起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
abnormal快点儿! Be quick!
怀疑英语集合! Fall in!
一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)
上海中级口译培训立正! Attention
稍息! At ea!
negotiation>urbanrenewal向右看-齐! Right-dress!斯诺登事件
向左看-齐! Left-dress!
向前-看! Eyes-front!
报数! Count off!
malicious>header是什么意思点名! Call the roll!roll call
到! Here!
六一主持词立定! Halt!
靠拢! Clo!
向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)!
向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)!
向后-转! About-face(About turn)!初一英语语法
齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)!
踏步! Mark time-march!
跑步-走! Double (time)-march!
便步-走! At ea-march!
右转弯-走! Right-wheel!
左转弯-走! Left-wheel!
前进! Advance!