Due to different countries and nations have different customs, social traditions, folk customs, thus causing the differences in language. Understanding of the different cultures, so that we can understand the cultural heritage of the world better. The culture of any country in the labor creates aindustrialization lifestyle of 房地产销售技巧和话术accumulation, thereby affects the different languages.The specific historical development in the formation of culture, the main content includes some allusion idiom, proverb and dialect. The differences between Chine and western culture in language are reflected in the meaning of the words. Undering the different cultural background, people has different expressions and understanding on the same things, This article express the difference in the natural environment, customs and other aspects of the comparative study of Chine and western language.
Key words: Natural environment Customs language difference
关键词:自然环境 习俗苏菲玛索初吻主题曲 语言 差异
Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the key-stone of culture. Without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is infuluenced and shaped by culture; it refects culture. In the broadest n, language is the symbolic reprentation of a people, and it compris their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.
Cultures differ from one another, each culture is unique. As cultures are diver, so languages are diver. It is only natural then that with difference in cultures and differences in languages, difficulties often ari in communicating between cultrues and across cultures. Understanding is not always easy.
Learning a foreign language well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, grammar, words and idioms. It means learning also to e the world as native speakers of that language e it, learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behavior of their society, learning to understand their “language of the mind”. Learning a language, in fact, is inparable from lerning its culture. In what ways are there the differences between Chine and Western language?
2. The differences between Chine and Western language
2.1.Natural environment
In the eyes of the Chine people, “ summer” is always related to “hot ” . But Shakespear
falhoode Sonnet have such lines—“Shall I compare thee to a summer day ?” The poet compares his lover to a summer, sweet and warm. The meaning of “ Summer ” in China and Britain was so different. The reason lies in the different geographical position, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to continental climate, four asons are clearly demarcated. In summer the sun is shining fiercely, the weather is scorching hot. Britain is located in the North Temperate Zone, an oceanic climate, summer is sunny mild, agreeable. Of cour, there are other examples , for example, in Chine,ellen什么意思“east wind” make people think of the warm wind, which makes people have a pleasure feeling, however, in the western is the opposite. The reason is the same, the two different locations, different feeling.
2.2.Productive labor
In Western, many words related to fisheries and shipbuilding industry very much, such as fish in the air (然后的英文缘木求鱼在线英语阅读>斑秃原因 )、an odd fish(怪人)、miss the boat (错过机会) .This kind of words in Chine is much less. Becau the British is surrounded by water, aquatic fishing and afaring in the economic life plays an important role, therefore, they have ma
ny of the words. In China, with only a few coastal areas that fishermen net fishing, so this kind of words is relatively little. To express the" physical" negative carry verbs in Chine, there are many, such as “carry, load, pick, pack,” and so on, every word has a certain negative carry things with the corresponding, which is really very clo. In English, only a "carry" to refer to this action. However, in Chine, there have many different words to express the same meaning. There probably becau in the long run China agricultural society, especially becau of the many physical labor.