Welcome to Adams/Car Truck
Adams/Car Truck
Introducing Adams/Car Truck
Introducing Adams/Car Truck
Adams/Car Truck
Welcome to the Adams/Car Truck templates from MSC Software. Adams/Car is a virtual prototyping
product that creates, catalogs, and analyzes full vehicles and vehicle suspensions.
All template-bad products have two interfaces: Standard Interface and Template Builder. You can
u the Template Builder interface to create and modify components and templates, and the Standardnot yet
Interface to change parameters and analyze suspension or vehicle asmblies.
This ction introduces you to the templates that have been specifically developed for the trucking
标志验证industry. For general information about building templates, communicators and so on, e the ction
Building Models in the Adams/Car documentation.
The purpo of providing the templates is to have examples available to show how to model multi-axle,
multi-subsystem asmblies that are common in the trucking industry. The examples can be modified
and populated with vehicle specific data. Adams/Car allows you to perform component, subsystem, and
full-vehicle analys in one single environment. With this template-bad parametric modeling approach,
you can quickly explore multiple what if design scenarios. You can animate vehicle or subsystem motion
onscreen, display graphs of key parameters, and produce standardized test reports.
Welcome to Adams/Car Truck
Introducing Adams/Car Truck
Asmbly Configuration
The shared_truck databa reprents an 18-wheel Tractor and trailer asmbly with the following approximate specifications:
GVM - Gross vehicle mass: 38000 kg (distributed over 5 axles)
Wheel & Tire mass: 80kg
Wheelba: Total -5700mm and cab-to-axle - 4000mm
Approximate weight distribution for suspension test rigs:
msc_susp_front_leafs.asy -> 2 wheels mass = 160kg, sprung mass = 8000kg msc_truck_susp_3links.asy -> 2 wheels mass = 160kg, sprung mass = 8000kg msc_susp_driven_axle.asy -> 4 wheels mass = 320kg, sprung mass = 7500kg msc_susp_trailer_axle.asy -> 4 wheels mass = 320kg, sprung mass = 7500kg
Preferred Solver tting:
Choice of solver: CXX or F77
MAXIT :100
Equilibrium Stability: 0.01
racketAsmbly Variants:
There are two types of brake and leafspring suspension systems available:
•Drum air brake system and disc brake systems
•Beam leafspring and SAE 3link leafspring system
Bus Asmbly Databa:
The Truck databa also provides bus asmbly templates and subsystems. The steering, drive axle sub-asmblies are similar to truck databa. The bus us wishbone suspension with anti-roll bar at front and
Adams/Car Truck
Introducing Adams/Car Truck
rigid axle suspension at rear. The asmbly us disc brakes on four wheels. The wheelba is 2000mm.
There are no asmbly variants for the bus.
Truck Airsprings and Ride Height Sensors
This version contains a new airspring element more applicable to truck designs than the standard
airspring available in Adams/Car. The Truck airspring us the same XML-format property file as the
standard airspring. The property file defines the diameter (for graphics only), trim length, and 3D force
vs. deflection and trim load curve. New ride height nsors may be linked to the airsprings to control ridenoneofyourbusiness
height. The nsor consists of two links who locations are determined by three hardpoints. One link is
attached to the suspension, the other to the chassis. The angle of the upper link determines whether the
airspring trim load is incread or decread.
Welcome to Adams/Car Truck
Introducing Adams/Car Truck
hurricaneTruck airsprings operate in one of three modes:
• A constant trim load during the entire simulation.
battleground•Automatically adjusted trim load during the initial static equilibrium solution and fixed
•Automatically adjusted trim load during the entire simulation.