谚语1. Yesterday, my friend was kind enough to lend me some money when I forgot my pur at home.
2. I decided to lend a hand to my neighbor and help him mow his lawn over the weekend.
3. The library was happy to lend me the book I needed, even though it was in high demand.
4. I am always willing to lend an ear to my friends who need a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on.
5. My sister is always willing to lend me her clothes, even if we have different styles and tastes.
6. The bank was hesitant to lend us the money to start our business becau we didn't have a solid business plan.
7. Despite the risks involved, my parents decided to lend me their car for my road trip acros
s the country.
8. My favorite teacher always makes time to lend me extra help with my studies, even on weekends.
carry your bag怎么读9. I was happy to lend my friend my notes from class, so she could catch up on what she misd.
vested10. Although my coworker was swamped with work, he was kind enough to lend me a hand with my project when I needed some guidance.
11. When I ran out of sugar while baking, my neighbor kindly offered to lend me some from her own pantry.李翊云
拼音翻译12. My aunt loves to lend her experti as a baker to whoever needs help in the kitchen.
17718813. The muum was happy to lend the rare artifact to another muum for an exhibition.
14. I am always careful about who I lend my belongings to, so that they are returned to m
e in good condition.
cheer up15. Even though we are competitors in the same field, my colleague was willing to lend me some advice on how to improve my work.
16. I am grateful to have friends who are always willing to lend a hand in times of need, no matter how big or small the problem is.
17. The construction company decided to lend their equipment to help with the rescue efforts after the natural disaster.
18. I had to wait for my roommate to come back and lend me the spare key, becau I had locked mylf out of the apartment.
19. The soccer coach was happy to lend me a jery for the game, as long as I returned it in good condition.
20. I sometimes lend my time and energy to volunteer work, becau I believe in giving back to the community.