Section B 1a—1C 教学设计
1.语言目标 Tell what you are suppod to do,Talk about and u Table Manners
pick up, table manners,stick…into,point at, is expected to, are( not ) suppod to。。。, It’s impolite to … You shouldn’t…
You are suppod to…
You are not suppod to…
You should / shouldn’t…
It’s polite/ impolite to…
Step 1 热身(Warm up)及大脑风暴(Brain storm):
单词接龙。在屏幕上显示下列单词: wipe, napkin, chopstick, bowl , forks, spoons, knife.table manners, 让学生快速读,看谁记得最快最准确。再经过chat熟记单词。(本教学环节旨在活跃课堂气氛,复习旧知识,为下面的活动作铺垫。)
You are suppod to pick up your bowl of rice.
You’re not suppod to eat with your hands
You’re not suppod to talk at the table.
You’re not suppod to make a noi while eating noodles
You’re not suppod to eat or drink while walking down the street
You’re not suppod to stick your chopsticks into your food
You’re not suppod to point at anyone with your chopsticks
The youngest person is not suppod to start eating first.
知识点1 In China,you’re not suppod to pick up your bowl of rice.在中国,你不应该端起你的饭碗。(注: 这是不正确的)。
bullock 【讲解】pick up是一个“动词+副词”的词组,意思是“捡起;拾起;拿起”。如:
A girl picked up a wallet on her way home.一个小女孩在回家的路上捡到了一个钱包。
The phone stopped ringing just as I picked up thereceiver.我一拿起听筒,电话铃就不响了。
Pick tho things up offthe floor! 捡起地板上的东西!
知识点3 to stick your chopsticks into your food把筷子插入你的食物中
Stick a fork into the meat to e if it’s ready.将叉插进肉里看熟了没有。
Our Chine always u chopsticks to eat,but the English don’t u them.我们中国人通常用筷子吃饭,而英国人不。
学生四人小组开展活动,说说我们国家的餐桌礼仪。让学生共同讨论,互相启发,把每一个观点用笔记录下来,从而达到反复练习目标语言的目的。他们会用到We’re 等句型。 (创设情境,让学生在学中用,用中学英语)
threewishes How much do you know about table manners around the world? Take the following quiz.Circle“T”(for true)or“F”(for fal)after each ntence.关于世界各地餐桌礼仪你了解多少?下面进行一个测试。在每个句子后圈“T”(表示正确)或圈“F”(表示错误)。
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T
1.What are you suppod to do when you have dinner in India?
2. In China, are you suppod to stick your chopsticks into the food?
3. In Korea, is the youngest person expected to eat first?如何画彩妆
4. What are you suppod to do while you are eating bread in France?
5. In China, can you u your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl ?
Dear Peter,
Different countries have different manners. The manners in China are different from tho in America. When you first meet a Chine friend, you are suppod to say hello to him or her and shake hands. When you have a meal with Chine friends, you’re suppod to pick up the chopsticks and the bowl of rice. It’s rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks. Plea don’t talk too much, when you’re at table.
Welcome to China.
Han Han
Tomorrow Steve is going toChina. His friendYangmingis telling him about the table mann
ers in China. Listen. Number the pictures in the order Satoshi talks about them.明天史蒂夫将去中国。他的朋友杨明正在告诉他关于中国餐桌上的礼仪。听,根据杨明所讲述的,正确标出图片的顺序。
(1)Listen and match the ntence parts.听并且找到正确答案。
You aren’t suppod to…
It’s impolite…
You shouldn’t…
a. to stick your chopsticks into your food . b.point at anyone with your chopsticks.
c. start eating first if there are older people at the table .
(2) Can you tell us something about Steve and China?
1. Where will Steve go tomorrow?
2. How does he feel?
3. What’s the matter?
4. What are people suppod to mind when they are eating in China?
5. Yang Ming says who is allowed to talk at dinner table in China?
A:What are you suppod to do in Korea when you meet someone for the first time?
B:We are suppod to bow.
A:And how much do you know about table manners in Korea?
B:Sure. You’re not expected to start eating first.
任务五:Good manners and bad manners