Autonomy 是一个重要的单词,它传达了自主性或独立性的意味。 在不同的上下文中,autonomy 可以表示不同的含义,但总的来说,它代表了自由决策或自主管理的能力。 自主性对于个人或机构来说都是至关重要的。 在以下内容中,我们将探讨有关 autonomy 的形容词和相关解释,以更清楚地理解这个概念。
afs一、autonomous (自主的)
Autonomous 是形容 autonomy 的常见形容词。 Autonomous 有一系列的意思,它可以指控制某物的能力,也可以指某物仅在一组既定规则下运作。 在某些情况下,autonomous 可以表示某种程序或机器具有自我决策的能力。 自主性是被认为是自我管理和自我调节的典型特征,因此 autonomous 与 autonomy 是密切相关的。
- The autonomous vehicle was able to navigate through the streets without a human driver.
- The university gave the department an autonomous budget to manage its expens.
- The drone is equipped with an autonomous flight system that allows it to avoid obstacles on its own.the pursuit of happyness
二、lf-determined (自我决定的)口语班
Self-determined 提供了一个相似但稍有不同的含义来描述 autonomy。在这个词中,"lf" 和 "determined" 分别指自我决策和自我确定。 因此,lf-determined 用于描述一个人或机构内部的自主性,表示他们有能力自己做决定和拥有决策的权力。
- The lf-determined entrepreneur was able to make all the important decisions about her business.
- The lf-determined student cho her own career path to pursue her goals.
- The lf-determined organization managed their resources and strategy without external influence.
三、independent (独立的)
Independent 是另一个形容 autonomy 的形容词,用于描述不受外界干涉的能力。独立不仅仅是自我决策,还涵盖了在行动和思想上的自由。 独立也可以指某个行为不依赖任何人或事物,而是完全自给自足。
- The independent artist refud to sign with a major record label and continued to produce music on her own.
- The independent country declared its sovereignty and established its own government.
- The independent rearch agency conducted studies without any funding or sponsorship.
四、lf-regulated (自我调节的)
Self-regulated 是一个描述在 autonom 领域中使用的另一个形容词。这个词将注意力放在
对行为的自我控制和管理上。 自我调节是指一个人或机构在进行某个行为时,可以依靠自己的能力进行计划,控制情绪和调整策略,以达到预期的结果。
what is up
- The lf-regulated athlete is able to maintain focus and composure under pressure.
- The lf-regulated company established its own system of quality control to ensure customer satisfaction.
- The lf-regulated learner knows how to u effective learning strategies to achieve their goals.
fantasy五、freedom-eking (追求自由的)
Freedom-eking 是众所周知的一个形容 autonomy 的形容词。正如其名称所暗示的那样,这个词专注于表达人们对于自由决策、自主管理和独立决策的渴望和追求。 Freedom-eking 愿望成为一个推动人类前进的因素,同时它也成为了一个掌握自己未来命运的手段。
- The freedom-eking activists fought for individual rights and protested oppressive laws.
- The freedom-eking employee quit her 9-to-5 job and started her own company to have more control over her work.
- The freedom-eking nation established a constitution that guaranteed freedom of speech, religion, and asmbly.
六、lf-sufficient (自给自足的)
Self-sufficient 表示为能够自给自足的状态,不需要依赖其他人或物。 自给自足是一个逐渐流行的概念,被越来越多的人和机构所接受。 自给自足可以体现一个人或机构对于自己决策和命运的掌控,因此它与 autonomy 密切相关。
The lf-sufficient community grows its own food and generates its own power through renewable resources.
- The lf-sufficient entrepreneur builds her own business from scratch without taking any external funding or investment.
- The lf-sufficient team leader encourages her team members to take initiative and solve problems independently.
自主性是一个核心概念,涉及到个人和机构内部对于自我决策的能力。以上提到的形容词:autonomous,lf-determined,independent,lf-regulated,freedom-eking 和 lf-sufficient 是常用的用于描述 autonomy 的形容词。这些词提供了一个深入理解 autonomy 概念的方法,同时也可以让我们更好地理解掌握自己的命运是如何重要的。