KIM AND CHO M arch 201927
J inhoon K im , h yoob C ho *
Han River Flood Control Office, 328 Dongjakdaero Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
frontier business companyThe objective of this study is to introduce how to apply the urban flood forecast with numerous flood inunda -tion map scenario in Korea. In modeling of urban flood, drainage networks 1D model like SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) ud to analysis stormwater runoff within drainage pipe system and 2D surface model ud to simulate inundation area and depth. This 1D-2D model (drainage network 1D coupled to 2D surface model) is ud to make the inundation map of urban flood. The accuracy of the 2D model is highly dependent of the input data resolution. The cell by cell running on the high surface resolution need to be required more compu -tation time. Thus, the 1D-2D models have some limitations in using operational real-time forecast. In this n, the scenario-bad approach can be a good alternative method to forecast urban flood. The flood inundation maps
moment是什么意思would be completed with 320 rainfall scenarios which are finely divided according to rainfall intensity and duration on the basis of design rainfall. The forecast process is very simple if we u pre-existing scenarios. We u a predicted radar rainfall as input for simulated scenario lection, and then lected inundation map would be rviced to people. In this study, the current results for the scenario-bad urban flood forecast with flood in -undation map are demonstrated.
Keywords : urban flood forecast, flood inundation map, scenario-bad, radar rainfall estimation四级翻译预测>smartcontrast
Corresponding author: Hyoob CHO, chohs9882@korea.krhdp
DOI: 10.6057/2019TCRR01.051. Introduction There has been significant water related disasters around the world from flood and urban floods. Korea is also no exception from the disasters. During the last ten years ('05~'14) in Korea, 685 life loss, 15,115 flood victims, and 0.37 billion dollars property damage on the annual average have been occurred. One of the characteristics of such a rious damage is caud by urban flood, which is mainly defined as inundation that occurs around low-lying urban area due to a bad drainage of inner water, excess capacity of wer network, etc. For the reason, the urban floods have long been considered as unpredictable and unavoidable natural disasters (Héononin et al. 2010). This problem is caud by abncing of wer drainage net
work information under the urban surface and lacking some monitoring facilities for obrving outflow from wer pipe line. Fortunately, new technological developments are mak -ing such systems more affordable and technical feasible. In recent years the latest real-time hydrometeorological data collection system and reliable urban flood forecasting model have been developed to prevent or mitigate such ur -
消防工程师前景ban flood inundation. In aspect of rainfall obrvation, a ra -dar rainfall estimates offer unique advantages such as wide coverage including ungauged small basin, temporal updates as short as within 1-10 minutes, long-range coverage, and a high resolution in space. Taking the advantages is very uful for predicting sudden urban flooding due to a short-term heavy rainfall. Meanwhile, there has been developed various methods of urban flood inundation forecast. The first approach is a hydrological model to predict urban flood like conceptual and physical models. As is widely known, it must consider hydrodynamic behavior of the runoff on urban surface and tho are also basically ud as input for a drainage network model. So the next approach would have been a classical drainage network 1D modeling to improve storm -water runoff within pipe system. This modeling is avail -able in software packages such as MOUSE (DHI, 1986), SWMM (EPA, 1988). However, such models are not suit -able to reproduce the network overflow phenomenon when the bad drainage of t
he pipe flow occurs due to the outer water level increasing and the pump station exceeding their designed capacity. Therefore it is necessary to develop 1D-2D model which is 1D model coupled to 2D surface model