功夫熊猫2经典台词 XXXXX
Labor Contract bank of china
Party A (Employer): Party B (Employee):
法定代表人: 性别Gender::Legal Reprentative: 出生年月 Birth Date::
心理调节 号码 ID NO.:
Contact Info.:
经营地址: 家庭住址:
根据《中华人民 劳动法》、《中华人民 劳动合同法》、《北京市劳动合同条例》的有关规定,双方遵循公平合法、平等自愿、协商一致、老实信用原那么,订立本合同。
The contract is hereby concluded by both parties in aordance with Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, and Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Labor Contract, in the principles of fairness, legitimacy, equality, voluntariness, connsus through negotiation and good faith.
一、合同期限 Contract Term
1. 甲方与乙方签订固定期限劳动合同。本劳动合同期限为 年,自 年 月 日起,至 年 月 日止,其中试用期为 个月,自 年 月日起,至 年 月 日止。 Party A and Party B signs a fixed-term labor contract. The contract lasts for year(s), from to . The probation is month(s), from to ;
2. 甲方聘用乙方从事 岗位工作。 广州蛋糕学校
Party A employs Party B to engage in .
3. 工作地点: ,根据甲方工作需要,经甲乙双方协调一致,可变更工作地点。 The workplace is , which can be changed on the basis of mutual agreement as per Party A’s business requirements.
金山快译在线翻译 4. 乙方应积极遵守公司所有规章制度,按质、按量、按时完成其本职工作。
Party B shall fulfill his job in a high-quality, quantitative and time-efficient manner and abide by all the pany rules.
5. 甲方可以根据实际工作需要,根据乙方的工作能力和表现,调整乙方工作岗位或安排乙方临时从事其他工作岗位,乙方应予以认可配合。
Party A may adjust Party B’s job or appoint Party B to do another job temporarily by virtue of its business requirements as well as Party B’s petence and performance. Party B shall agree and cooperate with Party A.
三、工作时间和休息时间 Working Hours & Rest Hours
6. 甲、乙双方同意按以下方式确定乙方的工作时间(正常工作时间:09:00—18:00;其中12:30—13:30为午餐时间。)
□ 标准工时制,即每日工作 小时,每周周一至周五工作。
Both parties agree Party B’s working hours are specified as follows (normal working hours: 09:00 – 18: 00; lunch time: 12:30 – 13: 30.)
□ Standard working hours system, i.e. hour(s)/day, Work from Monday to Friday.
四、 劳动报酬 Labor Remuneration addressing
7. 甲方每月5日前以货币的形式足额支付乙方工资,结算周期为上月月初到上月月末,实行先工作后发薪的制度。
Party A shall pay off salary to Party B in currency on the 5th of every month. The pay period is from the beginning to the end of last month. Party B works before paid.
8. 在试用期,乙方的税前工资为每月元人民币;在试用期后,乙方薪金模式为工作根本月薪元人民币,加年度奖金模式。其中年度奖金根据公司经营状况和乙方工作表现另行确定。 Party B’s probation period salary is RMB. After the probation period, Party B’s normal basic salary is , plus annual bonus, which can be adjusted as per the pany’s operation and Party B’s performance.
9. 在甲方取得中国企业营业执照之前,甲方不承当乙方社会保险费用和医疗保险费用;在甲方取得其企业营业执照后,甲方须承当乙方相关社会、医疗保险费用,并按照国家有关规定对乙方所应承当的社会保险费用及个人所得税进行代缴。
Before Party A obtains its Business Licen officially, Party A is not responsible for paying off Party B’s social and medical insurance; after Party A obtains its Business Licen, it must pay related Party B’s social and medical insurance and will deduct Party B’s own social and medical insurance premium and individual ine tax from Party B’s salary to pay to the Chine government.
10. 甲方调整乙方工作岗位的,根据乙方能力及其相关职位,双方协商一致后调整乙方劳
天津图书大厦动报酬。 Party B’s labor remuneration will be adjusted as per Party B’s petence and job requirements on the basis of connsus in ca Party A adjust Party B’s job.
11. 甲方将每年对乙方的工作成绩、表现,以及劳动报酬进行评估.
Party A will review Party B’s work performance and salary on an annual basis.
12. 甲方根据国家有关规定为乙方缴纳北京市城镇社会保险(养老、医疗、失业、工伤),个人缴纳局部由甲方从乙方工资中代扣代缴。甲乙双方解除、终止劳动合同时,甲方按有关规定为乙方办理社会保险相关手续。
Aording to the State’s related rules, Party A will pay Bei g social insurance in urban area (i.e. pension insurance, unemployment insurance, Oupational Injury and medical insurance) for Party B. And Party A will deduct Party B’s part from his or her salary. When the labor contract is terminated by both parties, Party A will handle the related procedures for Party B’s social insurance aording to the related regulations.
13. 乙方非因工疾病或负伤,在医疗期内工资及其医疗待遇按照本合同16条执行。乙方患职业病或因工负伤后的工资和医疗补助执行按照国家和地方的有关法律法规执行。
In ca of illness or injuries uelated to work, the salary during the remedial period as well as medical treatment shall be paid in aordance with Clau 16. The salary and Medicare benefits of Party B in ca of oupational dias or work-related injuries shall be paid in aordance with the relevant national and local laws and regulations. bristle