Acronym | Description | |
$AV€ | Suppliers and Visteon Excel | |
1PP | 1st Production Proveout | |
2WD | 2 Wheel Drive | |
3PL | 3rd Party Logistics | |
4P | Production Part Proveout Program | |
4WD | 4 Wheel Drive | |
5S | Workplace Organization and Improvement System | |
6σ | Six Sigma | |
8D Report | 8 Disciplines – a problem-solving report format | |
14D | 14 Discipline Report | |
A | ||
A/P | Accounts Payable | |
A/R | Accounts Receivable | |
A2L | Award-to-Launch | |
AALA | American Automobile Labeling Act – Required Government Reporting | |
AAR | Appearance Approved Report | |
ABD | Advanced Business Development | |
ABU | Aftermarket Business Units | |
ACB | Advanced Commercialization Board | |
ACR | Application Certification Review | 少儿英语口语视频|
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act | |
ADVP&R | Advanced Design Verification Plan and Report | |
AETC | Authorization for Excess Transportation Charges | |
AFS | Advanced Front Lighting | |
AIAG | Automotive Industry Action Group | |
Alignment | Agreement between the CBG's & PLT's on the action relative to each sales opportunity.2016年12月10日 C = Commit the opportunity to the Business Plan D = Develop or pursue the opportunity X = Do not pursue the opportunity H = Hold the opportunity | |
AIMS | Automated Issues Management System | |
AME | 2011陕西中考数学Advanced Manufacturing Engineering | |
AP | Asia-Pacific | |
AP | Attribute Prototype | |
AP | Associated Press | |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation | |
APN | Advanced Purcha Notice | |
APQP | Advanced Product Quality Planning | |
APSD | Advanced Product Supplier Development | |
APT | Account Plan Tool | |
A/R | Accounts Receivable | |
AR | Accounts Receivable | |
AR | Application Ready (or Customer Ready) | |
ASD | Advanced Supplier Development | |
ASDE | Adv. Supplier Development Engineering | |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations | |
ASL | Approved Supplier List | |
ASN | Advanced Shipping Notice | |
ASR | Accounting Systems Renewal | |
ATP | Authority to Proceed | |
ATROS | After Tax Return on Sales | |
AWD | All-Wheel Drive | |
B | ||
存档是什么意思 B/(W) | Better/Wor Than | |
BD Business Development | ||
BOL | Bill of Lading | |
BOM | Bill of Material | |
BOMM | Bill of Materials Management | |
virus是什么意思 BP | Business Plan, Budget Performance | |
BPG | Business Process Group | |
BRB | Business Review Board | |
Breakaway | An effort to energize our company globally with a n of focus and accountability in order to reach the financial goals t for 2004. | |
BTP | Build to Print | |
B/W | Better/Wor | |
BWS | Budgeted Work Standard | |
C | ||
CA | Confidentiality Agreement | |
CAD | Computer Aided Design | |
CAE Computer Aided Engineering | ||
Cal | Calibration | |
CAS | Central Accounting Services | |
CASH | Corporate Asssment for Safety and Health | |
CBG | Customer Business Group (e.g.- German CBG) | |
CBU | Customer Business Unit (e.g. – within German CBG – BMW CBU, Mercedes CBU, etc.) | |
CC | Critical Characteristic | |
CC | Corporate Communications | |
CCAR | Conformance Concern Audit Report | |
CCAP | Corporate Central Accounts Payable | |
CCAPS | Corporate Central Control Systems Division | |
CCC | Critical Concern Coordinator | |
CCIB | Critical Concern Inquiry Board | |
CD | Compact Disc | |
CDP | Concept Development Process | |
CDR | Concept Demonstration Ready | |
CDS | Corporate Directory System | |
CDSID | Corporate Directory System Identification | |
CED | Customer Expectation Documents | |
CEMQA | map什么意思Customer Engineering and Manufacturing Quality Assurance | |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer | |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer | |
CFT | Customer Funded Tooling Group (Europe) | |
CI | Continuous Improvement | |
CIE | Customer Information Engineering | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | |
CLST | Customer Launch Specialty Team | |
CM | Customer Marketing | |
CM/PM | Customer Marketing and Product Marketingdocking | |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model (related to software design/development process) | |
CMMI | Capability Maturity Model – Integrated (related to systems engineering process) | |
CMMS | Common Material Management System | |
CMS | Commodity Management Suppliers实力英文 | |
CMVSS | Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards | |
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