Affixes Most Frequently Ud in English. An affix(词缀)is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘un-’or ‘-y’, which is added to either the beginning or the end of a word in order to form a different word . An affix includes prefix (added to the beginning of the word,前缀)and suffix(added to the end of the word,后缀). When a prefix is added to a word, the word often has a new meaning. For example, unhappy, dishonest, incredible. When a suffix is attached to a word, the word often has a new part of speech(词性). For example, friendly, quickly.
mono-(在元音前为mon-) uni-(在元音前为un-):one, single 一,单
arch统治者monarch n. 君主monarchy n. 君主制
gam婚姻monogamy n. 一夫一妻制
logue说话monologue n.独白
ton声音monotonous a.单调的-- life/rhythm
graph写monograph n.专著
oxide氧化物monoxide n.一氧化物carbon –
poly卖monopoly n.垄断monopolize v. 垄断--the market
China Unicom/Mobile/Telecom unify v.使统一unify a country
unification n. 统一unique a. 独一无二的,独特的(a unique stamp)
unity n. 一体family unity 家庭和睦form形式—uniform a. 一致的;n. 制服
bricks of uniform size大小一样的砖police uniform警服school uniform 校服
lateral边—unilateral 单边的 a unilateral decision 单方面的决定
2. bi-, di-, ambi- :two
cycle 圈,环bicycle, bicyclist, go cycling, cyclist
lateral 边bilateral agreement/treaty
monthly a. 一月一次的,n. 月刊bimonthly a. 两月一次的,n. 双月刊
两者lingual语言bilingual education 双语教育
enn年biennial conference 两年一次的会议
ann年biannual 一年两次的a biannual event
oxide氧化物dioxide n. 二氧化物carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
lemma见解,主张dilemma n.进退两难的窘境
He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.
val价值ambivalent a. 心情矛盾的(既爱又恨的)ambivalence n.心情矛盾
She remained ambivalent about her marriage.王长喜十二句作文法
gu引导ambiguous a. 模棱两可的an ambiguous answer ambiguity n. 模棱两可3. tri-:three
angle角triangle 三角形a girl in love triangle with Tom and Jack triangular 三角形的cycle圈,环tricycle 三轮车triple a. 三倍的triple jump 三级跳v. 增加三倍The company tripled its profits last year. lateral边trilateral 三边的
4. quadri-(元音前为quadr-):four
quadrangle 四角形quadrennial 四年一次的the quadrennial Olympic Games quarterly 5. deca-: ten deci-: one-tenth
decade 十年three decades The past three decades have witnesd a huge change in Chine society. decimeter n. 分米decibel n. 分贝
6. centi-(元音前为cent-):one hundred(th)
grade 级,度centigrade百度制,摄氏pede足centipede蜈蚣centimeter 厘米
你行我也行century percent centennial 百年的The centennial Olympics was held in Atlanta.
7. kilo-, milli- (元音前为mill-):one thousand(th)
meter 米kilometer千米,公里km
watt 瓦特kilowatt 千瓦
volt伏特kilovolt 千伏
milligram 毫克
millimeter 毫米
millennial 千年的millennium 千年
Many people refer to the year 2000 as the Millennium.
8. mega-(元音前为meg-) 兆
bit比特,字节megabit兆比特128 mb
二、表示空间方位的前缀(prefixes indicating spatial position)
1. 上over-, super-, sur-,
over- 在……上
overall a. 总体的,全面的
--improvement in the management
overcome v. 克服-- the difficulties
overflow v. 溢满The river overflew its bank.
overhead a./ad. an – light
A plane flew overhead.
tureoverlap v. 重叠overlapping investment
overlook v. 忽视Such mistake is often overlooked.
俯视overlook the whole city
overpass n. 天桥a pedestrian overpass人行天桥
overwork v. 劳累过度
The farmer workers are overworked but underpaid.
oversleep v. 睡过头He was late for work becau of oversleeping. overemphasize v. 过分强调
The importance of learning English can never be overemphasized. overestimate v. 高估underestimate v. 低估
super- 在……上,超过
structure 结构superstructure上层建筑
vi 看supervi 监督
superficial a. 肤浅的I have only a -- knowledge of law.
superior n./a. 上级(的)my immediate -- 我的顶头上司
He works well with tho -- to him in the company. superiority n. 优越性–complex优越感inferiority complex 自卑感superman n. 超人
supermarket n.
superstar n.
sonic 音的supersonic a. 超音速的a -- plane
supernatural a. 超自然的–forces/powers/events
sur- 在……上,超
face面surface 表面the –of the earth
name名surname 姓(=family name, last name)
pass过surpass超过–one’s expectations
plus加surplus a. 剩余的–value剩余价值
tvun.顺差trade –贸易顺差
2. 下sub-, under-,
subway n.地铁(英国人用underground)
marine 海洋的submarine n. 潜艇
conscious有意的subconscious n./a. 潜意识(的)
standard标准的substandard a.低于标准的
(nonstandard a. 不标准的)
scribe写subscribe订阅~ to a magazine
merge融合submerge v. 淹没be submerged by the flood
submit vi. 屈服submit to sb.
vt. 提交submit a report to sb.