第31卷第11期2009年11月舰 船 科 学 技 术
菲利普 塞默 霍夫曼SH I P SC I E NCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol .31,No .11amphibian
Nov .,2009
,何俊华1,张 琦3,陈良益
摘 要: 介绍了用于潜艇实验的水下微光高速摄像系统,并对设计的关键技术做了论述。根据潜艇上的实际情况,设计了最优的设备工作布局,使全系统能发挥最佳的效果。分析了水下30~40m 的光照度,进而设计了适合的水下照明方案,尽量采取微光照明的方式,使环境散射达到最低。最后将该系统应用于水下微光高速摄像试验,实验证明该系统在水下重要武器,尤其是水下潜艇等实验中具有广阔的应用前景。
兼容性英文关键词: 高速摄像;水下微光;光照度;水下照明
drunk中图分类号: U674.76;T N946 文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1672-7649(200911-0055-04 DO I:1013404/j 1issn 11672-7649120091111010netscapenavigator
glowAppli ca ti on of underwa ter low 2li ght 2level h i gh 2speed photograph syste m i n sub mar i n e
SHEN L ing 2m in
,HE Jun 2hua 1,Z HANG Q i 3,CHEN L iang 2yi
(1.Laborat ory of Advanced Op tical I nstrument,Xi πan I nstitute of Op tics and Precisi on Mechanics,Chine Acade my of Sciences,Xi πan 710119,China;2.Graduate I nstitute of Chine Acade my of Sciences,Beijing 100039,China;3.220I nstitute of 95510A r my of the Chine P LA ,Dalian 116023,China Abstract: An under water l ow light level i m aging syste m f or submarine trial is intr oduced and s ome key techniques are discusd .According t o the p ractical conditi ons of sub marine an op ti m ized illu m inati on syste m is designed .
For the best i m aging quality of under water high 2s peed phot ograph syste m ,by the
thor ough analysis of illum inance require ment in both object s pace and i m age s pace f or high nsitive high 2s peed ca mera in the circum stance of l ow light level bet w een 30and 40meter under the water,a p lan app lied t o under water lighting is designed .Some anti 2corr osi on methods are ud f or the stability of the syste m.The syste m is app lied in under water l ow light level high s peed detecting and has a wide app licable future in the field of under water weapons,es pecially submarine .
Key words: high 2s peed phot ograph;under water l ow 2light 2level;illum inance;under water lighting