35.Internal control environment控制环境★★
定义:The internal or control environment is influenced by management's attitude towards control (tone at the top), the organisational structure and the values and abilities of employees.内控环境会受管理层对控制的态度(即公司⾼层确⽴的基调),组织架构和价值,以及员⼯能⼒的影响。以下因素会影响内控环境:★
●董事和管理层的哲学和经营风格 Philosophy and operating style
●企业⽂化Culture,内控是否被视为组织框架⾥的不可或缺的⼀部分integral part of the
organisational framework,或者强加于系统的其他部分impod on the rest of the system。
●公司的组织结构organisational structure,授权和责任委派的⽅式methods of assigning
authority and responsibility(包括权责分离和监督控制)
迷失第三季●董事和员⼯的正直度integrity,道德价值观ethical values和胜任能⼒competence
Risk culture冒险⽂化★★
⽂化是⼀种基本假设模式pattern of basic assumptions,它是由⼀个团队发明,发现和发展出来的。是在学习中得出的处理问题的⽅式cope with its problems,可以适应外部,整合内部。这些⽅式做得好worked well enough,被认为有效的,因此,⽤来教育新⼈taught to new members,以这种正确的⽅式,察觉,思考和感受问题。
Changing the culture 改变⽂化的⽅法★
●培训和融⼊ Training and invlovement
afraid的用法Embedding risk awareness 嵌⼊的风险意识★★★
●Risk awareness is a capability of an organisation to be able to recogni risks when they
ari, from whatever source they may come.风险意识是⼀个组织在风险出现时能够意识到它的能⼒,不管是基于何种原因产⽣的风险
●A culture of risk awareness suggests that this capability (or competence) is prentthis is my life
throughout the organisation and is woven into the normal routines, ways of thinking and is embedded in all parts of the company and in all employees.风险意识的⽂化建议企业有这种能⼒,并将其编排⼊⽇常的⼯作路径中和思维⽅式中,嵌⼊到公司各部门和所有员⼯当中去。
Methods to embed 嵌⼊的⽅式★★★
1)Aligning individual goals with tho of the organisation and building the in as part of the
culture. 使员⼯的个⼈⽬标与组织的⽬标⼀致,并将其作为企业⽂化的⼀部分。这种利益⼀致⾮常重要,有助于让风险意识成为企业常规的,不容置疑的⾏为⽅式。培训不同级别的员⼯也很必要,来确保风险意识嵌⼊到整个组织中去。
better in time2)Including risk responsibilities with job description.将承担的风险责任加⼊到职位描述中,
cbt3)Establishing reward systems that recogni that risks have to be taken (thus avoiding a
‘blame culture’). 建⽴奖赏机制,认清不同⼈承担的不同的风险,应尽量避免职责⽂化。
那些承担更多风险的员⼯,如投资计划部,应该分享项⽬成功的回报,作为奖励。 4)Establishing metrics and performance indicators that monitor and feedback information
on risks to management. 建⽴表现衡量指标来监督,并向管理层反馈风险信息。这能确保管理委员会始终拿到精确的信息,不存在动机来掩盖相关信息,或没有披露冒险⾏为,或表现糟糕。“意见箱”是管理层收到反馈的⼀种⽅式。
5)Communicating risk awareness and risk management messages to staff and publishing
success stories. 交流风险意识和向员⼯发布风险管理信息,并宣扬成功的故事(洗脑)。
36.Objective ttings⽬标制定
●跟战略相符合 Strategy
●跟风险偏好相符合 Risk attitude –⾼风险⾼回报,低风险低回报
37.Event identification事件识别
The ari from the overall strategic positioning of the company in its environment. Some strategic positions give ri to greater risk exposures than others. Becau strategic issues typically affect the whole of an organisation and
not just one or more of its parts, strategic risks can potentially concern very high stakes – they can have very high hazards and high returns. Becau of this, they are managed at board level in an organisation and form a key part of strategic management.这种风险来⾃于公司所处环境中,他所在的战略位置。某些战略位置⽐其他位置有更⾼的风险。基于战略性问题往往影响公司整体,⽽不是单单⼀个或多个部门,所以战略风险可能会涉及很⾼的风险‐可能有很⼤损害,也可能有很⾼回报。正因如此,他们由组织的董事会级别来管理,成⽴⼀个核⼼的战略管理团队。
Examples of strategic risks include tho affecting products, markets, reputation,supply chain issues and other factors that can affect strategic positioning.举例:影响产品,市场,声誉,供应链和其它涉及战略位置的因素。
Operational risks经营风险定义★★★
Operational risks refer to potential loss arising from the normal business operations. Accordingly, they affect the day‐to‐day running of operations andbusiness systems in contrast to strategic risks that ari from the organisation‘sstrategic positioning. Operational risks are managed at risk management level (notnecessarily board level) and can be managed and mitigated by internal controlsystems.经营风险是基于⽇常商业操作可能导致的损失。所以,相对于战略风险影响战略位置,
Examples include tho risks that, whilst important and rious, affect one part ofthe organisation and not the whole, such as machinery breakdown, loss of sometypes of data, injuries at work.举例:这些风险重要且严重,但影响了组织的某个部门,⽽⾮组织整体,诸如机器坏了,部分数据丢失,有员⼯在⼯作中受伤。
Related risks关联风险定义★★★
Related risks are risks that vary becau of the prence of another risk or where two risks have a common cau. This means when one risk increas, it has an effect on another risk and it is said that the two are related.
Correlated risks 相关风险定义★★★
Risk correlation is a particular example of related risk. Risks are positively correlated if the two risks
are positively related in that one will fall with the reduction of the other, and increa with the ri of the other. They would be negatively correlated if one ro as the other fall.
Categories of risk风险的种类
1)Entrepreneurial risk创业风险★
Entrepreneurial risk is the necessary risk associated with any new business venture or opportunity.创业风险是⼀个关于商业冒险或机遇的必要风险。它常见于创造新的商业⾏为
2)Business risks 商业风险★★★
●商业风险是指会威胁到公司⽣存能⼒的风险threaten the survival of the business as a
whole,可能来⾃于许多原因。从本质上来说,是因为公司运营的商业模式business model 和公司追求的战略strategies it pursues引起的。
响公司“持续经营”的状态,威胁企业的⽣存。当公司的战略层⾯有外部威胁时external threats to the business at a strategic level,或公司战略的失败failure of the business's strategy,都会对公司的可持续经营产⽣不确定性。
3)Financial risks 财务风险★★★
●The are the risks which ari from the way a business is financially structured,
its management of working capital and its management of short and long‐term debt financing.这种风险来源于公司的融资结构,管理营运资本和管理短期长期债务融资。
●Cash flow can be strongly influenced by how much debt to equity a business
has, its need to rvice that debt and the rate at which it is borrowed.现⾦流会⾮常强烈影响公司的杠杆,还会影响所借债务规模及利率成本
●Likewi, the ability of a business to operate on a day‐to‐day basis depends
upon how it manages its working capital and its ability to control payables, receivables, cash and inventories.同样的,公司⽇常经营的能⼒取决于他如果管理营运资本,他控制应付,应收,现⾦和存货的能⼒。
●Any change which makes its cash flow situation wor, such as poor collection
of receivables, excessive borrowing, incread borrowing rates, etc, could reprent an incread financial risk for the business.任何导致公司现⾦流状况恶化的改变,诸如不能及时收款,借贷过多,借款利率增长等,都会增加公司的财务风险。
4)Liquidity risk 流动性风险★
●指公司能⼒不⾜,⽆法满⾜短期融资要求inability to meet its short‐term financing needs,
可以通过current ratio来观测。
●管理流动性风险的必要⽅法esntial elements是,控制好应收,应付,现⾦和库存。
5)Cash flow risk 现⾦流风险★
特指企业⽇常⼯作现⾦流的波动性volatility of a firm's day‐to‐day operating cash flows.⼀个⾮常⼤的风险是现⾦流处于预期外的低位,可能因为客户回款晚了,导致现⾦不⾜。日文翻译网站
6)Gearing risk 杠杆风险★
●指公司的融资困境,举债特别多excessive commitments connected with debt。
7)Credit risk 信贷风险★
指公司的债务⼈没有及时偿付⽋债,⽽对公司造成的信贷风险company from the failure of its debtors to meet their obligations on time。最常见的信贷风险类型是客户没有及时⽀付货款。
8)Currency risk/ Exchange rate risk汇率风险★★
●指因为汇率波动,⽽导致的公司亏损或盈利。Loss or gain due to future changes in
guess who batmanexchange rates.
9)Interest risk 利率风险★★
Variable (floating) rate debt,利率变化会对债务的成本造成极⼤不确定性Uncertainty about the cost o
f rvicing this debt。
10)Product risk 产品风险★★
●Product risks will include the risks of financial loss due to producing a poor quality product.
11)Market risk 市场风险★★(注意哦:⼀般是指资本市场)
●Market risk is a risk of gain or loss due to movement in the market value of an
ast ‐ a stock, a bond, a loan, foreign exchange or a commodity ‐ or a derivative contract linked to the asts. Market risk is often discusd in the context of the stock markets.指资产的市场价值变动导致的风险,这包括股票,债券,贷款,外币或商品,⾦融衍⽣品等。市场风险常常跟证券市场有关。
●Market risk is a risk arising from any of the markets in which a company
operates, including resource markets (inputs), product markets (outputs) or capital markets (finance).市场风险来⾃于公司运营所在的市场(输⼊),包括资源市场(输出),产品市场或资本市场(融资)。
12)Legal risks 法律风险★★
形式financial or other penalties,包括关门歇业,或者花钱或资源来打官司辩护fighting litigation,和声誉受损的损失loss of
●关键内容包括健康和安全health and safety,环境等的⽴法environmental legislation,
●Legal risks may therefore be strongly correlated with other risks法律风险因此是⼀个
13)Political risk 政治风险★★
●政治风险有好坏两⾯性。政治变化可能对公司有利,⽐如说,政党选举election of a
government后⾃由党上台,他们觉得国家资本做效率太差,⿎励私有资本来做,这就给了公司更多机会outsourcing to the private ctor activities previously carried on in the state ctor。
●政治风险跟声誉风险的联系很紧密linked to rious reputation risks。声誉风险依赖
14)Technological risk 技术风险★★
●指潜在的损失或损害,因为技术的失败potential loss and damage incurred by the
failure of any technology。⼈们谈到技术,往往想起电脑,但其实不仅于此,还包括⼯程,设计等。技术风险的影响取决于那些跟特定技术有关的活动The impacts of technological risk depend upon tho activities which depend upon the particular technology in question.
●技术风险是战略风险,把握好的话就是机遇Strategic risks and opportunities。
15)Health and safety risks健康和安全风险★★
ivecoThe are risks to individuals, employees or others, arising from any failure in our operations giving r
i to compromid human welfare.个⼈,员⼯或其他⼈,在妥协的员⼯福利状态下,未能正常操作的风险。健康和安全风险包括员⼯因为⼯伤⽽⽆法⼯作loss of employees' time,或者因为违约⽽⽀付赔偿或诉讼费pay compensation or legal costs。
这种风险来⾃于:first and foremost
1)Lack of health and safety policy缺少健康和安全政策‐通过增加相关⽴法,这个已经
2)Lack of emergency procedures缺乏应急措施‐通过增加相关⽴法,这个已经越来越少
3)Failure to deal with hazards没有很好处理危害物品‐通常因为没有贯彻政策,该做的
4)Poor employee welfare员⼯福利不⾜‐不仅仅威胁到健康(⼯况环境差,过多的计算
5)Generally poor health and safety culture公司的⽂化,对健康和安全不够重视
16)Environmental risk 环境风险★★