1.HPLC: high performance liquid chromatography (高效液相色谱).
2.CHD coronary heart dia 冠心病
3.CVD cardiovascular dias 心血管疾病
2012年12月四级作文4.CADD Computer Aided Drug Design 计算机辅助药物设计
5.LDL Low density liporpotein 低密度脂蛋白
6.HDL High density liporpotein 高密度脂蛋白
7.VLDL Very low density lipoprotein (极低密度脂蛋白)
8.TG Triglyrrisines (甘油三酯)
9.TCh Total cholesterol(总胆固醇)
10.OTC Drug Over-the counter (非处方药物)
amends11.Rx Drug 处方药物
12.NMR Nuclear magentic resonnace (核磁共振)
13.IR Infra Red spectrum(红外光谱)
14.UV Ultra violet spectrum(紫外光谱)
15.MS Mass Spectrum (质谱)
vs什么意思16.R & D Rearch & Development (研究与开发)
2015年12月六级真题17.FDA Food and Drug Administration (美国食药局)
18.SFDA State Food and Drug Administration (国家食药局)
19.GSP standards Good Sale Practice(良好的销售规范)
20.GLP standards Good Laboratory Practice (良好的实验操作规范)
21.GCP standards Good Clinical Practice (良好的临床实践规范)
22.tid 一天三次
23.bid 一天两次
inconsolable24.po per oral 口服
godly25.iv intra-venous injection (静脉注射)
26.im intra-muscular injection 肌肉注射
27.ip intra-peritonal (腹腔内注射)
28.Sig 用法
29.TLC Thin Layer Chromatography (薄层层析法)
30.HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus (获得性免疫缺陷性病毒)
31.A I D S A quired I mmuno-d eficiency S yndrom (艾滋病)