八阵图 杜甫
题 目: 解析《献给爱丽丝的玫瑰》
学 院: 行 知 学 院
专 j2ee业: 英 语
目 录
Abstract. 2
摘要 2
1. Introduction 3
2. A brief introduction of William Faulkner’s A Ro for Emily 3
3. Introduction of the Gothic Characteristics in Literature 4
cimr4. The Lament and Jubilance of Gothic Love 5
5. Conclusion 6
Works Cited 7
Study on the lament and jubilance of Gothic love A Ro for Emily
Abstract:William Faulkner was a towering figure in American literature during the first half of the 20th century. Faulkner was particularly noted for the eloquent richness of his pro style and for the unique blend of tragedy and humor in his works. His novels have a stunning emotional impact and his characters are highly memorable. A Ro for Emily written by American writer William Faulkner is regarded as the reprentative work of southern gothic fiction of America. The story writes Miss Emily’s tragic life and it’s full of suspen and intenly interesting. The character is curious, unique,special and the plot is derted. The theme is death. And the gothic characteristics were reflected in the novel and becau of the gothic characteristics the author express his complicated feeling precily and fully. The significance of the study is to share personal opinions about the novel and understand this novel better and express some new enlightenment and thinking of gothic characteristics in literature.
哈利波特1在线阅读Key words: Gothic Style, love, death, forever, truth
摘 要:威廉·福克纳是20世纪中叶美国文学史上伟大人物之一。在福克纳作品中丰富雄辩的散文风格和独特的悲剧幽默是最大特色。他的小说有着惊人的影响力以及让人难以释怀的情感。福克纳的著作《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》被视为美国南方哥特式小说的杰作。这部小说讲述了爱米丽小姐悲惨的一生,充满悬疑,耐人寻味。主人公独一无二,严肃又特殊的形象,在荒芜的南部大家族没落之地,死亡便是永恒的主题。故事《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》的很多方面都体现了哥特式特点或风格,并且因为它的哥特式特点作者才充分地,准确地表达了他当时复杂的感情。本文通过对这部小说的了解见解,分析艾米丽在哥特式爱情的悲与喜。
Study on the lament and jubilance of Gothic love of A Ro for Emily
1. Introduction
William Faulkner is one of the most distinguish writer in American literature. He was born and lived in the South, which influenced him greatly, therefore, most of his works describe
d the people and their lives in the South. As the appearance of Faulkner, the South appeared the literary glories of “the South Renaissance”, which ever was called “the literary dert."(Yu Jianhua, The Second Prosperous of American Literature, 460).
He invented a county and a town in his imagination, and he wrote about the society in the South by inventing families which reprented different social forces: the old, decaying upper class; the rising, ambitious, unscrupulous class of “poor whites”; and the Negroes who labored for both of them. His major works included纳威 隆巴顿 Sartoris, The Unvanquished, The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, The Town and A Ro for Emilymorphine (Laurence B.Holland, The Norton Anthology of American Literary, 534-537).
This paper discuss the Gothic characteristics of A Ro for Emily on veral angles, and it is divided into four parts.
In the first part, it introduces the William Faulkner and his A Ro for Emily briefly and points out the aim and the significance of the study. In the cond part it introduces the gothic characteristics in literature. In the third part which is the most important part, it poin
ts out that the author us gothic characteristics in youthA Ro for Emily. In the last part, it concludes that the lament and jubilance of Gothic love. The author combines gothic characteristics with the realistic content successfully and express his complicated feeling precily becau of using gothic characteristics.
2. A brief introduction of William Faulkner’s A Ro for Emily
Published in 1930, A Ro for Emily was one of the best known and the most widely read novel among William Faulkner’s short stories. The title is an allegorical title, the meaning was, here was a woman who has had a tragedy, an irrevocable tragedy and nothing could be done about it, and I pitied her and this was a salute ——to a woman you would hand a ro. (Cristina Blanco Outón , Introduccion a la narrative breve de William Faulkner). The story took place in a mythical town that William Faulkner called Jefferson, Mississippi. The story happened at the period of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when the town was learning to live with South’s loss in the Civil War and the conquent dismantling of the slavery-bad society that had preceded it. Becau of the
loss in the Civil War, people in the south led a poor life. Especially the white people, their life suddenly become poor becau most of the slaves went to the north to work for the northern industry,so the white people couldn’t get accustomed to the life change in a short time, but they still pretended to be noble and kept their family’s dignity (Howard Clin cotton, American History, 30). The story described a white woman, Emily’s tragic life under the South’s loss in the Civil War. Emily’s life was strongly dominated by her father, and she had no right to date with males and choo her lover. After her father’s death, she could only date with a northern worker. But to her disappointment, the worker refud to marry her, and the refusal drove her to kill him by using poison, and she let his body company her. After Emily’s death, the town people discovered a skeleton in the hou, and found out that the poor Emily was a murder, and people were shocked by the discovery.
Thematically, this short story is not as simple as it ems. The conflicts in the story can be interpreted on different levels. On the superficial level, it was a murder story with gothic characteristics. It described an eccentric woman who lived in her old decaying mys
terious hou that other people had not visited for decades, and, of cour, a dead body in the hou finally was discovered after so many years. On another level, the story can be read as a conflict between the South and the North with Emily reprenting the declining South and Homer Barron reprenting the North. On a deeper level, the story explores the inner world of a human being, or the inner struggle in the human heart.
3. Introduction of the Gothic Characteristics in Literature
The word “Goth” came from the name of a Germanic tribe. The Gothic novel was the first emergence of Gothic literature, and was sometimes referred to as the Gothic romance. The kinds of novels were characterized by elements of horror, suspen and mystery. Gothic novels attempted to find understanding through exploring the darker side of life. They often contained ruined old buildings, wild landscapes, good and handsome heroes, terrified heroines and, of cour, an evil character. Southern Gothic literature is a more recent Gothic subgenre, where tales are t in the American South. The characteristics of Southern Gothic writing include u of the ironic, unusual, absurd or supernatural. Unlike
previous forms of Gothic writing, Southern Gothic authors don't do this purely for suspen or entertainment, but rather to explore the topics of social change and unrest in the Southern states. Protagonists in Southern Gothic literature tend not to conform to stereotypes. They are usually flawed and often grotesque. The so-called “Gothic Revival" appeared in aspects of architecture and literature during eighteenth century to nineteenth century, which was the gloomy and depresd tone in middle age. In a short, the novels with the gothic characteristics reveal a mysterious, horrible, depresd and gloomy atmosphere. Since the 18th century, the gothic characteristics had been ud in the literary works popularly, and there are many famous novels with the gothic characteristics, such as Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights,Notre Dame de Paris, A Ro for Emily and so on. A Ro for Emily is especially the most reprentative work of gothic fiction.