Determinants of financial inclusion in rural India:
does gender matter?
练习的英文期刊名称: International Journal of Social Economics中日语在线翻译
作者: Simrit Kaur,Cheshta Kapuria
爱迪国际年份: 2020年
关键词: E60;G21;J16
摘要:Purpo - Since finance is an efficacious instrument for economic development, social inclusion and women empowerment, the prent paper examines the determinants of accessing institutional and non-institutional finance across male- and female-headed houholds in rural India.go west
界面英文Design/methodology/approach - Multinomial logistic regression is applied for categorizing houholds' accessing finance in four categories, namely Only Institutional Finance (IF), Only Non-institutional Fina
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nce (NIF), Both Sources of Finance (BF) and Neither Source of Finance (N). Both houhold and state-level determinants have been analyd. Houhold data t is sourced from the Situation Asssment Survey (NSSO, 70th round) and state-level data ts from Basic Road Statistics 2016, Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2016, Rainfall Statistics of India 2014,...