Overview of the 9th Chine National Arctic Rearch Expedition
WEI Zexun a ,CHEN Hongxia a ,LEI Ruibo b ,YU Xiaoguo c ,ZHANG Tao c ,LIN Lina a ,TIAN Zhongxiang d ,
ZHUANG Yanpei c ,LI Tao e and YUAN Zhuoli b
a First Institute of Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources,Qingdao,China;
b Polar Rearch Institute of China,Shanghai,China;
c Secon
d Institut
e o
f Oceanography,Ministry of Natural Resources,Hangzhou,China;d National Marine Environmental Forecastin
g Center,Beijing,China;e College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences,Ocean University of China,Qin
ABSTRACT The 9th Chine National Arctic Rearch Expedition was carried out from 20July to 26September 2018.The expedition was successful in undertaking multidisciplinary comprehen-sive surveys in the fields of physical oceanography,marine meteorology,a ice,marine chemistry,marine biology,marine ecology,geology,and geophysics in the Bering Sea,Chukchi Sea,Chukchi
Plateau,Mendeleev Ridge,and Canada Basin.This paper gives an overview of the main achieve-ments of this expedition and highlights the scienti fic achievements.中国第9次北极考察概述
vano了概述。ARTICLE HISTORY Received 19April 2019Revid 12June 2019Accepted 8July 2019KEYWORDS
Chine National Arctic
Rearch Expedition;
Chukchi Sea;Canada Basin;the ro中文歌词
Bering Sea;Arctic Ocean
令海;北冰洋1.Introduction Becau of the Arctic ampli fication of climate warm-ing,the extent and thickness of Arctic a ice have declined dramatically in recent decades (Parkinson and Comiso 2013;Lindsay and Schweiger 2015),which dominates the a-ice loss at the global scale (Simmonds 2015).The loss of Arctic a ice extent has been most remarkable in summer,with the Arctic-wide melt ason having been lengthened at a rate of 5d/10yr during 1979–2013(Stroeve et al.2014).Regionally,the most obvious retreat of Arctic a ice has occurred in the Paci fic ctor during the summer (Xia,Xie,and Ke 2014;Lei et al.2017).The 9th Chine National Arctic Rearch Expedition
(CHINARE)was the first Arctic expedition since the Chine government published its white paper entitled
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英语作文模板‘China ’s Arctic Policy ’.The 9th CHINARE focud on the change in Arctic a ice and its respon to climate change,its in fluences on the environment and ecosys-tem in the Arctic region,as well as the main behaviours of ocean –ice –atmosphere interaction at multiple scales.The 9th CHINARE began on 20July 2018and it ended on 26September 2018.The rearch vesl (R/V),Xuelong,reached its most northerly location of 84°48ʹN on 20August 2018.The expedition guaranteed the implementation of 13operational projects,9national scienti fic rearch projects,and 3international coopera-tion projects.Two foreign scientists from France and one from the United States attended this expedition.The expedition was successful in undertaking mul-tidisciplinary comprehensive surveys in the fields of physical oceanography,marine meteorology,a ice,marine chemistry,marine biology,marine ecology,geology,and geophysics in areas of the Bering Sea,Chukchi Sea,Chukchi Plateau,Mendeleev Ridge,and Canada Basin.
2.Main achievements
2.1.Physical oceanography and marine
The main tasks of the physical oceanographic and mar-ine meteorological surveys included tranct investiga-tions,glider obrvations,and surface temperature,
salinity,and meteorological obrvations during navigation.
使用英语CONTACT WEI Zexun weizx@fio
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