1.该睡觉了:It's time to turn in/go to bed.
2.熬夜: stay up late./Put an all-nighter
3.睡懒觉睡过头: sleep in
定冠词4.补觉: catch up on sleep
admissions5.自然醒: wake up naturally without alarm clock
6.回笼觉: unprotected sleep
7.美容觉: beauty sleep
8.打个小盹儿: have a nap/doze
9.斡旋怎么读倒头就睡: hit the sack
10.没睡着: not sleep a wink
give away11.睡得很沉: sleep like a log/rock
12.留宿,过夜: sleep over
圣诞节歌曲13.失眠症: insomnia
14.java短期培训睡眠不足: lack of sleep
15.数羊: count sheep
16.辗转反侧,难以入眠: toss and turn all night