pointguard考研作文Winston Churchill:His Other Life
My father, Winston Churchill, began his l ove affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he was deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that coul d have shortened the cour of a bloody worl d war. But when the mission fail ed, with great l oss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately. He was removed from the Admiralty and effectively sidelined. 我的父亲,温斯顿·丘吉尔,在他40多岁的时候,在灾难深重的环境下开始了他钟爱的绘画事业。1915年,作为第一海军大臣,他深入参与了达达尼尔群岛的一场本来可以缩短血腥世界大战进程的战役,但当任务失败,造成巨大伤亡时,丘吉尔于公于私都付出了代价,他被调离了海军部,在政治上实际已经靠边站了。
Overwhelmed by the catastrophe —-- “I thought he woul d die of grief,” said his wife, Cl ementine —-he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. There, as Churchill later recall ed, “The mu of painting came to my rescue!”他被这场灾祸压垮了——“我以为他会死于
Wandering in the garden one day, he chanced upon his sister-in-law sketching with watercol ors. He watched her for a few minutes, then borrowed her brush and tried his hand. The mu had cast her spell! 一天,他漫步在花园里,碰巧看到他弟媳用水彩颜料描图。他看了她几分钟,然后借了她的刷子,试了试手,(简直是)缪斯女神施了她的咒语!
Churchill soon decided to experiment with oils. Delighted with this distraction from his dark broodings, Cl ementine rushed off to buy whatever paints she coul d find. 丘吉尔很快就决定尝试使用油画颜料,克莱门汀很高兴他能从阴郁忧思的情绪中分散注意力到绘画的兴趣中,她就急忙跑出去买所能找到的绘画颜料。
For Churchill, however, the next step emed difficult as he contemplated with unaccustomed nervousness the blamel ess whiteness of a new canvas. He started with the sky and later described how “very gingerly I mixed a littl e blue paint on the palette, and then with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean upon the affronted snow-white shiel d. At that moment the sound of a motor car was heard in
the drive. From this chariot stepped the gifted wife of Sir John Lavery .”然而,当第二步,他怀着不习惯的紧张心情思索着一张洁白无暇的新画布时,这对丘吉尔来说似乎很困难。他从天空开始画,后来描述了怎么画的“我非常小心地在调色板上混合了一点蓝色颜料,然后极度小心翼翼地在这块被冒犯的雪白防护板上做了一个像豌豆一样大的标记。这时,听到了一辆汽车开过来的声音,约翰·莱弗里爵士的天才妻子从敞篷车上走了下来。”
人教版高一英语必修一“ ‘Painting!’ she declared. ‘But what are you hesitating about? Let me have the brush —- the big one.’ Splash into the turpentine, wallop into the blue and the white, frantic fl ourish on the pal ette, and then veral fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely cowering canvas.” “‘在绘画呀!’她叫了一声,‘可是你在犹豫什么呢?让我拿一把刷子——大点的’,‘滴入松节油,再倒入蓝色颜料和白色颜料,在调色板上胡乱的搅动,然后在完全弯曲的画布上来几笔猛烈的涂抹和一些蓝色斜条纹。”
At that time, John Lavery—- a Churchill neighbor and cel ebrated painter—- was tutoring Churchill in his art. Later, Lavery said of his unusual pupil, “Had he chon painting instead of statesmanship, I believe he woul d have been a great master with the brush.”那时,丘吉尔的一个邻居、著
In painting, Churchill had discovered a companion with whom he was to walk for the greater part of the years that remained to him. After the war, painting woul d offer deep solace when, in 1921, the death of the mother was followed two months later by the l oss of his and Cl ementine’s bel oved three-year-ol d daughter, Marigol d. Battered by grief, Winston took refuge at the home of friends in Scotland, finding comfort in his painting. He wrote to Clementine, “I went out and painted a beautiful river in the afternoon light with crimson and golden hills in the background. Alas I keep feeling the hurt of the Duckadilly (Marigold’s pet name).”在绘画期间,丘吉尔碰到了一个他多年来的大部分时间都要和他一起散步的同伴。战后,绘画肯定给他提供了一种深深的安慰,那时候,在1921年,他和克莱门汀心爱的三岁女儿玛丽戈尔德去世两个月后,他母亲又去世了,由于悲痛的打击,温斯顿来到苏格兰朋友的家中避难散心,在他的绘画事业中寻找安慰。他在给克莱门汀的信中说:“下午,我出去画了一条美丽的河流,背景是微微带着深红色和金色的一些小山。唉,我一直觉得杜卡迪利(玛丽戈尔德的宠物名字)
Historians have called the decade after 1929, when the Conrvative government fell and Winston was out of office, his wilderness years. Politically he may have been wandering in barren places, a l onely fighter trying to awaken Britain to the menace of Hitl er, but artistically that wilderness bore abu
ndant fruit. During the years he often painted in the South of France. Of the 500-odd canvas extant, roughly 250 date from 1930 to 1939. 历史学家们称,在1929年,保守党政府被打败,温斯顿下台后的这十年,是他的荒废岁月。政治上,他可能是在无用武之地游荡---一个孤独的奋斗者试图唤醒英国应对希特勒的威胁;但在艺术上,在这片毫无建树的领域取得了大量的成果。这些年里,他经常在法国南部作画。在现存的500多幅油画中,大约有250幅可以追溯到1930年到1939年。
Painting remained a joy to Churchill to the end of his life.“Happy are the painters,” he had written in his book Painting as a Pastime, “ for they shall not be l onely. Light and col or, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end of the day.” And so it was f or my father. 在丘吉尔生命的最后阶段,绘画仍然是一种乐趣。“画家们很快乐,”他已经在他的书《把绘画作为一种消遣》中写道,“因为他们不会孤独,