缩略语 | 英文全称 | 中文含义 | zigbee是什么
AAR | Association of American Railroads | 美国铁路协会 |
A/C | Account | 账目 |
ACEP | Approved continuous examination programme | 集装箱安全连续检验计划 |
AG | Atlantic and gulf ba ports | 美国东岸及墨西哥湾基本港 |
AM | Above mentioned | 上述的 |
APL | American President Lines | 美国总统轮船公司 |
ASA | American Standard Association | 美国标准协会 |
A/W | Actual weight | 实际重量钓鱼岛英文 |
AW | All water | 全水路 |
BAF | Bunker adjustment factor | 燃油附加费 |
B/C | Bill of collection | 托收汇票 |
B/L | Bill of lading | 提单 |
BJG | Beijing | 北京 |
CAF | Currency adjustment factor | 币值附加费 |
CBM | Cubic metre | 立方米 |
C&D | Collected and delivered | 运费已收和货物已交付 |
CFR | Cost and freight | 成本加运费 |
CIF | Cost, insurance and freight | 成本加运费、保险费 |
CCC | Customs Convention on Containers | 集装箱海关公约 |
CIR | Container Inspection Report | 集装箱检验报告 |
CSC | International Convention for Safe Containers | 国际集装箱安全公约 |
CFS | Container freight station | 集装箱货运站 |
CLP | Container load plan | 装箱单 |
CMCL | China Merchants Container Lines | 呵斥招商局货柜航运有限公司 |
C/O | Certificate of Origin | 产地证明书 |
COSCO | China Ocean Shipping Company | 中国远洋运输公司 |
CTI | Container Transport International | 国际集装箱运输公司 |
CTOborrow是什么意思 | Combined Transport Operator | 多式联运经营人 |
CUFT | Cubic feet | 立方英尺 |
CY | Container Yard | 集装箱堆场 |
DC | Dry cargo container | 干货集装箱 |
D/D | Door to door | 门到门 |
DDC | Destination delivery charge | 目的地交货费 |
DES | Destination | 目的港 |
DG | Dangerous goods | 危险品 |
D/I | Direct interchange | 转租 |
D/P | Documents against payment | 付款交单 |
DPP | Damage protection plan | 集装箱损伤保险 |
D/R | Dock receipt | 场站收据 |
DV | Dry van container | 干货箱 |
DWT | Deadweight tonnage | 载重吨 |
EC | East coast | 东海岸 |
ECC | Equipment control center | 箱管中心 |
E.C.D. | Equipment Control Department | 箱管科 |
EDI | Electronic date interchange | 什么是bi电子数据交换 |
EIR | Equipment interchange receipt | 集装箱设备交接单 |
EMS | Equipment management system | 集装箱管理系统 |
ETA | Estimated time of arrival | 预计抵达时间 |
ETB | Estimated time of berthing | 预计靠泊时间 |
ETD | Estimated time of departure | 预计离港时间 |
ETS | Estimated time of sailing | 预计开航时间 |
ETS | Educational Testing Service | 教育考试局 | personals
FAK | Freight all kinds verify什么意思 | 均一费率 |
FCL | Full container load | 整箱货 |
FEU | Forty-foot equivalent unit | 40英尺集装箱 |
FL | Full | 重的 |
FM | From | 从 |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission | 美国联邦海事委员会 |
FOB | Free on board | 离岸价 |
FRP | Fiberglass-reinforced plywood container | 玻璃钢集装箱 | ygr
F/R | Flat rack container | 框架集装箱 |
FT | Foot | 英尺 |
F/T | Freight ton | 运费吨 |
G.A. | General Average | 共同海损 |
G/C | General cargo | 杂货 |
GE | General Electricity | 美国通用电器公司 |
GP | General purpo container | 通用集装箱 |
GRP | Glass-reinforced plywood container | 玻璃钢集装箱 |
GW | Gross weight | 毛重 |
GUZ | Guangzhou | 广州 |
GRT | Gross registered tonnage | 登记总吨 |
H/H | Hou to hou | 门到门 |
H/H | Half height container | 半高集装箱 |
HKEA | Hongkong Examinations Authority | 香港考试局 |
HKG | tlbHongkong | 香港 |
HPU | Huangpu | 黄埔 |
H.P. | Hor power | 马力 |
H.S.S. | High curity al | 高保封 |
ICS | Integrated Container Service | 集装箱服务公司 |
IICL | Institute of International Container Lessors | 国际集装箱出租人协会 |
IMCO | Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization | 政府间海事协商组织 |
IMO | International Maritime Organization | 国际海事组织 |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods | 国际海上危险货物运输规则 |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | 国际标准化组织 |
IPI | Interior points intermodal | 内陆点联运 |
JPN | Japan | 日本 |
LASH | Lighters aboard ship | 载驳货船 |
L/C | Letter of credit | 信用证 |
LCL | Less than container load cargo | 拼箱货 |
L/G | Letter of guarantee | 保函 |
L/L | Loading list | 装货清单 |
LO/LO | Lift on/lift off | 吊上吊下式 |
LD | Local devanning | 当地拆箱 |
LV | Local vanning | 当地装箱 |
LR | Local repair | 当地修箱 |
L/T | Long term lea | 长期租赁 |
MARAD | Maritime Administration | 美国商务部海运管理署 |
MEES | Middle East Emergency Surcharge | 中东紧急附加费 |
M/F | Manifest | 舱单 |
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