How to Express Agreement and Disagreement
1.How to express agreement
I (completely / really / totally / absolutely / honestly / truly) agree with you (on that)
I really think / believe so, too.
I couldn’t agree more.
nominalI have come to the same conclusion.
I hold the same opinion.
I have no objection whatsoever.
I e what you mean and I (must) agree with you.
I e it that way, too.
I share your opinion / view.
I was just going to say that.
You’re (completely / totally / absolutely) right.
You have a point there.
cookedYou’ve made a good point.
We are of one mind (on…)
We are of the same mind (on…)
That’s (so / completely / absolutely / undeniably) true.
That’s a really good point.
Yeah, that’s just it.
Fair enough.
Yes, of cour.
No doubt about it.
2.How to express partial agreement
I agree with you up to a point.
I e what you mean, but…
That idea is OK, but…
I understand that, but…
大嘴外教3.How to express disagreement
I’m afraid…
I’m sorry but…
You may be right, but…
That might be true, but…
I beg to differ.
poolsI don’t agree with you on that / what you say.
I don’t think you’re right.
I don’t share your view.
I think otherwi.
I take a different view.
I believe your argument doesn’t hold water.
I′m not sure I agree with you.
that doesn’t make much n to me.
that’s not always the ca
that’s not always / necessarily true.
4.How to express opinions in English
I/It + verb…
I think / consider / find / feel / believe / suppo / presume / assume that…
I would say that…
I have the feeling that…
I have no doubt that…
I hold the opinion / view that…
I take the view that…
I guess that…personal interest
I bet that…
I gather that
I am under the impression…
戒烟英语作文I am of the opinion that…
I am sure / certain that…
It goes without saying that…
It ems to me that…
It is my impression that…
matter怎么读In/From/To my…
In my opinion,…
In my view,…
In my eyes,…
lights out
From my point of view,…
From my viewpoint,…
To my mind,…
To be honest,…
My opinion / view / belief / impression is that…
My own feeling on the subject is that…
My personal view is that…
As far as I’m concerned,…
As for me / As to me…
As I e it…
The way I e it…
Personally speaking,…