1. 我继父把我赶出了家门。
【答案】My stepfather threw me out of the hou.
【解析】英语点津throw sb out of … 把某人赶出了…
2. 从那以后,我一直住在全国各地。
Since then, I’ve been living all over the country.
since then从那以后 all over the country 全国各地
3. 我见过很多对我很好的人。
I’ve met many people who were kind to me.
【解析】who 引导定语从句
4. 这些年来,我从生活中学到了很多东西。” 他轻轻地说。那时我一句话也说不出来。我感觉到眼泪流出来了。
And I’ve learnt a lot from life through the years,” he said softly. At that point I couldn’t say a word. I felt the tears coming.
【解析】say softly 轻声说 at that point 那时
5. 幸运的是,他继续说话。
Fortunately, he continued talking.
fortunately 幸运的是
6. 他笑着告诉我,10年来,他心里只有一件事,要像他爷爷一样进军校。
He smiled and told me that for 10 years, he had only one thing on his mind to join the army school like his grandfather.
on his mind 在他心里 join the army school 进军校
7. intouchable“我爷爷是一名陆军将领。“他给我留下了这个,”他自豪地说。
“My grandpa was a general of the army. He left me this, “he said proudly.
general 将军 leave 留下,离开 say proudly 自豪地说
8. 他给我看了一把金刀,说这是他童年最美好的回忆。
He showed me a golden knife and said this was the best memory of his childhood.
show sb sth 给某人展示某物 memory 回忆
9. “我唯一知道的是,我会追随梦想,每天都会快乐。”
“The only thing I know is that I will follow my dream and every day I will be happy.”
that 引导表语从句
10. 很快,公共汽车到了他的车站,他站起来,拿了所有的手提箱,笑着说再见。
Soon, the bus reached his stop, he stood up, took all his suitcas, and said goodbye with a big smile.
soon 很快 reach 到达某地 with a big smile 带着笑
11. 从那一天起,我做任何事都要面带微笑。
From that day on, I always try to do everything with my best smile on my face.
from that day on 从那天起
12. 你看。我意识到作为一个父亲我已经失败了,如果这么多年后你觉得你必须对我撒谎。
You e. I realize that I have failed as a father if after all the years you feel that you have to lie to me.
that 引导定语从句 as 作为 if 条件状语从句 that 引导宾语从句 lie to sb 对某人撒谎
13. 我之所以失败,是因为我养育了一个都不会对自己的父亲说实话的儿子。
I have failed becau I have brought up a son who cannot even tell the truth to his own father.
bring up 抚养 who 引导定语从句
14. 我现在要走回家,想想这些年来我哪里做错了”中考政治答题技巧。
I’m going to walk home now and think where I have gone wrong all the years”.
15. 我的抗议,我的道歉和其他的话都没有用。