Bonsai originated in China, in the forest of world art, it is one of the rich natural appeal of Oriental art, is also one of the unique Chine traditional garden art. It to plant, mountain, stone, water, soil and other material, after gardener of conception design, molding processing, meticulous care. Bonsai shows the limitless scenery of nature, so people put miniascape known as "three-dimensional painting" and "silent poetry". As the change of time and ason, it can also prent a different posture, color and artistic conception.
Will tell from some kind of concept, miniascape also is combination of aesthetics, literature and science. The so-called aesthetics, bonsai production to give a person with appreciation of beauty, quaint and elegant, verve and vivid, interesting; So-called literature, bonsai modelling design, there is picturesque, have high and low levels, cadence, utterer, reflects a higher literary level; The so-called scientific, miniascape of main materials for the plant modelling, has the characteristics of life and the law of growth and development, it's decided to make it must master the art of horticulture scientific knowledge and long-term processing and maintenance management work, to ensure its normal growth and graceful posture.
一、形态特征late autumn
A, the morphological characteristics.
yingyu福建茶又称基及树、猫仔树,为紫草科常绿灌木。树形矮小,枝条密集,叶形小,长椭圆形,浓绿而有光泽。春夏开白色小花,核果球形stephen gately,初绿后红。它的树干嶙峋,虬曲多姿,树姿飘逸,是岭南四大盆景树种之一,也是我国入世后出口美国的五种(即黄杨类、福建茶、罗汉松、雀梅、六月雪)盆景植物之一。
Fujian tea is also called ba and tree, cat tree, borage evergreen shrubs. Small tree small, den branches, leaf shape, long elliptic, thick and glossy. At the beginning of spring and summer of white blossoms, drupe globo, red green. Its trunk, rocky QiuQu, tree appearance is elegant, is one of the lingnan miniascape of four tree species, is also China's exports in the United States after five (i.e., huang, fujian tea, podocarpus, qiao mei, June snow) one of potted plants.
Ii. miniascape of fujian tea production methods
(a) modelling. Fujian tea garden, can grow in the spring or plum rains ason choo a robust annual branches or cutting propagation was born half lignification branches; Can also be ud during early summer to early autumn thong for nurry stock breeding.
Has strong ability of fujian tea grows extremely resistant to clip, lingnan bonsai is suitable for u "branches cut dry storage", to cut processing branches reach natural twists and turns, vigorous effect. Common tree has direct dry type, dry type, dry type, dry type, jungle, pending cliffs, rock type, etc.
1, lection of tree bloom. No matter choo what kind of tree species as stakes bonsai, bad material lection should be done firstly. Trees bloom choice comes from two aspects, namely the field pattern of the tree mining and cultivating edlings. Low hilly mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest in the south or in thickets, fujian tea has a scattered distribution, can choo wild stump or update the young trees. Dug back, the more the shade the soil deep, fertile osteoporosis, or organic matter abundance of sandy loam, nurturing, root development, ctions and leafy, again on the basin of processing model. Becau we claim to the stump to give priority to with CangGu piao zhuo, so general will choo old long, shape beautiful, has certain plasticity modelling in the natural growth of trees, if only by artificial from plant to the lected as the material and then carry on the processing, the molding time is long, slow forming, so the landscape wo
rkers are mostly mining in the field of natural wild stock to carry on the processing. After "branch cut dry storage model, made the big tree or miniascape of jungle.
2, tree model. Tree grey modelling must will rejoice in material design, material modelling, especially natural class stump modelling, must not with regular class stump modelling method to die hard t. Tree of billet process modeling often adopt pruning method and PAM method two kinds.
(1) pruning method. Pruning is often done after PAM firm basic model, have plain scissors, scissors, etc., are purely by pruning method for modelling, lingnan bonsai modeling is to u pure pruning the branches cut dry storage methods, it is the "chicken feet branch" in Chine painting "antlers branch" formative influence. "Storage" refers to the branch lected after a morality of branches, including the future will become the part of the trunk and root. "Dry" refers to do not conform to the requirements of the modelling of the trunk, branches and roots truncated or amputated. Trees bloom after excavating the cut root length according to the requirements of shape, height, when the engraftment after germination ctions by the lected branch, orthodontic band led toward, raising to the thickness when appropriate, in accordance with requirements of the modelling of long, short, thick, thin shear ction in time, immediately after germination ctions, cut cut again, so, alternately repeatedly branches cut dry storage, until "staghorn", "chicken feet" branch shape.