
更新时间:2023-06-14 13:46:16 阅读: 评论:0

evolv 美国历史上最有影响的100个人
美国历史上最有影响的100个人 编辑本段回目录
1 Abraham Lincoln 林肯
He saved the Union, freed the slaves, and presided over Americarectify’scond founding.
2 George Washington 乔治·华盛顿
He made the United States possible—not only by defeating a king,but by declining to become one himlf.
3 Thomas Jefferson 杰佛逊
The author of the five most important words in American history:All men are created equal.
welcome的用法4 Franklin Delano Roovelt德拉诺·罗斯福
He said, The only thing we have to fear is fear itlf, andthen he proved it.
5 Alexander Hamilton 亚历山大·汉密尔顿
Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he t in motion anagrarian nations transformation into an industrial power.
6 Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林
The Founder-of-all-trades— scientist, printer, writer, diplomat,inventor, and more; like his country, he contained multitudes.
bbk7 John Marshall 约翰·马歇尔
The defining chief justice, he established the Supreme Court as theequal of the other two federal branches.
8 Martin Luther King Jr.马丁·路德·金
His dream of racial equality is still elusive, but no one did moreto make it real.
9 Thomas Edison 爱迪生·托马斯
It wasnt just the lightbulb; the Wizard of Menlo Park was themost prolific inventor in American history.
10 Woodrow Wilson 威尔逊
He made the world safe for U.S. interventionism, if not fordemocracy.
11 John D. Rockefeller 约翰·洛克菲勒
The man behind Standard Oil t the mold for our tycoons—first bymaking money, then by giving it away.
12 Ulyss S. Grant 尤利西斯·格兰特
He was a poor president, but he was the general Lincoln needed; healso wrote the greatest political memoir in American history.
13 James Madison 詹姆斯·麦迪逊
He fathered the Constitution and wrote the Bill of Rights.
14 Henry Ford福特·亨利
He gave us the asmbly line and the Model T, and sparkedAmericamoderates love affair with the automobile.
15 Theodore Roovelt 罗斯福
Whether busting trusts or building canals, he embodied thestrenuous life and blazed a trail for twentieth-centuryAmerica.
16 Mark Twain 马克吐温
Author of our national epic, he was the most unntimental obrverof our national life.
17 Ronald Reagan 里根
The amiable architect of both the conrvative realignment and theCold Wars end.
18 Andrew Jackson杰克逊18
The first great populist: he found America a republic and left it ademocracy.
19 Thomas Paine 托马斯paine
The voice of the American Revolution, and our first greatradical.
20 Andrew Carnegie 卡内基
The original lf-made man forged Americas industrial might andbecame one of the nations greatest philanthropists.
21 Harry Truman 亨利杜鲁门
An accidental president, this machine politician ushered in theAtomic Age and then the Cold War.
22 Walt Whitman ,惠特曼
He sang of America and shaped the countrys conception ofitlf.
23 Wright Brothers 赖特兄弟
They got us all off the ground.
24 Alexander Graham Bellguidebook亚历山大·格雷厄姆
By inventing the telephone, he opened the age of telecommunicationsand shrank the world.
25 John Adams亚当斯 赏金猎人片尾曲约翰
His leadership made the American Revolution possible; his devotionto republicanism made it succeed.
26 Walt Disney 迪士尼
The quintesntial entertainer-entrepreneur, he wielded unmatchedinfluence over our childhood.
27 Eli Whitney ?艾惠
His gin made cotton king and sustained an empire for slavery.
28 Dwight Einhower 艾森豪威尔
forkHe won a war and two elections, and made everybody like Ike.
29 Earl Warren 厄尔华伦
His Supreme Court transformed American society and bequeathed to usthe culture wars.
30 Elizabeth Cady Stanton伊丽莎白卡迪stanton
One of the first great American feminists, she fought for socialreform and womens right to vote.
31 Henry Clay 亨利粘土
One of Americas greatest legislators and orators, he forgedcompromis that held off civil war for decades. asiangay
32 Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦
His greatest scientific work was done in Europe, but his humanityearned him undying fame in America.
33 Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生
The bard of individualism, he relied on himlf—and told us all todo the same.
34 Jonas Salk 盟瘟
His vaccine for polio eradicated one of the worlds worstplagues.

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