elon musk奇迹之海歌词中文简介:劳动节,是一个庆祝劳动者成果和劳动精神的节日,通常在每年的五月一日举行,也被称为“五一国际劳动节”。在中国,近代以来,人们更多地将其视为劳动人民的节日,庆祝工人阶级的解放和胜利。此外,劳动节也是一年中的黄金周之一,许多人会利用假期出游或休息放松。
mg是什么意思英文简介:Labor Day is a holiday celebrated to honor the contributions of workers to society. It is usually held on May 1st and is also known as International Workers' Day or May Day. In China, Labor Day is en as a holiday to celebrate the liberation and victory of the working class. Additionally, it is one of the public holidays in China and many people take advantage of the extended weekend to travel or relax.