A. 单词拼写
1. An h________ man should always tell the truth.
2. In the Olympic Games athletes c_____________ with each other for medals.
3. We've had 200 applicants (申请人) for the job, but we only plan to i________ about 20 of them.
济南七里山幼儿园4. This kind of car is a__________ on TV every day. You can easily find out its description and the price you want.
5. Before the Civil War in America, Negroes were s__________.
pertaining>take my breath away
专升本英语试题>primeagency6. London will _________ (主办) the 30th Olympic Games.
7. The man __________ (承认) that he murdered a little girl and may be ntenced to death.
8. You should _________ (保证) not to lend it to others if you want to u it.
9. This kind of change is called ___________ (物理) change.
10. How many ___________ (奖牌) did China get in the 28th Olympic Games?
接待语2014河南高考作文题目B. 句型转换
根据A句句义,用本单元所学的句型或短语完成B 句,使其句义相同或相近。
11. A: They started early in order to get there on time.红枫英语
B: They started early _____ ______ _____ they might get there on time.
12. A: As a matter of fact, everyone wants to host the Olympic Games.
B: ______ ______, everyone wants to host the Olympic Games.
13. A: He is so young that he can’t join the army.yjc
B: He is ______ young _____ ______ the army.
14. A: He is so clever that he could solve the problem.
B: He is clever ______ _____ ______ the problem.
15. A: A man called Li Ming is asking to e you at the gate.
B: A man who ______ _______ Li Ming is asking to e you at the gate.
C. 完成句子