关键词:数学美; 数学美感; 数学过程美; 数学审美心理结构 ; 数学审美教学策略
Re-understanding of the Beauty of Mathematics and Strategy of aesthetic Teaching Name: Fu Liu Lin Academic Interest: Mathematics Pedagogy
Enrollment-Year: 2001 Major: Curriculum & Pedagogy
Mathematics is beautiful, It means mathematics has lots of traits of aesthetic . But mathematics beauty has its specific,Mathematicans and philosophers in the ancient Greece Age recognized mathematics aesthetic was a rational aesthetic in the study mathematics, In modern times,rearches about mathematics beauty chiefly concentrated on the importance of mathematics aesthetic method in the mathematical findings and inventions from the methodology. Some great mathematicians discusd the relations of mathematics aesthetic and mathematical intuition through their rich experience of undergoing mathematics beauty, They also expunded good mathemtics aesthetics feeling could improve incapacity of mathematical creative thinking, And pursuiting of mathematics aesthetics is the main motive power of mathematical development.
On the discussion of mathematics aesthetic in the internal or in the external, almost focud on expressing one’s understanding of mathematics beauty from all diferrent aspects.In American , The new
achivement about consideration of mathemticcs aesthetic principally had reviews of国学
For instance, he deemed the rearches of mathematics beauty should bad on the concrete, subjects of mathmatics, including mathematical definitions,mathematical theorems,mathematical testify,mathematical graceful methods. etc. And mathematics aesthetic should meet with themathematical pratice work, Feeling of mathematics aesthetic only deeps into the mathematical activity.
In domestic, the consideration of mathematics aesthetic began under the initiation of professor,Xu Li Zhi, Until now, many mathematicians have had achievements of study mathematics beauty.
For example, generalizing three factors of mathematics aesthetic: harmony, ter, strange. elemently established the disciplne of mathematics aesthetic,especially the rearch of mathmatics beauty combining with mathematical classroom teaching is a new bright aspect of mathematics aesthetic study.
Some famous mathematicians do this study in theory, And many mathematical teachers in the middle school do this study in practice. Therefore, uniting mathematics aesthetic with mathematical classroom teaching could motive student’s interesting of learning mathematics by their appreciating
mathematics aesthetic to some extent, foster their mathematics aesthetic ability and form allround mathematical idea.
The essay firstly studies and analys the achievements of the beauty of mathematics under consider-
ation in the internal and in the external by the method of study document. In courr of the rearches,
I found original rearch principlly focud on describing the aesthetic traits of mathematical subject, It was a static concept, did not deep into mathematical activity and study the beauty of mathematics. So, I consider the rearch of mathematics aesthetic should ba on dynamic concept, and links mathematical concrete activity and the process of forming of mathematical aesthetic feeling,meantime I pod viewpoint of “mathematics process aesthetic”. In fact, “mathematics process aesthetic”means that mathematicians and mathematical rearchers gain the aesthetic feeling of their going deep soul in the process of study mathematics,when their structure of
mathematics aesthetic matchs with aesthetic structure of mathematical objects. the beauty of mathematics is a unite of subjective and objective. Student’s feeling of mathematics aesthetic comes from their understanding and experience of mathematical objectives in their own mathem- atical activity. a ca of mathematical teaching of this essay also refects the concept of “mathematics process aesthetic”.forthmore, “theory of mathematics recognized constructure”could perfectly explain the mental mechanism of forming mathematic aesthetic feelings from psychology and could better discuss the establishment of constructure of mathematics aesthetic recognization. To some extent, the viewpoint of “mathematics process aesthetic”is a new consideration from new visual angle.
Secondly,the conclusion of questionnaire and interview among students in two middle school is as follows: students hardly recognized the beauty of mathematics, mathematical teaching hardly united mathematics aesthetic.There are two cas: one is that mathematical teacher doesn’t know the beauty of mathematics,so students don’t recognize the beauty of mathematics at
all;another is mathematical teacher could get the some n of mathematics aesthetic, but so students didn’t in the learning mathematics.
At last, I propod teaching strategy of mathematics aesthetic bad on “mathematics process aesthetic”,this strategy has one main points: It determines visual point of mathematics aesthetic,in ca of the objective of mathematical learning changing into the objective mathematics aesthetic and the process of mathematical teaching changing into the process of mathematics aesthetic.
Key words: the beauty mathematics;the mathematics aesthetic feeling;
the mathematical process aesthetic; the mental constructure of mathematics aesthetic;
the teaching strategy of mathematics aesthetic;
中文摘要 (1)
Abstract (2)
一、前言 (1)
1、研究背景 (1)
2、研究方法 (1)
3、问题提出及意义 (1)
二、数学美研究的回顾与述评 (3)
(一) 国外数学美研究概观 (3)
1、古希腊时期数学美研究的简要回顾 (3)
2、国外近现代数学美研究扫描 (6)
(二)国内二十年来数学美研究简介 (10)
1、数学美学学科建设 (10)
2、数学美在数学教学中的应用 (12)
三、数学美的再认识 (14)
(一)数学美的心理机制 (14)
1、数学美感的认知心理分析 (14)日翻中
2、数学审美能力的培养 (16)
(二)数学过程美 (18)
1、数学过程美提出的依据 (18)
2、数学过程美的教学意义 (20)
四、数学审美化教学策略 (21)
(一)数学审美化教学的含义、目标与要求 (21)
1、数学审美化教学的含义 (21)
2、数学审美化教学的目标 (21)
3、数学审美化教学的要求 (22)
(二)数学审美化教学策略 (23)
1、数学审美化教学策略的界定 (23)
2、数学审美化教学的主要环节 (23)
(三)数学审美化教学实验 (25)
1、一堂数学审美化教学课分析 (25)
2、数学美与数学审美教学情况调查 (28)
五、结语 (29)
参考文献 (30)
致谢 (32)
一、 前言
[1] 涂荣豹、宁连华. 论数学活动的过程性知识. 数学教育学报. 2002, (11).
[2]吴开朗. 数学美学. 北京:北京教育出版社. 1993. p.25.