
更新时间:2023-06-13 13:57:46 阅读: 评论:0

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Walrus ['w?:lr?s]
North Pole [n?:θ] [p?ul] excited [ik'saitid] adj.
show [??u] n.
ANYONE ['eniw?n] pron. could [kud] aux.
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do skating ['skeiti?] ( skate v. ) said [d]
Arctic Fox ['ɑ:ktik]
do tumbling ['t?mbli?]
Polar Bear ['p?ul?]
tumble [t?mbl] v.
quite like me [kwait]
Seal [si:l]
voice [v?is] n.
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do diving ['daivi?]
Whale [hweil]
won a prize [w?n] [praiz] (win的过去式和过去分词)
dive [daiv] v.
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terrible ['ter?bl] adj.
was terrible at singing
tried to dive(try的过去式和过去分词,[trai])
got water up his no (get的过去式和过去分词)
chewed his whiskers [t?u:] (chew 的过去式和过去分词) ['hwisk?] sadly ['s?dli] adv.
2013年12月四级真题never mind [maind]
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practid hard
hid behind [hid] (hide的过去式和过去分词)
snowdrift ['sn?udrift] n.
wish [wi?] v.
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the big nightrice什么意思
at last
arrive [?'raiv] v.
wait for the show to begin [weit] in the front row [r?u]
came onto the ice [keim](come的过去式) [ais]
bowed (bow的过去式) [ba?] v. cheered (cheer的过去式)[t?i?] v. Page 9
began to skate [bi'g?n](begin的过去式)
forwards ['f?:w?dz] adv. backwards ['b?kw?dz] adv. sideways ['saidweiz] adv.
skate forwards and backwards and sideways
perfect ['p?:fikt] adj.
circles ['s?:kl] n.
figures of eight ['fig?] n.
skate in perfect circles and figures of eight
elegant ['elig?nt] adj.
amazing [?'meizi?] adj.
he loved what he saw [s?:] (e的过去式)
made it all look so easy [meid](make的过去式)
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sure [?u?] adj.
if [if] conj.
really ['ri?li] adv.
trademark什么意思skate just like Fox
couldn't stop himlf [st?p] [him'lf]
leap [li:p] v.
had to leap onto the ice [h?d] join in with Fox [d??in]歌舞青春片尾曲
cried [kraid] (cry的过去式和过去分词)
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couldn't skate at all
trip up [trip]
fall over [f?:l]幼儿园小班英语教案
bumped into [b?mp]
went flat on her face [went] [fl?t](go的过去式)
upt [?p't] adj.
ruined (ruin的过去式)[ruin] act [?kt] n.
wailed (wail的过去式)[weil] v.Page 12
next adv.
it was Polar Bear's turn [t?:n] rolled out across the ice like a big, white snowball [r?ul] [?'kr?s] ['sn?ub?:l]
clapped [kl?p](clap的过去式)wildly [waildli] adv.
did jumps and spins and somersaults [did](do的过去式)[d??mp] [spin] ['s?m?s?:lt] stood on his head [stud] (stand 的过去式)
boxing day是什么意思>陈冠希英文道歉
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make it all look such fun [s?t?] [f?n]
this time
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all of a sudden ['s?dn]
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tripped up Polar Bear
came down with a wallop ['w?l?p] Of cour. [k?:s]
pretty ['priti] adv.
angry ['??gri] adj.
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From bad to wor [w?:s]
gave Walrus a don't-you-dare stare [geiv] (give的过去式) [d??] [st??] start to sing
heart [hɑ:t] n.
rejoices [ri'd??is] (rejoice) v. the Northern Lights ['n?:e?n] is filled with
sweetly [swi:tli] adv.
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