The Independent Writing Topics
学习英语软件The following is a list of the actual Independent Writing topics that were eligible for u on former versions of the TOEFL test. You will e topics very similar to the on the TOEFL iBT. Whatever the topic, you will be asked to give your opinion and to support your opinion with specific reasons and examples. It does not matter whether you agree or disagree with the topic; the raters are trained to accept all varieties of opinions. What matters are the skills discusd in the previous ction: your ability to respond directly to the question, to take a clear position, and to write an essay characterized by good organization, proper u of supporting examples, ntence variety, and correct ntence structures. None of the topics requires specialized knowledge. Most topics are general and are bad on the common experience of people in general and students in particular. What should you do with this list of topics? To prepare for the Writing ction of TOEFL iBT, you should choo topics from the list and practice writing essays in respon. Make sure you time yourlf, ta
king 30 conds to read the question, plan your work, and write your essay. After completing the essay, read it over and compare it with the scoring guide. Or better yet, have a friend or teacher evaluate the essay against the scoring criteria and give you feedback.
1. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, incread knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? U specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
参考分析: 说明人们选择上大学的具体原因(一个或者多个): ∙增加经验、拓展知识、开阔视野 ∙为了实现理想(ideal; idealistic)(如,周恩来就是为中华之崛起而读书) ∙为了保证将来的就业机会 ∙父母要求子女上大学 ∙别人都上大学了,所以自己也选择读书facebook招聘 ∙找不到工作 ("无知",总是一部分人做出某个选择的理由。上大学如是[1],去博物馆如是[12],从事危险运动亦如是[43]。) 相关题目:[168] |
1、同意上大学好. (1)为未来工作进行准备 (2)交更多的朋友,学习他们的思维方式 (3)系统的学习知识 |
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. U specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
参考分析: 因观点绝对而不能同意。 ∙不是所有的父母都是好老师 ∙最好的老师不仅仅是父母 ∙有些父母尽管善良,但对教育孩子一无所知四级报名官网报名入口 ∙有些父母不配做孩子的老师,对孩子有不良影响 |
2、同意父母是最好的老师 (1)父母从小就和我们在一起,给我们很多的知识 (2)父母和我们最为亲密,在任何时候,都会毫无保留地给我们知识 (3)父母最了解我们,所以他们给我们的建议和意见都是最有针对性的 |
3. Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? U specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
参考分析: oul总体上,“食物变得越来越容易准备”是一种进步[37],所以自然会带来improvement。使人们的生活方式发生了一些变化: ∙好的: o节省时间,越来越方便,一定程度上把妇女从繁杂的家务中解放了出来 ∙也有不好的变化: o准备食物是一种重要的家庭活动,可是食物变得容易准备一定程度上使家人在一起的时间减少了,比如“速冻饺子”[quick-frozen dumpling] o快餐业的高速发展的一个直接结果是,人们普遍变胖了,尤其是孩子 相关题目:[13] |
3、食品容易保存将改变人们的生活习惯 (1)食品容易准备,节省了大量的时间,使人们可以做其他事情 (2)食品容易准备,为人们提供了更多的花样。 (3)食品容易准备,为人们的健康带来了很多好处 |
4. It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
参考分析: ∙注意一定要先进行比较 ∙从书本中获取的知识 o优点: ▪题材、范围更多 ▪有更多的深度 ▪更加的系统 o缺点: ▪有时过于教条 ▪也不见得完全准确 ∙从经验中获取的知识 o优点: ▪获取直接、简单明了 ▪更加地实用 交朋友英语▪有些知识无法从书本中获得 o缺点: ▪不系统,很大的随意性 ▪很容易产生片面理解 ∙不一定要说A比B更重要,或者B比A更重要。也可以选择在不同的情况下,有不同的比较。学习抽象的知识,书本是最好的来源。学习游泳,这只能靠经验。另外,大多数的知识要书本经验相结合才可以。 相关题目:[116] ∙有些科目或者知识适合通过实践学习,比如,语言,体育 ∙有些科目或者知识适合通过阅读学习,比如,物理、化学、历史、地理 ∙有些科目或者知识适合通过与别人交流来学习,比如销售技巧;管理技巧 所以不能一概而论(treat different things/problems/matters] as the same),要看学什么,以及学习的阶段。 |
4、首先进行比较,然后说书是最重要的来源 (1)读书能够节省很多时间 (2)书是有系统性的,能够让人以很科学的方式迅速获得知识 (3)读书相对比较便宜和容易,而在寻找经验则比较昂贵和困难 |
5. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppo the factory? Explain your position.
参考分析: 先讨论“假设工厂真的落成了,而带来的好处和坏处”,而后发表看法。 ∙好处: o直接增加了就业机会(到工厂去上班);间接增加了就业机会(会有很多服务业,比如饭店、商店、超市等等跟着开业) o如果工厂规模足够大,物流规模也足够大,那么将最终成为交通改善的起点 o大的工厂可以缴纳很多税,对地方财政有好处,进而促进社区的繁荣 ∙坏处: stroke是什么意思o带来各种污染,比如,噪音、废气、污水等等 o工厂不一定会赢利 相关题目: [16]、[25]、[26]、[30]、[79] |
5、先说明优势和劣势,让后说同意建一个工厂 (1)工厂能够吸收附近很多人进行就业,对地方的经济有很大的贡献 (2)建立工厂能够促使附近其他的商业发展,例如小商店,药店等等,这可以大大方便附近的居民 good feeling(3)建造工厂,赢利后,就可以向当地政府贡献税收,政府可以利用这些钱改善社区的服务 |
6. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? U reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
参考分析: 嗜好的意思改变其环境,因为一个好的环境会使人们 ∙更加快乐 ∙更加健康 ∙更加有效率 相关题目:[52]scarf、[141]、[165]都可以选择改变其环境。这些题目实际上可以用一篇文章应对。 |
6、一个重要的改变就是改变环境,让它变的更好 (1)环境好能改善人的身体健康,很多人因为环境而生病 (2)环境好了,吸引更多的游客来旅游 (3)环境好能够促进经济发展,吸引更多的商人来投资 |
7. How do movies or television influence people's behavior? U reasons and specific ex
amples to support your answer.
参考分析: 电影、电视等大众传媒(mass media)往往可以对人们的行为产生影响 ∙通过改变人们的价值观、世界观、审美观而改变人们行为 ∙通过制造“社会热点”而使大众不停地讨论一件事情 ∙通过满足人们的幻想,或使人们处于平衡状态,或使人们一定程度上失衡 |
7、电影和电视影响人的行为 (1)电影和电视能够让人们迅速了解整个国家和世界,丰富人的知识,让人们更加乐观 (2)电影和电视让人变的懒惰,不愿意和人接触 (3)电影和电视让人变的violent |
8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. U specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
gold finger参考分析: 不能同意这个观点。一方面人们看电视的时间越来越多;另外一方面人与人之间的关系越来越冷漠。但是这两个现象并不是完全、直接的因果关系。造成人们关系冷漠的原因很多,比如,来自方方面面的压力:工作、生活。 |
8、电影和电视没有破坏朋友和家人的交流 (1)电影和电视的很多内容正是朋友和家人聊天的重要内容。没有电影和电视,似乎聊天就缺了很多内容。 (2)我们在很多时候是和朋友和家人一起欣赏电影和电视的,这促进了交流 (3)电影和电视现在的设计很多是让家人朋友一起参与,这实际上也促进了交流 |
9. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? U specific reasons and details to support your answer.