轻工业Light industry d-f
d glucos
e d 葡萄糖
dabbing brush 拍毛刷
dacron 大可纶
daily output 日产量
dairy cattle 奶牛
dairy industry 乳业
dairy plant 乳品厂
dairy product 乳制品
dalmatic 教士法衣
damage 损伤
damask 花缎5年级上册英语
damask ticking 锦缎花纹被套布damask weave 花缎组织dammar 达玛脂
jiangyudammar gum 达玛脂dampening 润湿
damper 减震器
damping 缓冲
damping device 缓冲装置damsaon 乌制子李
damson plum 乌制子李dancer roll 导辊
dark beer 黑啤酒
dark malt 焦麦芽
darner 织补机
darning device 织补装置darning needle 织补针
dash pot 减震器
date palm 枣椰子
daughter cell 子系细胞daylight 日光
de sizing 退浆deacidification 加糖deactivation 钝化
dead center 死点
dead cotton 僵棉
dead point 死点
dead weight 自重
deaeration 除气
deaerator 除气器
deamida 脱酰胺酶deamination 脱氨基
debitterizing 脱苦
deboner 骨肉分离机decaffeinated coffee 脱咖啡因咖啡decalcomania paper 复写纸decantation 滗去
decanter 倾析器decarbonization 脱碳decarboxyla 脱羧酶
decatizing 蒸煮
decatizing fastness 汽蒸牢度decatizing machine 蒸呢机
decay 腐烂
deceleration 减速
deciduous tree 落叶示材decoction 煎
decoction method 煎法decoloration 脱色
decolorization 脱色
decolorizer 脱色剂乔治亚理工
decolorizing agent 脱色剂decolorizing charcoal 脱色炭decomposition 分解decomposition product 分解产物decomposition temperature 分解温度decontamination 去污
decorative fabric 装饰织物decorative laminate 装饰层压纸decorative paper 装饰纸decorative sheet 装饰板decortication 剥外皮decrystallization 消晶化decrystallized cotton 消晶化棉deep freezer 深冷冻器
deep freezing 深度冻结
deep freezing plant 深度冷冻装置deep printing 深色印花deepfrozen fruit 冷冻水果defatted soybean 脱脂大豆defecation 澄清
defect 疵点
defect mark 疵点
defect prevention 缺陷防止deflection 偏转
deflector 导向挡板
deflocculating agent 反絮凝剂deflocculation 反絮凝
defoamer 消泡剂
defoaming agent 消泡剂deformation 变形
deformation under load 载荷变形defroster 除霜器
defrosting 解冻
defrosting plant 除霜装置degasr 脱气器
degassing 放气
degeneration 变性degerminator 破碎去芽机degradation 递降解degradation property 脆化性degraded cellulo 脆化纤维素degras 油余物
degreasing 脱脂
degreasing agent 脱脂剂
degree 粘滞度
degree of bleaching 漂白度degree of coupling 耦合度degree of crystallinity 结晶度degree of cure 硫化程度
degree of dilution 稀释度
degree of dispersion 分散度degree of draft 牵伸率
degree of dryness 干燥度
degree of fermentation 发酵度degree of freedom 自由度degree of hardness 硬度
degree of hardness of water 水硬度degree of opening 纤维开松度degree of orientation 取向度degree of plasticization 可塑度degree of polymerization 聚合度degree of saturation 饱和度degree of soiling 沾污度
degree of tannage 度
degree of twist 捻度
degree of vulcanization 硫化度degumming 精练
degumming bath 脱胶浴
dehair 拔毛
dehuller 脱壳机
dehulling 脱壳
dehumidification 减湿
millionsofdehumidifier 减湿器
dehydrated vegetables 菜干dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydration plant 脱水装置dehydrator 脱水器
dehydroacetic acid 脱氢乙酸dehydrofreezing 脱水冻结dehydrogena 脱氢酶dehydrogenation 脱氢酌
delaine 高级精梳羊毛
delaminating 脱层
delamination 层离
deliming 脱灰
deliquescence 潮解
delivery 输出
delivery bowl 输出辊筒
最好听的英文歌delivery lattice 输出帘子
delivery roller 输出罗拉
deltapine cotton 岱塔派棉delusterant 褪光剂
delustering 消光
delustering agent 褪光剂demineraliting 脱矿质demineralization 脱盐
denaturant 变性剂
denaturation 变性
denatured alcohol 变性酒精denatured protein 变性蛋白质dendrite 师状晶体
denier 旦尼尔
deniermeter 纤度计
denieroscope 纤度显示仪
denim 粗斜棉布
denitration 脱硝
denitrification 脱氮mento
densified impregnated wood 尸浸压木材densified laminated wood 尸浸压层合板densified wood 压缩木材
densimeter 密度计
densitometer 浓度计
density 密度
density bottle 比重瓶densometer 气孔测定仪densometry 气孔测定法
dent corn 马齿玉米
deodorant 除臭剂
deodorization 脱臭
deodorizer 除臭器
deodorizing 脱臭整理
deoiling 去油
deoxidant 脱氧剂
deoxidation 脱氧
deoxidizer 脱氧剂
deoxidizing agent 脱氧剂deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸dephlegmation 分凝dephlegmator 分凝器分馏塔depilating agent 脱毛剂
depilation 拔毛
depilatory 脱毛剂depolymerization 解聚
deposit 沉淀物
deposition 沉积
deposition of dirt 污物沉淀
depot fat 储存脂肪depressimeter 冻点降低计
depth of color 色泽深度
depth of cut 切项层waterloo
depth of shed 梭口高
depth of thread 螺纹深度
derby red 铬红
derivant 衍生物
derivate 衍生物
derivative 衍生物
derived weave 导出组织dermatitis 皮炎
dermis 真皮
desaccharification 糖分抽提desalination 脱盐酌desalinisation 脱盐
desalting 脱盐
desamina 脱氨酶
desiccant 干燥剂
desiccating agent 干燥剂desiccation 干燥