Chapter 3 Master Scheduling
Chapter 3 Master Scheduling
Key Terms
Master production schedule, 48
The master production schedule is a line on the master schedule grid that reflects the anticipated build schedule for tho items assigned to the master scheduler. The master scheduler maintains this schedule, and in turn, it becomes a t of planning numbers that drives material requirements planning. It reprents what the company plans to produce expresd in specific configurations, quantities, and dates. The master production schedule is not a sales item forecast that reprents a statement of demand. The master production schedule must take into account the forecast, the production plan, and other important considerations such as backlog, availability of material, availability of capacity, and management policies and goals.
Available to promi, 60
The uncommitted portion of a company’s inventory and planned production maintained in the master s
chedule to support customer order promising. The ATP quantity is the uncommitted inventory balance in the first period and is normally calculated for each period in which an MPS receipt is scheduled. In the first period, A TP includes on-hand inventory less customer orders that are due and overdue. Three methods of calculation are ud: discrete ATP, cumulative ATP with look-ahead, and cumulative ATP without look-ahead.
Scheduled receipt, 60
It is an open order that has an assigned due date.
Projected available balance (PAB), 62
shit吧An inventory balance projected into the future. It is the running sum of on-hand inventory minus requirements plus scheduled receipts and planned orders.狡猾的意思
Frozen zone, 65
Capacity and material are committed to specific orders.
Slushy zone, 65eat的过去分词
Capacity and material are committed to less extent.
Liquid zone, 65
Any change can be made to the MPS as long as it is within the limits t by the production plan. Changes are routine and are often made by the computer program.深爱的英文
Planning time fence, 65
A point in time denoted in the planning horizon of the master scheduling process that marks a boundary inside of which changes to the schedule may adverly affect component schedules, capacity plans, customer deliveries, and cost. Outside the planning time fence, customer orders may be booked and changes to the master schedule can be made within the constraints of the production plan. Changes inside the planning time fence must be made manually by the master scheduler.
Demand time fence, 65
Study Notes Prepared by V ancal MSN:
1) That point in time inside of which the forecast is no longer included in total demand and projected
available inventory calculations; inside this point, only customer orders are considered. Beyond this point, total demand is a combination of actual orders and forecasts, depending on the forecast consumption technique chon. 2) In some contexts, the demand time fence may correspond to that point in the future inside which changes to the master schedule must be approved by an authority higher than the master scheduler. Note, however, that customer orders may still be promid inside the demand time fence without higher authority approval if there are quantities available-to-promi(ATP). Beyond the demand time fence, the master scheduler may change the MPS within the limits of established rescheduling rules without the approval of higher authority.
1. What four functions does the master production schedule (MPS) perform in the production planning system?
⑴It forms the link between production planning and what manufacturing will actually build.
⑵It forms the basis for calculating the capacity and resources needed.
⑶The MPS drives material requirements plan. As a schedule of items to be built, the MPS and bills of material determine what components are needed from manufacturing and purchasing.
⑷It keeps priorities valid. The MPS is a priority plan for manufacturing.
2. What functions does the MPS perform between sales and production?
rainie⑴It makes possible valid order promis. The MPS is a plan of what is to be produced and when.
⑵It is a contract between marketing and manufacturing. It is an agreed-upon plan.
3. Does the MPS work with families of products or with individual items?
While he production plan deals in families of products, the MPS works with end items. It breaks down the production plan into requirements for individual end items, in each family, by date and quantity. The production plan limits the MPS.
申请国外留学条件4. Where does the information come from to develop an MPS?
The information needed to develop an MPS is provided by:
The production plan.
Forecasts for individual end items.
Actual orders received from customers and for stock replenishment.
Inventory levels for individual items.
Capacity restraints.
5. What are the three steps in making an MPS?
⑴Develop a preliminary MPS.
⑵Check the preliminary MPS against available capacity.
⑶Resolve differences between the preliminary MPS and capacity availability.
6. What is the purpo of a rough-cut capacity plan?
Rough-cut capacity planning checks whether critical resources are available to support the preliminary master production schedules.
7. Where is the resource bill ud?
The resource bill, ud in resource requirements planning, assumes a typical product in the family.
Chapter 3 Master Scheduling
8. At what level should master production scheduling take place?
a. In a make-to-stock environment?
The MPS is usually a schedule of finished-gods items
b. In a make-to-order environment?
The MPS is usually a schedule of the actual customer orders.
c. In an asmble-to-order environment?
9. What is a final asmbly schedule (FAS)? What is its purpo?
It is a schedule of what will be asmbled. It is ud when where are many options and it is difficult to forecast which combination the customers will want. The final asmbly takes place only when a customer order is received.
goldeagleIt is responsible for scheduling from the MPS through final asmbly and shipment to customer.
10. What is a planning horizon? What decides its minimum time? Why would it be longer?
The planning horizon is the time span for which plans are made. It must cover a period at least equal to the time required to accomplish the plan. For master production scheduling, the minimum planning horizon is the longest cumulative or end-to-end lead time(LT).
The planning horizon is usually longer for veral reasons. The longer the horizon, the greater the “visibility”and the better management’s ability to avoid future problems or take advantage of special circumstances.
11. How do the production plan and the MPS relate to sales and to the sales forecast?
The production plan and the MPS uncouple the sales forecast from manufacturing by establishing a manufacturing plan. Together, they attempt to balance available resources of plant, equipment, labor , and material with forecast demand.
12. What is the ATP (available to promi)? How is it calculated?
Available to promi is that portion of a firm’s inventory and planned production that is not already committed and is available to the customer.
The ATP is calculated by adding scheduled receipts to the beginning inventory and then subtracting actual order scheduled before the next scheduled receipt.
13. What the purpo of time fences? Name and describe the three main divisions.
Changes that are far off on the panning horizon can be made with little or no cost or disruption to manufacturing, but the nearer to delivery date, the more disruptive and costly changes will be. To help in the decision-making process, companies establish zones divided by time fences.
Frozen zone. Capacity and materials are committed to specific orders. Within the demand time fence, demand is usually bad on customer orders, not forecast.
Slushy zone. Capacity and material are committed to less extent. Within this time fence the computer will not reschedule MPS orders.
Liquid zone. Any change can be made to the MPS as long as it is within the limits t by the production plan. Changes are routine and are often made by the computer program.