Event | Description |
ACCOUNT_DATA_INITIALIZED | This event is not yet documented |
ACCOUNT_MESSAGES_AVAILABLE | 昆明西点培训 This event is not yet documented |
ACCOUNT_MESSAGES_BODY_LOADED | This event is not yet documented |
ACCOUNT_MESSAGES_HEADERS_LOADED | This event is not yet documented |
ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED | Fires when the player earns an achievement |
ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID | Fires when an item, spell or other entity that can be placed into an action bar slot is removed from the cursor |
ACTIONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED | Fires when the main action bar changes pages |
ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID | Fires when an item, spell or other entity that can be placed into an action bar slot is picked up onto the cursor |
ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED | Fires when the contents of an action bar slot change |
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN | Fires when the cooldown for an action bar item begins or ends |
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_STATE | Fires when the state of an action bar item changes |
ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_USABLE | Fires when an action becomes usable or unusable |
ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED | Fires when the player (with Dual Talent Specialization enabled) switches talent builds |
ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED | Fires when a non-Blizzard addon attempts to u a protected API |
ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN | Fires when a non-Blizzard addon attempts to u a protected API |
ADDON_LIST_UPDATE | This event is not yet documented |
ADDON_LOADED | Fires when an addon and its saved variables are loaded |
ARCHAEOLOGY_CLOSED | Fires when the archeology panel is clod. |
ARCHAEOLOGY_FIND_COMPLETE | This event is not yet documented |
ARCHAEOLOGY_SURVEY_CAST | This event is not yet documented |
ARCHAEOLOGY_TOGGLE | Fires when the archeology panel is opened or clod. |
AREA_SPIRIT_HEALER_IN_RANGE | Fires when the player enters into the area of effect of a spirit healer that periodically resurrects nearby player units |
AREA_SPIRIT_HEALER_OUT_OF_RANGE | Fires when the player enters leaves the area of effect of a spirit healer that periodically resurrects nearby player units |
ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE | Fires when the availability of information about an arena opponent changes |
ARENA_PREP_OPPONENT_SPECIALIZATIONS | Fires when the availability of information about an arena opponent specialization change. Ud by pre-arena specialization detection UI. |
ARENA_SEASON_WORLD_STATE | Fires when the arena ason changes |
ARENA_TEAM_INVITE_REQUEST | Fires when the player is invited to join an arena team |
ARENA_TEAM_ROSTER_UPDATE | Fires when roster detail information for one of the player's arena teams becomes available |
合作伙伴英文ARENA_TEAM_UPDATE | Fires when the player joins or leaves an arena teamglycerin |
ARTIFACT_COMPLETE | Fires when an artifact is completed (solved project) |
ARTIFACT_DIGSITE_COMPLETE | This event is not yet documented |
ARTIFACT_DIG_SITE_UPDATED | Fires when a new archaeology digsite appears on the map, or an old one disappears |
ARTIFACT_HISTORY_READY | Fires when the created artifact listing data of the player becomes available. |
ARTIFACT_UPDATE | Fires when the artifact display should be updated |
AUCTION_BIDDER_LIST_UPDATE | ehowFires when information becomes available or changes for the list of auctions bid on by the player sweet是什么意思 |
AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED | Fires when the player ends interaction with an auction hou |
AUCTION_HOUSE_DISABLED | Fires when the rver refus to give the player access to the auction hou becau it is disabled |
AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW | Fires when the player begins interaction with an auction hou |
AUCTION_ITEM_LIST_UPDATE | Fires when the information becomes available for the list of auction brow/arch results |
visionnaire AUCTION_MULTISELL_FAILURE | Fires when an auction hou multill could not complete for any reason |
AUCTION_MULTISELL_START | Fires when the player starts a multill in the auction hou |
AUCTION_MULTISELL_UPDATE | Fires when one of the auctions in an auction hou multill has successfully been created |
AUCTION_OWNED_LIST_UPDATE | Fires when information becomes available or changes for the list of auctions placed by the player |
AUTH_CHALLENGE_UI_INVALID | This event is not yet documented |
AUTOEQUIP_BIND_CONFIRM | Fires when the player attempts to equip an item which will become soulbound in the process |
AUTOFOLLOW_BEGIN | Fires when the player starts following another character |
AUTOFOLLOW_END | Fires when the player stops following another character |
BAG_CLOSED | Fires when one of the player's containers is clod |
BAG_OPEN | Fires when one of the player's containers is opened |
BAG_UPDATE | Fires when the contents of one of the player's containers change |
BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN | Fires when the cooldown begins or ends for an item in one of the player's containers |
BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED | This event is not yet documented |
BANKFRAME_CLOSED | Fires when the player ends interaction with a bank |
BANKFRAME_OPENED | Fires when the player begins interaction with a bank |
BARBER_SHOP_APPEARANCE_APPLIED | Fires after changes to the player's appearance have been purchad at a barber shop |
BARBER_SHOP_CLOSE | Fires when the player ends interaction with a barber shop |
BARBER_SHOP_OPEN | Fires when the player begins interaction with a barber shop |
BARBER_SHOP_SUCCESS | Fires immediately when changes to the player's appearance have been purchad at a barber shop |
BATTLEFIELDS_CLOSED | Fires when the UI is no longer available for queueing for an arena or specific battleground instance |
BATTLEFIELDS_SHOW | Fires when the UI becomes available for queueing for an arena or specific battleground instance |
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_EJECTED | Fires when the player has been removed from a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp) |
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_EJECT_PENDING | Fires when the player will be removed from or cannot yet enter a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp) |
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_ENTERED | Fires when the player has been accepted into a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp) |
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_ENTRY_INVITE | Fires when the player is invited to enter a queued world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp) |
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_QUEUE_INVITE | Fires when the player is invited to queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp) |
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_QUEUE_REQUEST_RESPONSE | Fires in respon to the player's attempt to enter or queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp) |
BATTLEFIELD_MGR_STATE_CHANGE | Fires when the player's state changes in the queue for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp) |
BATTLEFIELD_QUEUE_TIMEOUT | Fires when a battleground queue expires |
BATTLEGROUND_POINTS_UPDATE | This event is not yet documented |
BATTLEPET_FORCE_NAME_DECLENSION | This event is not yet documented |
BATTLETAG_INVITE_SHOW | This event is not yet documented |
BATTLE_PET_CURSOR_CLEAR | This event is not yet documented |
BILLING_NAG_DIALOG | Fires when a message should be shown about the player's paid game time expiring soon |
BIND_ENCHANT | Fires when the player attempts to an enchant an item which will become soulbound in the process |
BLACK_MARKET_BID_RESULT | This event is not yet documented |
BLACK_MARKET_CLOSE | This event is not yet documented |
BLACK_MARKET_ITEM_UPDATE | This event is not yet documented |
BLACK_MARKET_OPEN | This event is not yet documented |
BLACK_MARKET_OUTBID | This event is not yet documented |
BLACK_MARKET_UNAVAILABLE | This event is not yet documented |
BLACK_MARKET_WON | This event is not yet documented |
BN_BLOCK_FAILED_TOO_MANY | This event is not yet documented |
BN_BLOCK_LIST_UPDATED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CLOSED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CREATE_FAILED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_CREATE_SUCCEEDED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE_FAILED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE_SUCCEEDED | This event is not yet documented | xiaoye
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_JOINED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_LEFT | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_JOINED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_LEFT | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MEMBER_UPDATED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_BLOCKED | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_UNDELIVERABLE | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CHAT_WHISPER_UNDELIVERABLE | This event is not yet documented |
BN_CONNECTED | Fires when the player connects to Battle |
BN_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_CHANGED | Fires when the player's Battle custom message (broadcast) is changed |
BN_CUSTOM_MESSAGE_LOADED | This event is not yet documented |
本文发布于:2023-06-18 02:57:09,感谢您对本站的认可!
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