The purpo of this standard is to inform customers, suppliers to Visteon Corporation (hereafter "Visteon"), and Visteon personnel, of restrictions pertaining to certain substances. By regulation or by Visteon direction, the substances shall be restricted in or excluded from all non-dimensional parts, materials, equipment, machinery and/or tooling, hereinafter referred to as "materials", supplied to and/or manufactured by Visteon or intended for u onsite or in Visteon materials. This standard supplements, but does not superde, the responsibility of each supplier to comply with laws and regulations for the receiving Visteon location(s). It is the duty of all suppliers and contractors of rvices, materials or products to Visteon to comply with this Restricted Substance Management Standard.
The requirements established by this standard apply to all materials supplied to Visteon. They apply equally to Full Service Suppliers, proprietary (black box), and Visteon specified items.
This standard replaces and superdes previous manufacturing specifications for non-dimensional materials. References to "Visteon" within this document shall be understood to include all facilities owned and/or operated by Visteon. This Specification applies to Visteon manufacturing, engineering, administration and facility operations with respect to incoming non-dimensional materials only. Visteon customer material requirements that prohibit or restrict substances or require reporting are to be obtained directly from each OEM customer.
The primary intent of this standard is to manage materials on the list in Table 1 for u at our manufacturing facilities which includes all materials ud, production and non-production. However, it should be noted that materials (e.g., chemicals) and articles which are intrinsically hazardous, or which form or relea hazardous substances during u, recycling or disposal, are also subject to parate detailed evaluation and clearance by the Visteon materials review committee at the specific Visteon Facility intending to u the materials. This clearance must be completed and do
cumented by the facility Visteon materials review committee prior to supply or u of any quantity of the material, product or substance at the subject Visteon facility. Details of any brand-specific direction and this process can be obtained by contacting the appropriate corporate Safety, Environmental or Toxicology office regarding the specific issue.
Section 3.1 relates to general requirements affecting all products supplied to Visteon. Restricted substances are alphabetically listed, with the type of restriction indicated in Table 1, and are also referred to indirectly on a hazardous properties basis in 3.1.5.
It is the duty of each Visteon Facility and all Suppliers of materials, products or substances to Visteon to comply with this Restricted Substance Management Standard.
3.1.1 Supplier shall disclo, using acceptable material descriptions, all materials ud in any produc
supplied to Visteon. Reported material, product or substance information must be supplied as初吻 主题曲
required by the Visteon activity requesting the information.
3.1.2 In addition to information required for compliance to this standard, Suppliers, upon request, shall
provide the composition (chemical identity of each constituent and its proportion by weight) of
materials supplied or propod to be supplied and all TOXICITY, HEALTH AND SAFETY
data/guidance to the requesting Visteon activity. Prior to making any change to the composition or
hazard labeling of such materials, the supplier shall advi the requesting Visteon activity.
3.1.3 Suppliers, upon request, shall disclo information for asssment of disposal or effluent treatment
if product constituents are anticipated to be relead into AIR, WATER OR SOIL, or require special
declaration or control (e.g., permits, licens, authorizations or other agency notifications).
3.1.4 All materials shall be supplied in compliance with the regulations on substance REGISTRATION,
in place in the Visteon receiving location(s) where the materials are supplied.
3.1.5 Materials containing substances which have been identified as having any CARCINOGENIC,
Definitions, Appendix 1) by testing or human experience, shall not be supplied or submitted
without prior notification to and acknowledgment from Visteon.
3.1.6 BIOCIDES (e Definitions, Appendix 1) shall not be supplied or submitted without prior
notification to and acknowledgment from Visteon.
omtRestrictions are identified in Table 1 by substance name, type of restriction, threshold limit (where applicable), applications affected, and effective dates.
3.2.1 Substances designated as "Prohibited" shall not be supplied in any materials, subject to the stated
directions on content threshold and affected applications.
3.2.2 Substances or materials designated as "Restricted" may not be desi rable in some applications.
Future prohibition is possible. Technically and economically feasible substitutes should be
investigated. The substances shall not be supplied in any materials without prior notification to,
and acknowledgment from Visteon.
3.2.3 Substances designated as "Reportable" are of health, environmental, and/or performance interest
and shall not be supplied in any materials without prior notification to, and acknowledgment from
3.2.4 Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a
material (e Appendix 1). Where no threshold is specified, the substance concerned should not WHEN PRINTED THIS BECOMES AN UNCONTROLLED COPY
Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
3.2.5 Additional requirements for production materials may be found at the International Material Data
System (IMDS) as follows: /.
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3337Suppliers shall provide, when requested, a respon to indicate receipt of the standard, com pletion of the necessary evaluation and reporting for their materials, and certification of compliance for all materials supplied to Visteon, even if the materials contain no listed substances. Supplier notification of the prence of listed substances and recycled material content shall be submitted to Visteon for each affected product. Resubmission shall be made only if there are changes in listed substance content, or recycled content (greater than 10% by weight), or changes to the product supplied, which are subject to the standard.
Suppliers must u a reporting format as directed by the requesting Visteon activity which will consist of at a minimum product labeling information, Material Safety Data Sheet and product/material u information and certify compliance to this standard
Suppliers must u the electronic reporting system to provide the required information on their materials destined for u as Visteon production materials and to certify compliance to this standard if requested.
5.1 Definitions for technical terms are provided in Appendix 1.
The requester of information from a supplier to Visteon will provide acknowledgment to the submitter, verifying receipt of the suppliers submission and approval status for u in the facility proposing to u the material. ARTICLE:
Under the definition provided by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), "Article"
means a manufactured item other than a fluid or particle:
1) which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture,
2) which has end u function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end u, and
3) which under normal conditions of u does not relea more than very small quantities (e.g., minute or trace
amounts of a hazardous chemical) as determined under paragraph [d] of the code of Federal Regulation of ction 29CFR 1910.1200 and does not po a physical hazard or health risk.
Additives intended to prevent or restrict microbiological growth.
1) any member of Group 1, 2A, or 2B, in the latest edition of Monographs of the International Agency for
Rearch on Cancer (IARC)
2) any "lect carcinogen" listed by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (refer to
29 CFR Part 191 0, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances)
3) any "known carcinogen" or substance "reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen" by the United States
National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the latest edition of Annual Report on Carcinogens
4) any "Al", "A2" or "A3" carcinogen listed by the American (conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) in the latest edition of Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices, and/or by the Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (DFG) in the latest edition of their Maximale Arbeitsplatz Konzentration (MAK) list
5) any chemical "known to" the State of California to cau cancer, pursuant to The Safe Drinking Water and
Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 ("Proposition 65")
6) substances classified as Category 1 or 2 carcinogens under the provisions of the European EC Directives on
the Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous Preparations. ECOTOXICANTS:
Substances posing recognized hazard to the environment, in general, or to specific ecosystems, including: substances so classified, due to their ecotoxicity, under the provisions of the European Community EC dierctives on the Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous Preparations. ENDANGERED SPECIES (MATERIALS OF):
Includes any substance or material that originates from an endangered species. Lists of endangered species include:
1) Latest "International Union for Conrvation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of
Threatened Species: dlist/
2) European Community (EC) Regulation EG Nr. 558/95 regarding "endangered plants"exerci
3) United States Endangered Species Act
Within the text of this standard the primary medium that may contain a "substance", which is restricted by this standard, such as a friction material (e.g. clutch or brake pad) containing lead sulfide. Acceptable material descriptions are Industry standards or Visteon standards/specifications. Where the are not available to define the material, a supplier's standards/specifications may be ud.
Any chemical that can produce a genetic mutation, (i.e., an induction of DNA damage, or changes in chromosome structure or number) including substances classified as Category 1, 2 or 3 mutagens u
nder the provisions of the EC Directives on the Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous Preparations.
Any material which can or potentially can impact the environment, expo people by exposure or relea into the environment or workplace. Non-dimensional materials typically do not have a specific form and take the shape of the container they are kept. In some cas, materials which are otherwi dimensional but are procesd such that they may be relead into the environment or workspace (i.e., Grinding, welding, brazing, cutting, melting or chemically treated) will in the cas be considered non-dimensional. Also, materials which are dimensional but must be reported to government agencies, tracked or specifically handled by regulation are considered non-dimensi onal.
Unless otherwi stated, the ratio of the mass of the restricted substance and material (e definition of "Material" above) containing the restricted substance multiplied by 100.
The entity that is supplied to Visteon, which can be an asmbly, part (component), sub-component, material, or substance. This could include the restricted substance itlf (e.g., lead sulfide), a material containing the restricted substance (e.g., a friction material containing lead sulfide), or a component or asmbly containing the restricted substance (e.g., a brake asmbly with a lead containing friction material).
Substances or other agents which may affect male or female fertility, cau damage to the unborn or newborn child, or provoke miscarriage, including: