Lesson32 教学设计
1. Just practi
本部分以红色和蓝色文字呈现出本课书的主要目标语言What’s this? It’s a pear. What’s that? It’s a watermelon.和句型 Can I have one? Yes. I’ll buy one for you. 通过图画和文字相结合的方式呈现出需要听、说、认读的单词coconut, grapefruit, hami melon。可以通过师生之间、生生之间的听单词画水果、看图问答等活动,激励学生主动感知、模仿、学习和体验,引导学生能够运用Can I have one? Yes. I’ll buy one for you. It’s so big. It’s yummy.等句型进行描述、征求思见、说想法,在真实语境中进行交流。
What’s this? It’s a pear.
What’s that? It’s a watermelon.
2. Just write
本部分重点教学词汇和句型。通过师生创设的真实语境,能够听、说、读、写fruit, watermelon, juice, milk, water, What’s this? It’s a pear. What’s that? It’s a watermelon.bbm并能在四线格中规范书写,在对话交流的过程中完成目标词汇和句型的学习。
3. Let’s play
本部分设计了一个jigsaw拼图游戏,学生在进行拼图游戏的过程中,进一步巩固本课主要词汇和句型What’s this? What’s that? It’s a…学生可以结合自己的语言知识储备丰富水果拼图的内容,进一步激活思维,达到巩固和运用本课目标语言的目的。
4. Let’s chant
本部分设计了一首有节奏的chant,学生在学习并说唱歌谣的过程中,自然感悟字母f在单词find, fat, fish, five, fin, fine, funny, face中的发音,并总结出f在单词中的读音规律。学生可以通过创编新歌谣的活动,归纳出更多以f开头的单词,以达到在歌谣说唱中自然 运用单词的目的。
1. 准备六幅果园大图,将全班分为六个大组,开展小组活动。
2. 准备pear, watermelon, coconut, grapefruit, hami melon, fruit, juice, milk, water的生词卡片、玩具和教学挂图,创设情景,引导学生学习。
3. 准备不同水果的小图片,奖励表现出色的学生(力求每位学生人手一张),既作为评价依据,又为学生提供语言交流的道具(也可以课前给学生布置任务,学生自己画好带到课堂)。
4. 课前在黑板上准备好四线格,板书四会单词和句型时使用。
5. 准备教学音频、教学课件、以f开头的单词卡片,用于给学生创设情景,为趣味操练等活动提供依据。
1.热身/英语作文 我的家庭复习(Warm-up / Revision)
1) 教师将一些水果小图片展示给学生,告诉学生如果能够积极回答问题,发音准确,将获得一张图片作为奖励。
T: Look, children! There are some fruit cards in my hands. If you can answer my questions actively, you will get one card! Try your best! OK?
Q1. Where do you come from? Q2. How old are you?
国家公务员考试教材Q3. Where are you from? Q4. What class are you in?
Q5. Where do you live? Q6. Who’s that boy?
Q7. What does your father do? Q8. Is your mother an actress?
Q9. Where do you study? Q10. Is this your umbrella?
2) 教师请得到卡片的学生依次与同伴展示对话,以便学生进一步巩固Lesson31的目标语言。如:学生两人一组说出What’ this / that? It’s a banana…
T: Show us your cards and then ask and answer in pairs.
S: ...
3) 教师将六幅果园的大图片发到六个小组,组员们可以将获得的水果小卡片贴到果园中,还可以把自己知道的水果画上去,并和组内同学交流,说说他们所画出的水果名称。如:S: Look! An apple tree! A pear. This is a banana …
2. 新课呈现(Prentation)
1) 认识“开心农场”。
组内交流之后,教师出示四幅农场的图片,每幅图片都包含一些水果,请同学们找出相同的两幅图片,并运用所学的句型:It’s a / an…或者This is a / an…That is a / an… 进行描述,如:
T: There are some fruits on the farms. Can you find the same one?
T: Ready? Show. (出示A, B, C, D的卡片,选出正确答案。)
T: Can you say something about Picture A and Picture D?
第53届格莱美颁奖典礼S: ...
T: Very good. How about the other pictures?
2) 选水果活动。brow是什么意思
教师设置场景,带领学生来到水果超市,通过使用What’s this? What’s that? 询问水果名称,引出新单词coconut. 教师引导学生在活动中自然运用表示意愿、询问的句型,如教师指着一个椰子问:
T: We have so many fruit cards. Look! There are so many fruits in this supermarket. Do you want to have one?
S: Yes.
T: OK. If you want one, plea say like this. The coconut is so big. / The coconut is yummy. Can I have one? Then I’ll buy one for you.
S1: The coconut is so big. Can I have one?
S2: The coconut is yummy. Can I have one?
S3: I like the coconut very much. Can I have one?
S4: ...
T: Yes. I’ll buy one for you. (将对应的水果小图片发给该学生。)
T: Who wants to be a teacher like me? (请学生两两进行问答,并再次回到水果超市,运用相同的方法学习grapefruit和hami melon,操练句型。)
3) 写一写水果的单词。
教师将水果、西瓜、果汁、牛奶、水、梨的图卡放在黑板上,引导学生随着教师手势的远近变化,运用What’s this? What’s that? It’s a / an… 进行快速问答,在头脑风暴活动中,自然读准单词的发音,再次巩固使用目标语言。
T: Look at the fruit cards. What are they?
S: Fruit, watermelon, juice, milk, water, pear.
T: Good! Look carefully and ask and answer as quickly as you can. Chain game, begin!
S1: What’s this?
S2: It’s a / an... What’s that?
S3: It’s a/ an...
T: (拿着葡萄柚、猕猴桃词卡) Can you read it?
S: Grapefruit / Kiwi fruit.
T: Yes. Which letters are pronounced as /fru:t/?
S: F-R-U-I-T, fruit.
教师可以借助bear弓|endeavor出pear,借助water, hami melon弓|出watermelon,以不同的形式激发学生自主拼写单词的愿望,掌握科学记忆单词的学习策略。
4) Bingo 游戏。
教师可以根据所学默写9个单词,如:pear, water, fruit, apple, banana, watermelon, juice, milk, orange,学生依次将单词写入表格中(单词所占单元格可随意填写),将9个格填满,游戏方可继续进行。教师每一轮说出三个单词,连成直线的学生获胜。这样,在游戏中学生就能进行书写和听、说训练。
T: We have many fruits. Do you know how to write the names of the fruits? Let’s play Bingo Game.
叉子 英文5) 猜一猜水果的图片。
教师呈现出教材Let’s play小朋友们根据猜一猜水果的活动场景,在和学生示范基础上开展四人一组的活动,熟练运用What’s this? It’s a pear. What’s that? It’s a watermelon. 等进行问答。
T: You played Bingo Game very well. Let’s play another game. Look at the parts of the fru
it cards. Can you ask and answer with them? Four students in a group, two minutes. Ready? Go!
S1: What’s this?
S2: It’s a watermelon. What’s that?
S3: It’s a pear. What’s this?
S4: It’s