Qing Gong College North China University of Science and Technology
Iron-smelting Technological Development and Working of
Blast Furnace
In recent years, China smelted iron is at the high speed development pha, in 2007 the national pig iron output achieved 4.6944 hundred million t, grew 15.19% compared to the previous year, its incread range was lower than the steel output the same time incread range, accounted for the world ultimate output 49,74%.In 2007 national key steel and iron business immovable property iron 369,000,000 t, grew 13.74% compared to the last year, other business immovable property iron 120,000,000 t, grew 19.60%.The place enterpri iron output speed-up is higher than the large and middle scale iron and steel enterpri.In 2008 the first half year nation produces hard 246,420,000 t, grows 7.89% compared to the previous year, reduced the development tendency.It is estimated that, in 2008 our country steel output achieved 520,000,000 t, the pig iron output will achieve 490,000,000 t.This year, our country will smelt iron productivity to surpass 600,000,000 t, but Shang Youyue 60,000,000 t/, year productivity belonged to row of the elimination (will mainly be below 300m the volume
The above situation indicated that, the place ironworks development tendency was still in is higher th
an the nation large and middle scale iron and steel enterpri.Ma Gang and Taiyuan Steel Works complete the 4063m blast furnace, enable our country to have 7 4000m level blast furnace.At prent is constructing the 4000m level blast furnace (this steel, the Anshan Iron and Steel Company) have 4, Sha Gang and Beijing Tang Company are constructing the 5500m level blast furnace and the 5800m level blast furnace.One batch are bigger than the 2500m level blast furnace to construct, impelled our country blast furnace large scale advancement greatly.
色拉英语乐园At prent China has more than 1300 blast furnaces, is bigger than the lO00m volume blast furnace to have 150 approximately, the 300~lO00m blast furnace approximately more than 500 places, is smaller than the 300m blast furnace to have more than 600 places approximately.The nation has more than 980 iron-smelting
匏瓜enterpris approximately.This indicated that, the Chine iron-smelting industry concentration degree is low, blast furnace average stove Rong Pianxiao, is being in the different level, the different structure, many kinds of production technical level communal development stage, also is at the high speed development pha.Estimated the Chine pig iron output the crest is above 600,000,000 t.
lna是哪个国家的缩写Along with our country pig iron output high speed growth, the blast furnace iron-smelting production t
echnical level also obtains the fast progress.Table 1 for recent years Our country Key Iron and steel enterpri blast furnace iron-smelting technology economic indicator.Becau enters in 2008 the crude fuel to ri in prices, the mass fluctuation, the blast furnace iron-smelting production target has glides down.
The Chine blast furnace iron-smelting production technology is in the world advanced level, the blast furnace operation technology enters the mature development pha.Take the Baoshan Steel Corporation, Wuhan Steel Corporation, Beijing Steel Corporation, the Anshan Iron and Steel Company, has realized the highly effective production as reprentative's one batch of large-scale blast furnaces (coefficient above 2.5t/m.d, fuel ratio is lower than 500kg/t, life reaches for 15 years by superiorly).My guozhong small furnace production technology already was many years moves in the high-tech level, one batch of 300~750m blast furnace capacity factor above 3.0t/m.d, highest reached 4.3t/m.d, entered the oven coke ratio to be lower than 400kg/t, spurted the coal to compare above 150kg/t.But, between the enterpri the technological development is not balanced, after Shang You one failed an examination the target existence.
In recent years, our country hot-blast temperature eliminated many years to pace back and forth, the progress was big, this was everybody diligently result.In 2007 our country key hot blast temperature
agull是什么意思ratio previous year enhances 25℃.Specially the new construction one batch of big blast furnaces (are bigger than the 2000m above blast furnace) the hot-blast temperature to be possible above 1200oC, its life also above 25 years, achieves the international advanced level.The hot-blast stove pattern also diversifies, the big blast furnace multipurpo external
combustion type and the internally fired type (Beijing Steel Corporation Beijing Tang the Company 5500m blast furnace burns type with Carew Jinding), the small furnace uful ball type hot-blast stove, all has the successful example, may realize the noble character to heat.Our country hot-blast stove design, the manufacture, the construction, aspects and so on production may realize the manufacture domestically. Only is in the u material quality, the structural design, the blast system safeguard and blast operation system aspects and so on science has some flaws, needs to perform to improve.Rais the noble character warm to be possible not only diligently to reduce burnt EL (hot-blast temperature to enhance 100oC to be possible to reduce coke ratio 15~20kg/t), moreover also is the enhancement spurts the coal ratio the prerequisite.In 2008 the first half year hot-blast temperature high enterpri has; German dragon 1188oC, Taiyuan Steel Works 1186oC, Beijing Steel Corporation 1177oC, climbs steel 1175oC, Sanming 1169oC, Anshan Iron and Steel Company 1166oC, day iron 1156oC, Baoshan Steel Corporation Group Company 1155oC, Xing steel 1150oC.But lowest enterpri only then 830oC.
The blast furnace spurts the coal is the center link which the iron-smelting system structure optimizes, is the domestic and foreign iron-smelting technological development major tendency, also is our country iron and steel industry technological development one of three significant technology routes.In 2006 the Baoshan Steel Corporation 4th blast furnace spurt the coal compared to achieve 224.6kg/t, already was the international advanced level.In 2007 Our country Key Iron and steel enterpri spurts the coal compared to is 137kg/t, creates the historical best level, alleviated our country coking coal shortage effectively, for reduced the iron-smelting production cost to make the contribution, reduced the environmental pollution.In 2007 spurts the coal scaled height of burst to have 11 in the 150kg/t enterpri.
pink是什么意思啊In 2007 Our country Key Iron and steel enterpri fuel ratio (coke ratio + coal compared to + small lump coke) is 529kg/t, reduces 2kg/t compared to the previous year, creates the historical best level.But, in 2008 the first half year appears the ri, elevated 4kg/t compared to the last year.The fuel quite low enterpri mainly has: Beijing Steel Corporation 506kg/t, Taiyuan Steel Works 475kg/t, Baoshan Steel
Corporation group 481kg/t, Wuhan Steel Corporation 494kg/t, Anshan Iron and Steel Company 493kg/t, hor steel 487kg/t, smelts steel 506kg/t, the day iron is 509kg/t, Tianjin Steel Factory 5lOkg/
肤浅是什么意思t and so on.But the highest enterpri reaches 637kg/t.The individual enterpri counts does not have the scrap coke ratio, appears between the enterpri the non-comparability. At prent smelted iron enterpri's work with emphasis still rais the iron-smelting concentrated feed technical level diligently, had to handle kindly the blast furnace, could have the good repayment.This is the iron-smelting basis.In recent years the nation only accounted for 4.9% to the iron-smelting investment which the iron and steel enterpri always invested, conrved energy to the iron and steel enterpri reduces the platoon, fell the cost, extremely disadvantageous.Current must enlarge to the iron-smelting investment, including to environmental protection government.The 2O07 year Our country Key Iron and steel enterpri coke ratio is 392kg/t, reduces 3kg/t compared to the previous year, creates our country history best level.
吻别英文版叫什么The purpo of a blast furnace is to chemically reduce and physically convert iron oxides into liquid iron called "hot metal". The blast furnace is a huge, steel stack lined with refractory brick, where iron ore, coke and limestone are dumped into the top, and preheated air is blown into the bottom. The raw materials require 6 to 8 hours to descend to the bottom of the furnace where they become the final product of liquid slag and liquid iron. The liquid products are drained from the furnace at regular intervals. The hot air that was blown into the bottom of the furnace ascends to the top in 6 to
8 conds after going through numerous chemical reactions. Once a blast furnace is started it will continuously run for four to ten years with only short stops to perform planned maintenance.
1 The Process
Iron oxides can come to the blast furnace plant in the form of raw ore, pellets or sinter. The raw ore is removed from the earth and sized into pieces that range from 0.5 to 1.5 inches. This ore is either Hematite (Fe2O3) or Magnetite (Fe3O4) and the iron