
更新时间:2023-06-16 21:02:51 阅读: 评论:0

独立主格结构是由名词或代词,加上一个分词、形容词、副词、介词短语或不定式构成的。该结构意思完整,但不能单独使用,可以在句中作状语,用来表示时间、原因、条件、方式或伴随情况等,一般都有逗号与主句分开。该结构中,beinghaving been有时可以省去,但在there be句型中或逻辑主语是代词时一般不省。
一、 时间:
The moon appearing, they went out for a walk. 月亮出来了,他们到外面去散步。
The meeting over, they all went home. 会议结束,他们都回家了。
Hello said, he reached out his hand. 打过招呼,他就把手伸了出来。
The test finished, we began our holiday. 考试结束了,我们开始放假。
The meeting gone over, everyone tried to go home earlier. sympathy会议结束后,每个人都想早点回家。
Goodbye said, the little boy as well as his classmates left school and went home happily. 告辞之后,小男孩和他的同学一起高高兴兴地回家了。
The decision having been made, the next problem was how to make a good plan. 决定已经做出,下个问题就是怎样制订好的计划。
  Their work done, the workers left the factory. 活干完之后,工人们离开了工厂。
  The meeting over, the officials came out. 会议结束之后,官员们出来了。offer letter
The speech having been delivereda lively discussion started.演讲结束后,就开始了热烈的讨论。
So said, it was done. 这样说了,就这样做了。
二、 原因:
The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow.  总统被谋杀了,举国上下沉浸在悲痛之中。
It being Sunday, he got up very late. 这天是星期天,所以他起得很晚。
There being no one in the room, I didn’t go in. 看到房间里没人,我就没有进去。
猴子的英文Wednesday being so clo upon us, we determined to go back to London that night. 星期三这么近了,我们决定当天晚上回到伦敦。
The driver eing a rock on the road, the car was stopped. 看到路上有块石头,司机就把汽车停住了。
A teacher to visit, he can’t go and play football with you today.  由于老师要来,他今天不能和你一起去踢球了。
The day being hot, we went swimming. 由于天热,我们就去游泳了。
anvanThere being nothing to do, I went out for a walk. 因为没事可做,我就出去散散步。
The bus being late, they misd the train. 由于公交迟到,他们误了这班火车。
怎样可以增强记忆力The driver eing a boy on the road, the car was stopped. 司机看到路上有个小孩儿,就把车停住了。
Greatly surprid, I read diary after diary, each expressing a similar theme. 极度惊讶之中,我一篇接一篇地看着日记,每一篇表现的主题都很相似。
All flights having been canceled, we decided to take the train. 既然所有的航班都已取消,我们就决定乘火车。
Her mother having fallen ill, she had to stay at home and look after her.  因为母亲生了病,她不得不留在家里照顾母亲。
The window open while he slept , he caught a cold. 他睡觉时开着窗子,所以感冒了。
A new technique having been worked out, the output as a whole incread by 20 percent.  新技术出现后,总产量增加了20%.
There being no fresh drinking water and no good farm land, it was not a comfortable plac
e in which to live. 既没有新鲜的饮用水又没有好的土地可以耕种,这儿住着不会舒心的。
The old man being unable to lift his half-frozen body from the ground, the horman helped him onto the hor and took him not just across the river, but to his destination. 老人冻得半僵的身体已经不听使唤了,骑马人就扶他上马,不但驮他过了河,而且还把他送到了目的地。
Mr Li being a nior teacher, we all respect him. 因为李先生是高级教师,我们大家都尊敬他。
So many directors being abntdeliverthe board meeting had to be put off  这么多董事长都不在,董事会只得推迟了。
The people putting up the new year’s decorations, the city took on a holiday appearance. 星期天英文人们点缀上新年的装饰品,城市就披上了节日的盛装。
Food run out定冠词the的用法, the poor man suffered from hunger. 食物吃完了,这个可怜的人只好挨饿了。
The theory being that since this is a high-ticket item and she is “such a big girl”, it would be much better for her to pick it out. 理论上讲是这样,由于这是个极合适的东西,她也是“这么个大姑娘”了,所以她能够认识到这一点就谢天谢地了。
She walked throughout the garden smelling all the flowers and was lost in amazement at the differences in their aromas, each splendid in its own way.她走过花园闻遍所有的花,为它们不同的芳香所陶醉,因为每一种都有自己烂漫的方式。
Her hair done up in a strange way, many of her colleagues could not help making fun of her.由于她的发型非常奇怪,很多同事都禁不住取笑她。
It was truly a magnificent hill, its sand golden, its grass spar but tall and green in summer.这座山真的很宏伟,沙粒金黄,青草稀疏,但夏季长得又绿又高。
三、 条件:
Weather permitting, we shall climb the Great Wall tomorrow. 如果天气许可的话,我们明天就登长城。
That done, she t about finding Mr. Ferguson. 做完那件事她就着手寻找弗格森医生。
Spring coming on, the trees turned green. 春天到了,树变绿了。
All being well, the bargain can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone’s satisfaction. inbar一切就绪之后,通常不到五分钟就可成交,几乎不磨嘴皮,并且人人满意。
The work done, John went to e a film. 做完了这项工作,约翰就看电影去了。
The sun tting, they went home. 太阳落山,他们就回家了。
The listeners having taken their ats, the concert began. 听众落座之后,音乐会开始。
All things considered, I’d say that it was a little unreliable. 全盘考虑之后,我得说这事有点不可靠。
Everything taken into consideration, they ought to have another chance. 考虑到各种情形,应该再给他们一次机会。
Such being the ca, I couldn’t but support him. 既然情况如此,那我只好支持他了。
Other things being equala man who express himlf effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man who command of language is poor.其它条件相等的情况下,能够有效地表达自己意思的人肯定要比一个语言贫乏的人成功得快。

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