1. Why do you think the protagonist is invited to make his graduation speech before the town’s big shots?沃顿英语
ozilKey: Becau that the protagonist is a gifted speaker. He is very excellent and makes a good speech at his graduation; the office decides to award him a scholarship to the state college for Negroes.
2. When making the speech, the protagonist inadvertently pronounces “social equality “ where “social responsibility” is intended, thus causing a menacing silence and displeasure. Do you think this is merely a slip of tongue? Why? Key: No, I don’t think this is merely a slip of tongue, though the protagonist was not intended to speak of it. This word “equality” has deeply rooted in his mind, even became a part of his consciousness, so, he did not speak it becau of a slip of tongue, but out of his unconsciousness.
aitai3. How do you understand the message “Keep This Nigger-Boy Running”? Key: The message means tvance
hat the letter receiver should not offer work opportunity for the nigger-boy and should keep him running everywhere for work without stop. It obviously shows the extreme racial discrimination of white Americans towards the black. It also reveals the hardships and tribulations that
韩语辅音the black encounter in their miry life.
freaky>eight days a week>trick