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reverd中华人民共和国民政部结婚证印章Seal for Marriage Certificate of the ministry of Civil Affairs of People' s Republic of China
中华人民共和国民政部监制 The manufacture was supervid by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of People' s Republic of China
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结婚申请,符合《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,予以登记,发给此证。This appliestion conforms to the Marriage Law of the People' s Republic of China・ We hereby give them the permission to register and issue this marriage certificate・ 登记机关 Registration Office
XX 市 YY 区民政局婚姻登记专用章 Special Seal for Marriage Register of YY District, XX Civil Affairs Bureau
婚姻登记员:郑莹莹 Marriage Register: Yingying Zheng
持证人:XXCertificate Holder: XX
登记日期:人力资源的六大模块XXXX 年 XX 月 XX 日 会计核算Registration Date: XXX-XX-XX 结婚证字号:XXXXXXXXMarriage Certificate No. : XXXXXXXXX 备注 Annotation
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姓名:张三 Name: San Zhang | swot性别:男 Gender: Male |
国籍:中国 Nationality: | 出生日期:XXXX 年 XX 月 XX 0 Birth Date: XXXX- |
China | xx-xx |
身份证号码:12345678911ID Number: 12345678911 |
姓名:李四Name: Si Li | 性别:女 Gender: Female |
国籍:中国 Nationality: | 出生日期:XXXX 年 XX 月 XX a Birth Date: XXXX- |
China | destination是什么意思 xx-xx |
身份证号码:12345678911ID Number: 1234567891 |
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伦敦奥运会主题曲 | |
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婚姻法规定,要求结婚的男女双方必须亲自到婚姻登记机关进行结婚登记。 符合本法规定的,予以登记,发给结婚证。取得结婚证,即确立夫妻关系。
The marriage law has prescribed that the man and the woman who wish to be married must go to the marriage registration office to register・ A marriage certificate shall be issued after registration in line with the provisions of this law. The husband-and-wife relationship shall be established as soon as they acquire the marriage certificates・
Certification by Translator
,certify that I am fluent in the听天由命English and Chine languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled Marriage Certificate・
Signature | | 小学生智力题 | Date |
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Printed Name | | | |
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Address | | | 周思成快乐大本营 |
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