Labor Contract 劳动合同
THIS LABOR CONTRACT (“合同”) is made and enter ed into as of the XX XX, XXXX day of XX , by and between 本劳动合同(“本合同”)由以下两方于XXXX 年XX 月 XX日于 XX 签订:
XX Co., Ltd. (“Party A”), a limited liability company incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the People's Republic of China ("PRC") with its legal address at AreaXX,RoomXX,NoXX, Lane XX,XX Road, XXDistrict, XX. XX有限公司(“甲方”),一家根据中华人民共和国(“中国”)法律设立并合法存续的有限责任公司;法定地址为: XX市XX区XX路XX号。
and; 和;
【XXX】(“Party B”), a citizen of【Chine】having the identification card/passport number of 【XXXXXXXX】and residing at【XXXXXXXX】【XXX】(“乙方”),【中国】公民,身份证/护照号码为【XXXXXXXX】,住址为【XXXXXXXXX】。
For the purpo of this Contract, the Company and the
Employee are referred to as the “Parties” collectively and a
“Party” respectively.
Article 1. Faithfulness第一条诚实告知
1The Company has faithfully informed the Employee of the information in relation to work assignment,
working condition, working place, occupational
hazards, production safety situation, remuneration, and other information as inquired by the Employee.
cdfi2The Employee has informed the Company of the information directly in relation to the Employee’s
performance of this Contract. 1.公司已经如实告知雇员工作内容、工作条件、工作
Article 2. Term of the Contract第二条劳动合同期限
1.The term of the Contract is as below( who validity
is subject to lection and confirmation below):
from [XXXXX,XXXX] (hereinafter referred to as the “Commencement Date”) and terminate as of
[XXXXXXX] (hereinafter referred to as the
Date”). The Parties may terminate the Contract early or renew such term subject to the provisions.
□unfixed term, which shall commence from [●date] (hereinafter referred to as the “Commencement
□Project contract, which shall commence from [●date] 1.本合同期限如下(经选择确认有效):
(hereinafter referred to as the “Commencement
Date”) and terminate as of the termination date of the project.
2.The probation period of this Contract is [X] months. In
the event that the Employee i s proved not to meet
the employment conditions during the probation
period, the Company is entitled to terminate the
Contract immediately. The situation for unemployment include (but not limited) :
1)health can not match the position required
2)employee provides any fake information
3)The capacity could not meet the position request.
4)Employee’s team spirit is considered not match
5)Disclo confidential information like salary
6)Disobey any company’s rules 2.本合同试用期为[X]个月。雇员在试用期内被证明
Article 3 Position and Responsibility 第三条雇员职务和职责
1.Pursuant to its business operation, the Company shall
arrange the Employee to work as [XX] with working
assignment (hereinafter referred to as the “Working
Assignment”) as indicated in Position Description
enclod hereto and [XX] as the designated working
place(s) (herei nafter referred to as the “Working
2.The Employee shall faithfully endeavor to perform all
the duties, responsibilities and rvices under this
Contract. The Employee agrees to concentrate on the
Company’s business and fulfill the abovementioned
Working Assignment to the Company’s satisfaction.
The Employee agrees to work for the Company
exclusively, unless this Contract provides otherwi. 3.The Employee guarantees that any approval and
registration necessary for his/her performance of this
Contract has been issued by or filed with Chine
robinson crusoe
competent authorities.
4.The Employee declares that he/she shall not, during the
term of this Contract, be engaged by any entity or
organization other than the Company and therefore no
other contractual or statutory obligations will be
breached upon the signature of this Contract. The
Employee guarantees that he/she has full capacity to
sign this Contract and further agrees that he/she will, 1.根据业务情况,公司安排雇员从事[XX]工作,工作
upon the Company’s request, provide the Company with the relevant documentation as implied by Clau 4, Article 3 hereof.
5.The Employee reprents and guarantees that he/she
choo的用法will, all the time within the term of this Contract, abide by laws, regulations and other binding instruments
applicable to his/her engagement by the Company. The aforesaid instruments include but not limited to the
laws, regulations and other binding instruments in
relation to working qualification, working permission, Hukou registration, and payment of individual income tax and social insurance fund. 5.雇员声明并保证,其在本合同期限内始终遵守有关
Article 4. Working Hours, Rest Days and Holidays 第四条工作时间和工作休息
1.The Company shall, according to the “PRC, Labour
Law” and other relevant laws and regulations, ar range
working hours, rest days and holidays.
2.The position adopts the following working time system
temporarily who validity is subject to lection and
confirmation below, in ca of any change. The latest
confirmation both parties shall prevail.
day and forty working hours per week), or
□ Flexible working time system, which is adopted by the Company in accordance with the Chine laws and
regulations effective from time to time for positions
with special job characteristics.
3.The working hours, rest days, holidays, paid annual
leave shall be implemented in accordance with the
employee handbook formulated by the Company. 1.公司按照《中华人民共和国劳动法》及其他相关法
Article 5. Remuneration and Social Insurance第五条劳动报酬和社会保险
1.The Employee’s remuneration (hereinafter referred to
as the “Remuneration”) shall be the Employee’s total
income prior to the deduction of the portion payable by the Employee (hereinafter referred to as the
“Deductible Portion”) of statutorily applicable taxes,
social insurance or any other statutorily payable taxes
and fees. The Remuneration shall be offered by the
means of monthly salary plus the bonus, including ba salary, various allowances and subsidies, and other
income with the nature of allowance or subsidy, unless 1.雇员的薪酬(下称“薪酬”)指在预扣法定适用税
款、社会保险或其它依法应缴税费中雇员应缴部分(下称“应扣款项”)之前的雇员总收入。薪酬以月薪 +奖金的形式发放,其包括基本工资、各种补贴、津贴以及具有补贴或津贴性质的其它款项,但本合同另有规定的除外。
this Contract provides otherwi.
2.Monthly gross salary shall be paid on the [X] date of
the same month with accurate amount of RMB
[XXXX].The payment of the bonus shall be subject to the Employee Handbook formulated by the Company.
The payment ba of working over time is 70 percent
of monthly salary this contract formulated and may not be less than the minimum wage rate of Shanghai.
3.The Company shall deduct, in advance, the Deductible
Portion from the Remuneration according to the
Chine laws and regulations effective from time to
4.The Company is entitled to entrust a third agency party
to manage affairs in relation to the Remuneration,
including but not limited to paying the remuneration to the Employee and deducting, in advance, the
Deductible Portion.
5.The Company shall, as the employer of the Employee,
pay the social insurance premiums for the Employee
according to the Chine laws and regulations effective from time to time.
6.If the Employee is late for work, leaves early, is abnt
from work or commits other mistakes contrary to this
Contract and the Company’s Byla w (plea find the
definition below), the Company shall be entitled to,
according to the Company’s Bylaw, detain the
Employee’s Remuneration.2.月薪在当月的第[ X]天发放,金额为税前人民币
mainlyArticle 6. Working Condition, Labor Protection
and Occupational Hazards Prevention
第六条. 工作条件、劳动保护和职业危害防护
1.The Company shall, according to the Chine laws and
regulations effective from time to time, provide
necessary working conditions, labor protection and
occupational hazards prevention.
2.The Company shall educate and train the Employee
concerning necessary and basic knowledge including
but not limited to working discipline, operational
technique request, working safety and health, etc. 1.公司将根据不时生效的中国法律法规提供必要的工
Article 7. Company’s Bylaw第七条公司规章制度
1.All the bylaws (hereinafter referred to as the “Bylaw”)
formulated, under formulation or to be formulated by
the Company are the guide line for the Employee’s
conducts. The Company’s Bylaw shall be promulgated 1.公司已经制定的、正在制定的或将要制定的一系列
by the means of corporate internal bulletin, corporate
internal distribution, corporate intranet publicity, team study, etc.
2.The forms of the Bylaw include but not limited to
corporate management systems, employee handbooks, labour safety handbooks, etc. The contents of the
Bylaw covers but not limited to corporate day-to-day
management orders, employee confidentiality
undertaking, employee exclusive engagement,
employee working quality, corporate and employee
labour safety and health requirement, etc.
3.The Employee has read and fully understood the
Bylaw formulated by the Company.保持联系英文
4.The Employee agrees that he/she shall abide by the
Company’s Bylaw and the Company shall be entitled
to give rewards and punishment to the Employee
according to the Bylaw.liso
Article 8. Service Term第八条服务期
1.If the Company funds the Employee with special or
professional training, the Employee shall be obliged to sign an agreement stipulating a certain rvice term
(h ereinafter referred to as the “Training Agreement”).
2.If the Employee violates the rvice term under the
Training Agreement, liquidated damages shall be paid
by the Employee to the Company. The amount of the
liquidated damages shall not exceed the training
expen in proportion to the unfulfilled rvice term.
3.The Company and the Employee shall sign a parate
Training Agreement, who content includes but not
limited to rvice term, liquidated damages resulted
from breaching the Training Agreement, etc.
4.The Training Agreement, being supplementary,
constitutes part of this Contract. However, the Training Agreement shall not affect the validity or constitute
interpretation of this Contract. 1.公司为雇员提供专项或专业培训费用,对其进行专
Article 9. Confidentiality Undertaking and
Competition Restriction
1.The Employee agrees that within the term of this
Contract, he/she shall disclo to the Company the
rvice invention-creations made by him/her mainly by using the material and technical means of the
Company. The Employee also agrees that during the 1.本合同期限内的任何时候,雇员应随时向公司披露