Steel door 钢质门
Crack paint ries 裂纹油漆门
Embossing door 浮雕板门
Electrolysis board 电解板门
Imitate copper door仿铜门
Solid wood compound door 实木复合门
High class craft door 工艺木门
PVC free coating door PVC 免漆门
High polymer free coating door 高分子免漆门
Interior steel- wooden door室内钢木门
HDF molded door 模压门
Stainless door 不锈钢门
Aluminum alloy door 铝合金门
Plastic steel door 塑钢门
Bolt 螺栓
Reinforced side locking point 加固侧端锁点
Door viewer 猫眼
Thickened door leaf 加厚门扇
Main lock 主锁
Door leaf 门扇
Magnetic al 门吸
Doorframe 门框
new-style reinforced hinge 新款加固合页
Luminous stealth doorbell 夜光隐藏门铃district
Gas-bag magnetic al 磁性密封条
Surface processing effect 表面处理效果
Stainless steel doorsill 不锈钢门挡
super-thick door leaf triple anti- theft bolt 超厚门扇三重防盗螺栓
Machine lock 机械锁
Pull 拉手
Door sill 门挡
Single color 单色
Width 宽
height 高 中国春节 bbc
long 长
thickness 厚度
Door formula line 门套线
Combined door formula big panel 门框
Door ward bar 门档条
Wooden screw 木质螺丝
Sheet iron 铁板
Batten 板条
Natural stuffing 自然填充物
Steel plate 铁板
Powder coated 喷塑
Phosphate 磷化
Anti-ultraviolet 防紫外线
Rock wool 石棉
UPVC windows UPVC窗户
Aluminum window 铝合金窗户
Window blinds 百叶窗
Steel window 铁窗
Parapet wall 护栏destiny什么意思
Top hung fanlight 顶悬气窗
Moulding 装饰线条
Top rail 上横档
Locking handle 把手
Friction hinge 摩擦教练
Jamb 侧柱
Transom 横梁
Cill 窗台
Mullion 树框
Stay 支撑杆
Bottom rail 下横档
Vertical sliding 垂直滑动
Triple track 三轨道
Boss table 班台
Book counter 文件柜
Computer table 电脑桌
Sofa 沙发
Bedroom furniture 卧室家具
Studio furniture 书房家具
Child combination 儿童组合
Clot 衣柜
Television cabinet 电视柜
Shoes cabinet 鞋柜
Kitchen furniture 厨房家具
Leisure furniture 户外家具
Trash can 垃圾桶
tplHealthy boby equipment 健身器材
Goods frame 货架
Ladder 梯子
金属窗 metal windows
钢窗 steel windows
铝窗 aluminum windows
不锈钢窗 stainless steel windows
木窗 wood windows
塑料窗 vinyl windows
特种窗 special windows
室外上卷式百叶窗 exterior roll-up windows shutters
屋顶窗 roof windows
窗五金 window hardware & specialties
门窗配件 door and window accessories
玻璃及相关制品 GLAZING
玻璃 glass
推拉窗:Sliding Window
节省空间,经济、适用:Save space, economic, and practical
适合家庭、办公隔断、酒店等场所:Suitable for home, office partitions, hotels and other establishments
Save space
适合家庭、宾馆、酒店等场所:sacrificesSuitable for families, hotels, places such as hotels
圆弧窗:Arc Window
gotta have you 歌词
弧形设计,满足了不同建筑的结构:Arc Design,To meet different building structures
适合住宅、公寓、别墅等:Suitable for residential, apartment, villa, etc
平开上悬窗 top-hung window
压条:glazing bead窗框:all kinds of frames推拉扇:push pull door leaf 铝合金窗:aluminum alloy window
铝合金窗纱:aluminum alloy wire netting
铝合金窗轨:al-alloy curtain rod
铝合金窗扇:aluminum alloy sash
铝门窗料:aluminum window door and ctions
铝门窗锁:lock for aluminum door and window
辅助配件:Auxiliary accessories
elvier坚固、高档、美观:Rugged, high-grade and beautiful
且具有隔热、保湿功能:And has heat insulation, heat prervation function
适合家庭、单位、酒店等场所:Suitable for families, units, places such as hotels
内倒内开,双重功能,节省空间:Within the open within the inverted, double feature,
钢质门: Steel door
仿铜门: Imitate copper door
冷轧钢板: Cold-rolled steel sheet:
蜂窝纸: Honeycomb material :
防火棉: Fireproof mountain cork
防火石膏: Fireproof gypsum
气窗: Transom
门头: Door header
门柱: Door pillar
单门: Single door
双开门: Ddouble door
子母门: Son-mother door
子门:Secondary door
母门: Primary door
门扇:Door leaf
门框:Door frame
螺栓: Bolt
侧锁点:Side locking point
猫眼:Door viewer
主锁:Main lock
密封条:Magnetic al
铰链/合页: Hinge
门铃:Door bell
喷塑:Powder coating
热转印:Heat transfer printing
金属漆:Metallic paint:
仿铜漆:Imitation copper paint
学校桌子School desk
学校公寓床Apartment bed
餐桌Dining table 圣诞节用英语怎么写
实验室家具 Laboratory
黑板 Blackboard
图书馆家具 Library furniture
体育馆排椅 Platoon chair
儿童桌 Child school desk子
刨花板 Particle board/flake board/Chipboard
多层板/胶合板 Plywood
密度板 MDF
三聚氰胺 Melamine
防火板 Fireproofing board, high pressure laminate board (HPL Board)
封边 Edge banding strip
纹理 Grain
甲醛释放量 Formaldehyde Emission
模压板 Moulded board
玻璃钢 Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics
理化板iu queen Chemical-Resistant Laminate
钢筋 Round Steel/steel rod
钢管 Steel circle tube
方管 square tube
矩形管 Rectangle tube
扁铁 Flat steel bar
角钢 Angle iron
喷塑 Surface electrostatic powder spraying/powder coatings
高质量不褪色 A high degree of light-fastness
机械磨蚀 Abrasion
磨损硬度 Abrasion hardness
砂带 Abrasive band
网兜 Basket shelf
钢木室内门 Interior steel-wood door
强化木门(三聚氰胺木门)Melamine wood door