10. Greek yogurt contains slightly more protein per rving, thereby helping people stay satiatedfor longer periods of time.
B. fulfilled
C. complacent
D. sufficient
satiated 充分满足的a feelingor condition of being full after eating food
fulfilled to do what is required by (something, such as a promi or a contract)/ to succeed in doing orachieving sth一般是说fulfill a promi/dream/task.实现、达成complacent:satisfied with how things are and notwanting to change them 满足的sufficient: having or providingas much as is needed 足够的(分量)
13. Typically, the ice sheet begins to show evidence of thawing in late summer. This
followsveral weeks of higher temperatures.
A. summer, following
B. summer, and this thawing follows
C. summer, and such thawing follows
D. summer and this evidence follows
另外,补充说明一下SVO,doing sth的这种句型可以表示伴随和表示结果。只考这两种用法!doing修饰S.
SVO, doing sth.表伴随:The teacher came into the room, holding a book in his arm.(老师走进教室的过程中他手里拿着一本书)。
SVO, doing sth. 表结果:The potatoes are spread everywhere, blocking down the street.
39. Also, studies have found that tho students who major in philosophy often do better than students from other majors in both verbal reasoning and analytical writing. The results can bemeasured by standardized test scores.
A. writing as
B. writing, and the results can be
C. writing, which can also be
D. writing when the results are
解析:选A。as+过去分词是一种省略用法,相当于aswhich is (was)+过去分词,意思是正如***一样。
1. This year’scharity ball was the most successful one ever, as witnesd by the number oftickets sold. 今年的慈善舞会是最为成功的一次,这可以从售出的门票数量上看出来。(摘自剑桥词典)
2. The volcano isstill active, as evidenced by the recent eruption. 最近的喷发证明,这座火山仍然活跃。(摘自朗文词典)
SVO, doing sth. 表结果:The potatoes are spread everywhere, blocking down the street.
9. Free to all who utilize their rvices, public libraries and librarians are especially valuable, becau they offer free resources that may be difficult to find elwhere, such as help with online job arches as well as resume and job material development.
Which choice most effectively ts up the examples given at the end of the ntence?
tbc什么意思A. No change
B. During period’s of economic recession,
C. Although their value cannot be measured,
D. When it comes to the free rvices libraries provide,
解析:遇到题目比较长的情况,仔细审题很重要!题目中写到的ts up the examples given at the end ofthe ntence里面的examples指的是helpwith online job arches as well as resume and job material development。为这两个例子提供背景,所以应该是B (xina
18. The plainer rooms are more sparly furnished. Their architectural features, furnishings, and decorations are just as true to the periods they reprent.
A. furnished by their
B. furnished, but their
C. furnished: their
D. furnished, whereas
C 选项冒号表示解释说明,那么后面应该是解释这些房子装饰如何少,和原文意思不符,所以错。
D.whereas一般表对比。ud to make a statement that describes how two people, groups, etc., are different。例句:Lilly is slender, whereas Jerry is stout.
32. Wilmers and Estes caution, however, that having more otters will not automatically solve the problem of higher levels of carbon dioxide in the air.
A. No change
B. increasing the otter population
C. otters multiplying
D. having more otters than other locationsaden
解析:SAT语法考察的是标准书面语,表达相似意思时选择最标准的书面语形式。A、B选项表示同样的意思,但是A选项having more otters不是正式书面语,略微口语化,B是正
式标准书面语所以是对的。C multiplying直接放在otters后面表达意思奇怪不清楚。D 选项other locations也莫名其妙,所以选B。
36. This approach increas sales, but it also stands in austere contrast to a time when goods were produced to be durable.
A. No change
B. egregious
C. unmitigated
D. stark
austere 严峻的、简朴的、苦行的英语听力学习网站
: simple or plain : not fancy
of a person : having a rious and unfriendly quality
: having few pleasures : simple and harsh
egregious 惊人的、过分的、臭名昭著的
: very bad and easily noticed
unmitigated 全然的、严厉的、未缓和的(mitigated的反义词)
: complete and total
stark 刻板的、完全的
: having a very plain and often cold or empty appearance
villager: unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience
小学 作文: very obvious : very plain and easily en
1. (1) More like a fair then an actual cafe, the first Repair Cafe took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (2) It was the brainchild of former journalist Martine Postma, wanting to take a practical stand in a throwaway culture. (3) Her goals were straightforward, however: reduce waster maintain and perpetuate knowledge and skills and strengthen community. (4) Participants bring all manner of damaged articles-clothing, appliances, furniture and more-to be repaired by a staff of volunteer specialists including tailors, electricians, and carpenters. (5) Since the inaugural Repair Cafe, others have been hosted in theater foyers, community