A Study of Rural Chine Students’ Educational Expens, Academic Performance, and Extracurricular Activitiesberkley
joe yang>资本主义生产方式*
狗屎用英语怎么说Shishu Zhang, Greg J. Soukup
Abstract:Increas in tuition and educational expens make it increasingly difficult for rural families to nd their children to school (Sun, 2000). Many families feel “education is uless in rural China” (Shek, Tsoi et al., 2001) and nd their children to work in big cities to ea their economic burdens (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). The rearchers examined challenges students from rural China face in obtaining a higher education. The academic performance and extracurricular activities of students in rural China were analyzed. Data from the Chine Houhold Income Project (CHIP 2002, CHIP 2007) were analyzed. T-test analys of the 2002 survey (7,241 obrvations) determined significant differences in educational expens and extracurricular activities for students from different grade levels. There were significant differences in yearly educational expens by grade level with college students having the highest educational expens (RMB ¥6,845) and primary students the lowest expens (RMB ¥427). Multiregression and a multilogit analys were ud to examine possible signif
icant differences between “school years completed by the student” (dependent variable) and student extracurricular activities (independent variable). Other control variables examined included age, parental expectations, family expens and afterschool work activities. The multiregression analysis results show that higher parental expectations, incread time spent after school engaged in physical chores, and less time watching television incread rates of educational attainment. Multiple regression analysis was ud on the CHIP 2007 data (342 obrvations) to determine significant factors that impacted school *Shishu Zhang, Associate Professor of Economics, H-E-B School of Business, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio,Texas,78209.Email:****************.GregJ.Soukup,ProfessorofKinesiology,SchoolofNursing andHealthProfession,UniversityoftheIncarnateWord.SanAntonio,Texas,78209.Email:****************.
A Study of Rural Chine Students’ Educational Expens, Academic Performance, and Extracurricular Activities17 enrollment in rural China. Student population was the dependent variable and the number of teachers per village was the independent variable. Other control variables analyzed included teacher monthly salaries, travel time to school, physical condition of schools, school funding and types of transportation ud by students to attend school. The multiregression analysis of the CHIP 2007 survey found more teachers living in the village where they taught and sh
orter travel times to school were associated with more students enrolled in schools. The authors recommend that the Chine government provide funds to attract more faculty and administrators back to the countryside and provide more educational funding and scholarships directly to rural families.
Keywords:Educational Expens, Academic Performance, Extracurricular Activities, Rural Education in China, Rural Students in China考试心理
JEL Classification: A20 I25 I28 O53
1 Introduction
Education is a major expen for many families in rural China. Rearch has shown that a very significant percentage of family income is devoted towards the education of children. Parents devote 46% of family income towards condary school expens, 51% on high school expens and 52% on university expens for their children (Dong & Wan, 2012).
Educational expens since 2000 have dramatically incread and made it very difficult for Chine families to afford higher education for their children. Unauthorized charges by Chine schools have
肃静amounted to RMB ¥200 billion (US$32 billion) in the last decade. Students must now pay RMB ¥10,000 (US$1,600) in various university fees (compared to only RMB ¥200 (US$32) in the late 1980s(Dong & Wang, 2012). Rearchers in 2003 found it cost around RMB ¥250,000 (US$40,270) to rai a child from birth until the age of 16. If a child went to a university the total cost was driven up by RMB ¥140,000 (US$22,500) (Dong & Wan, 2012). After graduation from college, parents also spent another RMB ¥100,000 (US$16,100) on helping their children afford housing and wedding expenditures. Overall, the average Chine parent will spend 40% to 50% of their total income raising their child.
safariWhy have educational expens rin so dramatically in the last decade? The commercialization of education by schools has resulted in significant increas in tuitions and fees. Even public schools now charge students veral hundred RMB Yuan (US$50) to attend elementary and middle schools class.