]When Americans do business with the Chine, it is important to maintain respectful distance concerning financial matters. It might be appropriate in America to bring up quarterly reports and other public information, but the Chine don't appreciate forthright discussion of finances.[软间隔][软间隔]Sources of Financing[软间隔][软间隔]American business are funded largely by financial institutions, private lenders, and the sale of curities. Chine business, on the other hand, are largely financed by the family. They might take out loans with friends of the family or u familial connections to cure investment funds, but they don't typically look outside private sources.[软间隔][软间隔]Becau of this, the Chine business culture is bad primarily on the informal impressions of the dominant family head. This extends not only into financing, but also executive decisions, hiring, firing and acquisitions. When wo
rking with a Chine business, Americans most tone-down their hard-nod scrutiny of the facts and maintain a personal rapport.[软间隔][软间隔]Sales & Marketing[软间隔][软间隔]In America, we rely on advertising and monetary incentives for sales and marketing. Most of our efforts in this area are concentrated on monetary gain and the most cost-effective ways to get the word into the community. The Chine business culture, however, is much different in that they garner most sales through family connections.[软间隔][软间隔]When you work with Chine business, it is important to establish a personal connection with whoever makes the most important decisions. Tokens of your appreciation, phone calls to inquire about customer satisfaction, and in-person visits to express your interest are the best ways to ensure repeat sales. This is why many business that work with Chine corporations require extensive international travel of their sales personnel.[软间隔][软间隔]Future Business[软间隔][软间隔]The Chine business culture is centered around long-term profitable relationships and family honor. While Americans look at the current bottom line and this month's profits, a Chine business will be more likely to view each transaction as an investment in the future. Americans must learn how to cultivate long-term relationships with the Chine. Continued satisfaction with products and rvices is esntial, as is a continued personal bond with tho in charge.heart attack
magazine是什么意思>fpaEast Meets West: How the Brain Unites Us All
Similarities between different groups of people are far greater than the differences. AS A SPECIES, we posss remarkably little genetic variation, yet we tend to overlook this homogeneity and focus instead on differences between groups and individuals. Psychologists have conducted a wealth of experiments that em to support popular notions that easterners have a holistic world view, rooted in philosophical and religious traditions such as Taoism and Confucianism, while westerners tend to think more analytically, as befits their philosophical heritage of reductionism, utilitarianism and so on.
One of the pioneers of this rearch is Richard Nisbett from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In his book The Geography of Thought, he recounts a study done in 2001 in which he asked American and Japane students to describe animated videos of underwater scenes. As befits the stereotype, the Americans were more likely to start by mentioning prominent objects such as brightly coloured moving fish or aquatic plants, while the vast majority of the Japane students started by saying something about the context – the scene looked like a stream, or the water was green. They also mentioned more relationships between the objects and their environment. In another experiment, using eye-tracking equipment and a picture of a tiger in a jungle, Nisbett found that Americans tended to look at the tiger more quickly and focus on it for longer than did Chine people, who ga
ze flicked more often between the animal and the background.
bardOver the years, Nisbett and others have amasd evidence to suggest that such differences in visual attention influence the way in which people from east and west think about the world. For a start, they affect how people categori objects, with East Asians tending to group things according to how they relate to each other and Americans tending to rely on shared features. When shown pictures of a chicken, a cow and some grass, and asked to decide which two objects belong most cloly together, for example, most American kids choo the chicken and cow, since they are both animals, while Taiwane children tend to group the cow and the grass together becau one eats the other. Likewi, Nisbett found that American students usually group “monkey” with “panda”, while Chine students e “banana” as a better fit for “monkey”.
There also em to be distinctly eastern and western views of causality. Americans are more likely to explain murders and sports events by invoking the traits and abilities of individuals, while Chine tend to refer to historical factors. One study compared English-language newspaper accounts of a recent killing in the US, in which a postal worker shot his boss along with veral bystanders, with Chine newspaper reports of a graduate student who shot his advir and bystanders. The English-language papers s peculated heavily on the killer’s state of mind, while the Chine papers
emphasid his relationships with his superiors and the wider societal factors that
could have led to the killings, such as the lack of religion in China or recent massacres elwhere in the world.
Cultural differences may even extend to the way people wield logic. Chine people are happier with contradictions and try to find a middle ground between two opposing positions, while Americans are more inclined to reject one proposition for the other. For example, Nisbett found that when faced with a brief vignette of daughters rebelling against their mothers, three-quarters of Americans suggested that one party was at fault. By contrast, three-quarters of Chine students assd the situation from both sides and tried to reconcile the differences between mothers and daughters. Time and again, studies like the em to support the same basic, contrasting pattern of thought. Westerners appear to perceive the world in an analytic way, narrowing their focus onto prominent objects, lumping them into categories and examining them through logic. Easterners take a more holistic view: they are more likely to consider an object’s context and analy it through its changing relationships with its environment.