Ananda 阿難
One of the Shakyamuni Buddha's Ten Great Disciples. He was first in hearing the Buddha's words. As he had excellent memory, he memorized the Buddha's rmons, which were later recorded as sutras. He was also the cousin of Shakyamuni Buddha。
Arhat 阿羅漢
Arhat in Sanskrit, Arahat in Pali. Literally, man of worth, honourable one. There are two kinds of arhats, namely, the Sound-hearing arhat (Sravaka) and the Enlightened-to-condition arhat (Praetyka-Buddha). The former attains the wisdom to understand the Four Noble Truth, while the latter attains the wisdom to understand the Law of Dependent Origination or the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination. They reprent two vehicles, who "comprehend for their own sake". As they pay attention to themlves and not to others, they are incapable of genuine and equal enlightenment. There are four noble stages of fruition in the Arhat Path.。
Avalokitesvara 觀世音菩薩
Sanskrit word for the Bodhisattva who Hears the Sounds of the World. He rescues all beings by hearing their voices of suffering and cries for help. In Chine, he is called Guan Shr Yin or Guan Yin Bodhisattva. As one of the Four Great Bodhisattva, he is the one with the greatest compassion and mercy, therefore known as God/Goddess of Mercy.
Guan Yin is one of the triad of Amitabha Buddha, reprented on his left, and being the future Buddha in the Land of Ultimate Bliss (Pure Land) after Amitabha Buddha.
Guan Yin can transform into many different forms in order to cross over to the beings. Originally reprented as a male, the images are now generally tho of a female figure. Guan Yin is one of the most popular Bodhisattva in China.
Bhiksu 比丘
Bhiksu in Sanskrit, Bhikkhu in Pali. A monk, who has left home, is fully ordained to follow the way of the Buddha, and depends on alms for a living. 收获英文
Bhiksuni 比丘尼
Bhiksuni in Sanskrit, Bhikkhuni in Pali. A nun obrving more strict rules than a Bhiksu. See also Bhiksu.
Bodhi 菩提
A term ud in both Sanskrit and Pali, meaning perfect wisdom or enlightenment
Bodhidharma 菩提達摩
英语单词速记法口诀An Indian missionary monk who came to China in 600 A.D., regarded as the founder of the Chan (Zen) School of Buddhism in China, i.e. the First Patriarch.
Bodhimandala 道場
A monastery where Bhiksus (monks) and Bhiksunis (nuns) practi and teach the Buddhist Dharma.
It also generally refers to a holy place of enlightenment; a place for teaching and learning the Dharma; a place where a Bodhisattva appears and where devotees have glimps of
Bodhisattva 菩薩
Bodhisattva in Sanskrit, Bodhisatta in Pali. A Future Buddha who is a being destined to Buddhahood. Bodhi means Enlightenment and Sattva means Sentient and Conscious. Therefore Bodhisattva refers to the ntient being of or for the great wisdom and enlightenment. Bodhisattva's vow/aim is the pursuit of Buddhahood and the salvation of others and of all. He eks enlightenment to enlighten others. He will sacrifice himlf to save the others. He is devoid of egoism and devoted to help the others. The way and discipline of Bodhisattva is to benefit the lf and the others, leading to Buddhahood.
Catur-Maharaja-Kayika 四大天王
The four heavens of the four Deva-Kings. It is the lowest of the six heavens of the Realm of Desire.
Eight Negations 八不
The eight negations of Nagarjuna, founder of Madhyamika, are actually four pairs of neither birth nor death, neither end nor permanence, neither identity nor difference, neither coming nor going. This is one of the important concepts of the Middle Way, the ultimate truth of Buddhism and the reality character of all Dharma.
The Eight Precepts 八關齋戒
They are:
1. no killing
2. no stealing
3. no xual misconduct
4. no fal speech
stiefel5. no alcoholic drink
6. no cosmetic, personal adnornments, dancing or music
7. no sleeping on fine beds
8. no eating after noon
Eight Sufferings 八苦
(1) Suffering of Birth
(2) Suffering of Old Age
(3) Suffering of Sickness
(4) Suffering of Death
(5) Suffering of being apart from the loved ones
(6) Suffering being together with the despid ones
(7) Suffering of not getting what one wants
(8) Suffering of the flourishing of the Five Skandhas
Eight Winds 八風
Or the Winds of Eight Directions. Most people are usually moved by the winds of the eight directions:
(1) Prai
(2) Ridicule
(3) Suffering
(4) Happiness
(5) Benefit
(6) Destruction
(7) Gain
(8) Loss
Eightfold Path 八正道
The eight right ways for the Arhat leading to Nirvana. The eight are:
(1) Right View
(2) Right Thought
(3) Right Speech
(4) Right Action
(5) Right Livelihood
(6) Right Effort
(7) Right Remembrance
(8) Right Concentration